
Digital Audio/Video => Movie/Multichannel audio => Topic started by: Premie on 2004-03-16 00:37:02

Title: .AUD files from a dts cinema disc
Post by: Premie on 2004-03-16 00:37:02
has anyone ever seen one of these disc ? and is there anyone out there that would have a idea if there is any possible way to convert this audio file. if so please msg me any help would be great.
Title: .AUD files from a dts cinema disc
Post by: rjamorim on 2004-03-16 01:04:22
http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=43730 (http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=43730)
Title: .AUD files from a dts cinema disc
Post by: MugFunky on 2004-04-26 19:38:40
in case that thread is too annoying to follow (it's been merged from lots of "not-another-.aud-question" threads, but eventually there was a solution) here's the link you want:

it's a winamp plug and an xmms plug:

http://sourceforge.net/projects/in-dtsc/ (http://sourceforge.net/projects/in-dtsc/)
Title: .AUD files from a dts cinema disc
Post by: xmixahlx on 2004-04-27 01:28:20
hrm... from teh changelog:

10/8/03 - Version Released
  Release Notes:
    Added configuration window, and implemeted custom title formating
    Still no playback

(i thought it was just broken, due to the following recursive shell output, but went back to the changelog and reread it...)

[dtsc] InputPlugin
[dtsc] dtsc_init
[dtsc] dtsc_get_song_info
[dtsc] dtsc_play_file
[dtsc] dtsc_get_time
[dtsc] dtsc_get_time
[dtsc] dtsc_stop_file
[dtsc] dtsc_play_file
[dtsc] dtsc_get_time
[dtsc] dtsc_get_time
[dtsc] dtsc_stop_file

so this is essentially just dtscinfo with an xmms frontend, which doesn't seem much more useful than the cli itself, no?

anyways, to get it to compile, you need to comment out the whole draw_logo code, because the author didn't include the necessary xpm logo in the tarball, and it isn't available on teh homepage.

Title: .AUD files from a dts cinema disc
Post by: Premie on 2004-05-20 02:39:37
well none of this info was anygood i know its possible because i know a guy who can convert it and wont tell. he says it has to be converted to pcm format. only clue he will give me. so if anyone can help please do.

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']removed overly offensive language and violation of TOS number 2[/span]
Title: .AUD files from a dts cinema disc
Post by: Bogalvator on 2004-05-20 05:34:06
If you have WinDVD installed, you can download the BeSweet DLL from dspguru.doom9.org (beta section) and then use a prog called azidts.exe

Don't know where you can get azidts though, might be included with GordionKnot if I remember correctly.....
Title: .AUD files from a dts cinema disc
Post by: Premie on 2004-05-20 13:15:39
Bogalvator there is a big difference from cinema dts and home dts. that plug in your talking about is for home dts wich not in .aud format.
Title: .AUD files from a dts cinema disc
Post by: shezareeni on 2004-08-16 20:20:09
If anyone would like their aud files converted please msg me and i can help you convert them into ac3 or dd 2.0/5.1.  Please do not ask for the software etc though. i am only winning to convert for you
Title: .AUD files from a dts cinema disc
Post by: archdem0n on 2004-08-16 22:12:49
in case that thread is too annoying to follow (it's been merged from lots of "not-another-.aud-question" threads, but eventually there was a solution) here's the link you want:

it's a winamp plug and an xmms plug:

http://sourceforge.net/projects/in-dtsc/ (http://sourceforge.net/projects/in-dtsc/)
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=206414"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Thanks alot, I had no idea this existed. 
Title: .AUD files from a dts cinema disc
Post by: rjamorim on 2004-08-16 22:45:08
Thanks alot, I had no idea this existed. 
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=234907"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Read on. That plugin is just an empty shell.
Title: .AUD files from a dts cinema disc
Post by: plonk420 on 2004-08-17 06:31:59
*paranoia over the use for the decoded .aud files edited out* it's kind of a moot point anyways, for future use, since DTS is encrypting their discs as of October 1 (firmware updates are on discs for DTS-6/6D units, the 10AX and 6-something are a little more complex and instructions will be shipped to those people) because of "the scene" abusing decoders and using audio for illegal purposes.

and, as Premie said, it's not the same as DVD-DTS. not even DTS-CD, either.

shezareeni, you're sounding suspicious, too, like a fed or otherwise agent. this whole thread started out bad  *coughs* headed for Recycle Bin?

the only "legal" use i could think of would be to replace the god-awful audio from quicktime trailers with audio decoded from DTS trailer discs... but some might argue that...
Title: .AUD files from a dts cinema disc
Post by: shezareeni on 2004-08-26 19:39:33
no need to be paranoid, like i said im willing to convert the .aud files for anyone as i know there is alot of people out there who would like this info.  Im not willing to provide software for it but will be more than willin to convert.

No im not a fed or anything like that, i like most people d/l stuff off the net to iew but i also purchase stuff and support the developers/producers etc.

If anyone would like to discuss it further do not hesitate to email me.
Title: .AUD files from a dts cinema disc
Post by: benc on 2004-09-08 17:03:30
There's a "APT-X100 DTS Decoder" plugin avalible for Winamp which is supposed to play cinema DTS disks. I've never used it so I don't know how well it works, and I'm not sure of it's legality either so I'll leave it up to people to find it if they are interested. Here is a screen shot of what it looks like:

http://img32.exs.cx/img32/4455/dts.png (http://img32.exs.cx/img32/4455/dts.png)
Title: .AUD files from a dts cinema disc
Post by: pixbr on 2006-01-16 19:53:32
This plugin (in_APTX.dll) works with cinema dvd's dts audio (extension filetype .aud). The problem is joining the waves created after... this ones is not beggining and ending precises