
Music Discussion => General Music Discussion => Topic started by: phw on 2022-03-04 08:19:27

Title: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: phw on 2022-03-04 08:19:27
For over a week now the Ukrainian people suffer from a brutal war Russia is waging on their country.

And it's Bandcamp Friday today (started at midnight Pacific time (https://isitbandcampfriday.com/)), the day on Bandcamp where they waive their revenue and the full amount goes to the artists.

So I thought this would be an opportunity to support the Ukrainian people via Bandcamp purchases.

Some suggestions of great bands to support:

- Stoned Jesus (https://stonedjesus.bandcamp.com/) (Facebook (http://facebook.com/stonedjesusband))
- Somali Yacht Club (https://somaliyachtclub.bandcamp.com/) (Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Somaliyachtclub))
- Motanka (https://motanka.bandcamp.com/) (Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/motankaband))
- Jinjer (https://jinjer-jinjer.bandcamp.com/) (Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/JinjerOfficial/))

This is just a small list of bands I personally enjoy and appreciate, and whose members have spoken out in support of their country in these desperate times. But maybe you have some more suggestions to add? Please write below.

And here are some specific albums / compilations that donate their earnings directly to humanitarian organizations supporting the people in Ukraine (please see the comments on the respective albums for details):

- Slava Ukraini! (https://houseofmythology.bandcamp.com/album/slava-ukraini) by Various Artists (Fundraiser for Ukraine)
- Polish songs for Ukraine (https://polskiepiosenkidlaukrainy.bandcamp.com/)
- Support Ukraine - Fundraiser VA (https://united4equity.bandcamp.com/album/support-ukraine-fundraiser-va)
- A Dove Has Spread Her Wings: Relief for Ukraine (https://northernelectronics.bandcamp.com/album/a-dove-has-spread-her-wings-relief-for-ukraine) by Northern Electronics
- In my dreams I see a peaceful East (https://fundacjapalma.bandcamp.com/album/w-snach-widz-spokojny-wsch-d-in-my-dreams-i-see-a-peaceful-east) by Various Artists
- A (https://scntstlab.bandcamp.com/album/a) by Skee Mask (https://scntstlab.bandcamp.com)
- Die Klagen von Grau (in support of Ukraine) (https://schattenfall.bandcamp.com/album/die-klagen-von-grau-in-support-of-ukraine) by Schattenfall

Of course you can also donate directly to organizations supporting the people in Ukraine or the ones fleeing from the war. Want to support Ukraine? Here's a list of charities by subject (https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/s6g5un/want_to_support_ukraine_heres_a_list_of_charities/)

My thoughts are with the people in Ukraine, I hope they will get their freedom and peace soon.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: m14u on 2022-03-04 09:56:46
If anybody REALLY want to help peoples (not a ukronazists), do it directly with Анатолий Шарий (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVPYbobPRzz0SjinWekjUBw).
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: Porcus on 2022-03-04 12:41:58
Be a bit cautious. Just as much as I (and my Russian-born lover) of course see what everyone outside the Vladolf-approved propaganda machine can see, it doesn't mean that every fundraiser is genuine. The more abrupt an emergency arises, the greater are the chances that a fake one can collect $$s and then immediately disappear.

Rather than something that popped up right now, choose safer channels like https://www.unicef.org

If you want to give a hand and a symbolic "we're with you!" to an Ukrainian artist on Bandcamp Friday, check whether their Bandcamp page is run by the band and not just by a record label.

(And since the Bandcamp shark happily cancels your purchase after pocketing your money, I only purchase on Bandcamp Friday where the middle-man at least promises to forfeit their share.
As a matter of coincidence, four weeks ago I was nearly about to buy the full discography of some Russian metal label, but went for supporting some ACLU benefit samplers instead.  Did my research not to fall for false fundraisers, chose at least well-established US indie labels.)
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: m14u on 2022-03-04 14:34:16
[...] Vladolf-approved propaganda machine [...]
Like a Gonzalo Lira (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYrZaHotxOM) ?
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: Porcus on 2022-03-04 15:01:35
Like, I mean, when Putin sends this guy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitry_Utkin) (zoom in for the SS tattoo) to assassinate the Jewish president of Ukraine, and calls it de-nazification.

And threatening 15 years of jail time for even calling it an invasion. The first bullet item at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_political_jokes#Soviet_Union just got upscaled by fifty percent.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: m14u on 2022-03-04 15:26:08
[...] Putin sends [...]
"And threatening 15 years of jail time for even calling it an invasion. The first bullet item at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_political_jokes#Soviet_Union just got upscaled by fifty percent."
"Russian_political_jokes". That proof!
The "Who"-approved propaganda machine can see.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: Porcus on 2022-03-04 15:57:53
Oh, nothing to worry about, it comes from an anti-Russian propaganda group called the "Duma": https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-war-invasion-criminal-offense-duma-1684810

Those Neo-Nazi torturers being subordinate to Russian authorities, that is old news. Look at the dates here: https://www.csis.org/blogs/post-soviet-post/band-brothers-wagner-group-and-russian-state https://thearabweekly.com/russian-mercenary-group-wagner-lands-hot-water
And then there is something oddly familiar with this picture (which I got from a pro-Putin outlet): https://i.imgur.com/0fKgvUY.jpg
Hint: to the far right you got the guy with the SS tattoo. He got his medals from the guy who does not sport any of them - the guy in the middle. You might have seen a picture of him before.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: m14u on 2022-03-04 16:27:25
Oh, nothing to worry about, it comes from an anti-Russian propaganda group called the "newsweek.com"
Original. (http://duma.gov.ru/news/53620/)
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: Porcus on 2022-03-04 19:06:39
Thanks for pointing at the horse's mouth admitting to criminalizing free speech, that confirms half of it. For the other half, Putin willfully disseminated by way of the picture of him and that SS-tattooed Hitler disciple he had decorated - of course not by coincidence.
But, can I suggest you take a bit more care not to fuck up quotes? In these days you probably don't want an innocent honest mistake to be confused with Ольгино trolling.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: Porcus on 2022-03-04 21:35:17
The House of Mythology label pledges the the proceeds specifically as follows: "All money will go to The International Committee of the Red Cross". That is the first on @phw 's list of charity compilations:

- Slava Ukraini! (https://houseofmythology.bandcamp.com/album/slava-ukraini) by Various Artists (Fundraiser for Ukraine)
Artists include Ulver, Current 93, Stian Westerhus ... and Zu - not with Mike Patton this time, but with an opera singer known for his cast in Yevgeny Onegin ... oh, probably just another anti-Russian propaganda piece.
Or maybe, you know, it is Vladimir Vladimirovich who is headed for the status that Benito Amilcare Andrea has in Zu's home country.

Rather than something that popped up right now, choose safer channels like https://www.unicef.org
Swedish label Northern Electronics pledges the proceeds to Unicef:
- A Dove Has Spread Her Wings: Relief for Ukraine (https://northernelectronics.bandcamp.com/album/a-dove-has-spread-her-wings-relief-for-ukraine) by Northern Electronics

I know pretty much nothing about the other compilations.

Fuck, what a time to witness. Now playing:
I Saw A Dying Child In Your Arms off Don't Walk on the Mass Graves (https://mourningbelovethvanrecords.bandcamp.com/album/dont-walk-on-the-mass-graves-split-with-the-ruins-of-beverast).
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: phw on 2022-03-08 08:57:25
Fuck, what a time to witness. Now playing:
I Saw A Dying Child In Your Arms off Don't Walk on the Mass Graves (https://mourningbelovethvanrecords.bandcamp.com/album/dont-walk-on-the-mass-graves-split-with-the-ruins-of-beverast).

Bad times indeed. Had been listening to Dead Soldiers (https://sadme.bandcamp.com/track/dead-soldiers) by the great band SadMe from Moscow. This is now again frighteningly topical. So many lives wasted, on both sides.

Also just in general: Of course everyone do your research. I just thought this might reach a few people who otherwise are not so much aware of the situation, and a small Bandcamp purchase might do a bit. But there are plenty of other ways to help. Unicef has been mentioned above. Also have a look at the charities in your country. Many charities (especially in Europe of course) are organizing humanitarian help, both for the people inside Ukraine and for refugees. You might be able to help with money, or with directly donating goods.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: Porcus on 2022-03-08 10:14:39
Swedish death metal act Wombbath released an EP on Saturday, pledging the proceeds to the UN Refugee Agency (https://www.unhcr.org/).
(https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a3306082317_10.jpg) (link) (https://wombbathofficial.bandcamp.com/album/the-weight-of-reality)
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: redorb on 2022-03-08 10:32:24
These are troubled times...

This guy:
Listening to: Trevor Hall ~ Ghosts (https://streamable.com/f8efjw)
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: Porcus on 2022-03-08 11:43:00
The same pictures I posted above - note how the picture where the SS-tattooed Dmitriy "Wagner" Utkin poses with Putin (who had decorated him) was published in Kremlin-controlled media. To flag that the de jure ban on private armies is never to be enforced on any Putin-approved Neo-Nazi group, Vladolf loyalists can please sign up.
No, the Nazism isn't just "Wagner"'s own idiosyncratic idea: outside a Wagner base in Syria, mercenary Yan Petrovskiy does der Hitlergruß (https://static.wixstatic.com/media/251599_be93f964338f4af5bb775cc2a0c7bc59~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_720,h_432,al_c,lg_1,q_90/251599_be93f964338f4af5bb775cc2a0c7bc59~mv2.webp) for camera - and Putin wants you to believe that this guy's mission in Ukraine (him to the far right, of course) (https://i.imgur.com/HWHgALU.jpg) is one of "de-nazification".

Also in the picture it seems, the co-founder of Petrovskiy's group: a guy who would brag his manliness by posting pictures of teenage himself beheading a puppy. (No, I'm not posting the link.)
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: Wombat on 2022-03-08 11:48:11
I can't remotely imagine how families suffer.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: Rollin on 2022-03-08 14:39:44
mission in Ukraine (him to the far right, of course) (https://i.imgur.com/HWHgALU.jpg)
Photoshop is bad here. Look closely at necks of two guys on right.
Also, why you are so stuck about Putin and Utkin? What is your point exactly? Wouldn't you better tell about how many people were killed and how many countries were ruined by NATO? Putin and Utkin are just pussycats compared to NATO.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: m14u on 2022-03-08 14:47:34
Don't try to explain anything to zombies.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: redorb on 2022-03-08 15:21:22
Oh man, are you guys for real, is this an attempt to justify Putin's invasion of Ukraine?
You have serious delusions!!
This is "The Beginning of the End of Putin’s Russia!"

A horror scenario for the coming years would be that Putin succeeds in his intention to make Ukraine a vassal state,
that the Republicans win the congressional election this fall,
that Trump or a cloned copy of him becomes the new president in 2025 and that the Russia-China axis is strengthened and becomes dominant in international politics.
The Western Alliance should already be preparing for such a nightmare scenario, without any illusions or blinders.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: Porcus on 2022-03-08 16:40:24
mission in Ukraine (him to the far right, of course) (https://i.imgur.com/HWHgALU.jpg)
Photoshop is bad here. Look closely at necks of two guys on right.
He willingly brags about it and posts the pictures, but of course he isn't necessarily honest.
Same face, same tattoos, same wristwatch. (https://i.imgur.com/4WAjj7b.jpg)
Same face, same tattoos, same wristwatch. (https://web.archive.org/web/20161225095919if_/http://informator.news/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/separ.jpg)
Same face, same tattoos, same wristwatch. (https://meduza.io/impro/JkfIXqBj4pwWYSS60qjAgf8JtKtDQgHin5-Pegty9Rg/fill/650/0/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWR1/emEuaW8vaW1hZ2Uv/YXR0YWNobWVudHMv/aW1hZ2VzLzAwMS84/MDUvNDU1L29yaWdp/bmFsL1NiVE5vdklj/Q3JzUkpWUlFGbHFM/U3cuanBn.webp)
Same face, same tattoos ... oh wait, no wristwatch. (https://meduza.io/impro/6nljwCNDql_6o00K-oZrlAX3L3lssb_Pw7_mxFLb4rc/resizing_type:fit/width:650/height:0/enlarge:1/quality:95/aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWR1/emEuaW8vaW1hZ2Uv/YXR0YWNobWVudHMv/aW1hZ2VzLzAwMS84/MDUvNTc5L29yaWdp/bmFsL3BGZEtVYzJC/aWZDNjZFWkdSWUZC/bVEucG5n.webp)
Same face, same tattoos, same wristwatch. (https://i.imgur.com/0oHfjVs.png)
(Person to the left is the tough guy who goes to war against unarmed puppy.)

Also, why you are so stuck about Putin and Utkin?
Well ... there have been some incidents in the news the last couple of weeks. At least in countries with free press, the news coverage has been quite extensive.
If you are on an internet connection without access to such, I don't blame you for asking. Family of person mentioned in reply #2 also asks - cautiously between the lines (being old enough to remember when the KGB was called "KGB" in other countries than Belarus).

Wouldn't you better tell about how many people were killed and how many countries were ruined by NATO?
Shhh, whataboutism isn't gonna help anyone but genocide apologists.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: kode54 on 2022-03-08 19:42:40
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: redorb on 2022-03-08 20:05:20
Democracy and Human Rights
• Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms
• Freedom of association
• Freedom of expression and opinion
• Access to power and its exercise in accordance with the rule of law
• The holding of periodic free and fair elections by universal suffrage and by secret ballot as the expression of the will of the people
• A pluralistic system of political parties and organizations
• The separation of powers
• The independence of the judiciary
• Transparency and accountability in public administration
• Free, independent and pluralistic media

Демократия и права человека
• Соблюдение прав человека и основных свобод
• Свобода собраний
• Право на свободу убеждений и самовыражение
• Доступ к власти и ее осуществление в соответствии с принципом верховенства права
• Проведение периодических свободных и справедливых выборов на основе всеобщего и тайного голосования, как волеизъявление народа
• Плюралистическая система политических партий и организаций
• Разделение ветвей власти
• Независимость судебной власти
• Транспарентность и подотчетность в работе органов государственного управления
• Свободные, независимые и отражающие различные точки зрения средства массовой информации.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: j7n on 2022-03-09 01:49:51
I thought politics wasn't allowed here because there is no section for "serious discussion", and the forum remained almost Divoc- and Pmurt-free without members getting divided.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: Porcus on 2022-03-09 07:46:41
because there is no section for "serious discussion"
First of all, that cannot be correct as long as a subforum is residually defined like this (https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?board=17.0).

Anyway, site admin set a precedent as late as this year: https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php?topic=122074.msg1007522#msg1007522
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: kode54 on 2022-03-09 08:53:05
Oh goody. I set a precedent.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: redorb on 2022-03-09 09:46:38
I thought politics wasn't allowed here because there is no section for "serious discussion", and the forum remained almost Divoc- and Pmurt-free without members getting divided.
I am not only a pacifist but a militant pacifist. I am willing to fight for peace. Nothing will end war unless the people themselves refuse to go to war...
Admins feel free to delete...
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: kode54 on 2022-03-10 20:21:51
You're fine.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: redorb on 2022-03-11 13:51:07
Thanks! Appreciate it!
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: Porcus on 2022-03-11 17:50:40
Oh goody. I set a precedent.
To get serious, I actually appreciate that HA has turned into a place where users can write what mods can write.

I am not only a pacifist but
... someone who has read too much Tolstoy for LenStalPutin's liking? ;-)

You know, the author of the famous "Special military operation and peace".

Tolstoy would have been silenced today. Here is a statement from his family (https://archive.ph/d8ADD) (minus, of course, this bigot (https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2017/01/24/top-duma-official-accuses-russian-jews-of-attempting-to-destroy-churches-a56902) who nowadays might be busy rebranding his anti-semitism as a "de-nazification" mission).
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: redorb on 2022-03-11 18:28:35
Oh goody. I set a precedent.
To get serious, I actually appreciate that HA has turned into a place where users can write what mods can write.

I am not only a pacifist but
... someone who has read too much Tolstoy for LenStalPutin's liking? ;-)

You know, the author of the famous "Special military operation and peace".

Tolstoy would have been silenced today. Here is a statement from his family (https://archive.ph/d8ADD) (minus, of course, this bigot (https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2017/01/24/top-duma-official-accuses-russian-jews-of-attempting-to-destroy-churches-a56902) who nowadays might be busy rebranding his anti-semitism as a "de-nazification" mission).


I am not only a pacifist but a militant pacifist.
I am willing to fight for peace.
Nothing will end war unless the people themselves refuse to go to war.
~ Albert Einstein ~

Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: IgorC on 2022-03-12 15:40:59
17% of Ukraine population are ethnic Russians.
Even more who have Russian blood in their mix.

So this is song "Родина" ("Motherland") for them! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFJi3RieXS4
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: redorb on 2022-03-12 19:39:58
This song is also for the whole Ukrainian people, I really hope...?
It's good music!


Google translation:
God, how many years I have been walking, but I have not taken a step.
God, how many days have I been looking for what is forever with me,
How many years have I been chewing raw love instead of bread,
How much life the long-awaited yes-a-al spits at my temple with a blued barrel!
Black headlights at the neighboring gates, hatches, handcuffs, a torn mouth.
How many times, having rolled, my head from a crowded block flew here, where the Motherland is.
I'm going to my homeland, let them scream - ugly, but we like her,
Although not a beauty, she is gullible to the bastards, well, but to us - tra-la-la-la ...
God, how much truth in the eyes of state whores!

God, how much faith is in the hands of retired executioners!
You don't let them roll up their sleeves again, you don't let them roll up their sleeves again on fussy nights.
Black headlights at the neighboring gates, hatches, handcuffs, a torn mouth.
How many times, having rolled, my head from a crowded block flew here, where the Motherland is.
I'm going to my homeland, let them scream - ugly, but we like her,
Although not a beauty, she is gullible to the bastards, well, but to us ...
From under black shirts a red rooster bursts forth, from under good kings marmalade pours into the mouths.
This world has never contained two people, God was our father, well, to hell with the Motherland.
I'm going to my homeland, let them scream - ugly, but we like her,
Although not a beauty, she is gullible to the bastards, well, but to us - tra-la-la-la ...
Hey boss!

Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: IgorC on 2022-03-12 23:23:03
This song is also for the whole Ukrainian people, I really hope...?
It's good music!
For the whole Ukranian people, there is one song which I admire by Ukranian band "Okean Elzy".
I don't need to translate this song from Ukranian to Russian in order to understand what he's saying.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: kode54 on 2022-03-13 04:51:15
We're three for three now.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: redorb on 2022-03-13 09:00:45
We're three for three now.
Sorry, but I don't understand this, please explain.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: redorb on 2022-03-13 09:01:15
This song is also for the whole Ukrainian people, I really hope...?
It's good music!
For the whole Ukranian people, there is one song which I admire by Ukranian band "Okean Elzy".
I don't need to translate this song from Ukranian to Russian in order to understand what he's saying.

Please translate lyrics to english?
Edit: Think I found it:
Океан Ельзи. Без бою (official video)


I wont give up without a fight

How so? How come I haven't managed
To stop in time; all is clear
You are with me now & forever, too late not to leave
but don't leave me
I will pour me, i will pour you a glass of wine
If you like, with honey
Wo are you? You took my life
And haven't given it back
Who are you? You drank my blood
And fell as if drunk
Your eyes, call me, want me
Lead me
Who are you? Whoever you may be...
I won't give up without a fight
I wont give up without a fight
How so? How come i have not managed
To stop myself, to stop you... today
I was howling when missing you today
Missing you, do put something light on
I will pour myself, i will pour you a glass of wine
If you want, with honey
Who are you? You took my life
And haven't given it back
Who are you? You drank my blood
And fell as if drunk
Your eyes, call me, want me
Lead me
Who are you? Whoever you may be...
I won't give up without a fight
I wont give up without a fight
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: kode54 on 2022-03-13 09:35:08
We're three for three now.
Sorry, but I don't understand this, please explain.
Three jackasses banned. In case you had any questions about precedent.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: redorb on 2022-03-13 09:43:09
Thanks! Appreciate it! ❤️
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: rutra80 on 2022-03-13 11:40:48
Every serious forum that doesn't limit political shit to Recycle Bin or Offtopic at most, is going to hell (and HA did at least once).
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: redorb on 2022-03-13 13:29:18
Every serious forum that doesn't limit political shit to Recycle Bin or Offtopic at most, is going to hell (and HA did at least once).
We live in difficult times,
in a time when our empathic,
ethical and moral compass must be properly calibrated,
we must be vigilant, critical of what we read,
what we receive in information, misinformation,
what we see in pictures, videos...
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: rutra80 on 2022-03-13 23:27:02
Ya, on specialised forums only if it is relevant - on HA if related to audio.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: redorb on 2022-03-14 08:48:31
This is audio... and lyrics... and video... and image...

Listening to: Leonard Cohen ~ In My Secret Life (https://streamable.com/v2vzwy)

I saw you this mornin'
You were movin' so fast
Can't seem to loosen my grip
On the past

And I miss you so much
There's no one in sight
And we're still makin' love

In my secret life
In my secret life

I smile when I'm angry
I cheat and I lie
I do what I have to do
To get by

But I know what is wrong
And I know what is right
And I'd die for the truth

In my secret life
In my secret life

Hold on, hold on, my brother
My sister, hold on tight
I finally got my orders
I'll be marching through the mornin'
Marchin' through the night
Movin 'cross the borders of my secret life

Looked through the paper
Makes you want to cry
Nobody cares if the people
Live or die
And the dealer wants you thinkin'
That it's either black or white
Thank God it's not that simple
In my secret life

I bite my lip
I buy what I'm told
From the latest hit
To the wisdom of old

But I'm always alone
And my heart is like ice
And it's crowded and cold

In my secret life

Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: redorb on 2022-03-16 13:21:00
Someone reported the Leonard Cohen video I made... so now it is removed... *sick*
Here is a youtube version... Leonard Cohen - In My Secret Life (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NW7oNpzBSGc)
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: redorb on 2022-03-16 19:57:38
Someone reported the Leonard Cohen video I made... so now it is removed... *sick*
Here are the version I made that got *sick* REPORTED and REMOVED... Leonard Cohen - In My Secret Life (https://varekai.se/Leonard Cohen ~ In My Secret Life.mp4)
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: Porcus on 2022-03-19 12:12:28
Ya, on specialised forums only if it is relevant - on HA if related to audio.
HA has two subforums that are not directly related to audio quality. One general off topic forum, and one general music discussion forum - and here we are in the latter.  Sure you can make a music forum where you ban everything political - including rock and roll music, which was borne out of racial segregation. It wouldn't be much "General Music Discussion" then.

Of course, my signature is political. For those uncultured swine who didn't already know and cannot google it, it is how Black Sabbath concludes Putin's fate in their song "Special Military Operation Pigs".
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: rutra80 on 2022-03-19 17:06:28
rock and roll music, which was borne out of racial segregation
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: IgorC on 2022-03-19 18:45:48
it is how Black Sabbath concludes Putin's Russian fate in their song "Special Military Operation Pigs".
Here you go. I have corrected it for you   ;)
Russian people are largely in favor of this special military operation (call it war or whatever suits you better). Me, my family, friends ,etc are all in favour (we are Russians).  So please next time have courage and say it directly :  "It's them, Russians, not just Vladimir Putin"

Starting from 2014 there was hybrid war ( civil war + strong genocide + russian/ukranian forces) .
Pay careful attention this war was happening only in Donbass (how convenient)  which is full of ethnic Russians and in border,again, with Russia. So screaming "we're independent country and can do whatever we want in border of other country and killing ethnicity of  this other country" won't work with Russia! Especially won't work with Russia as it's a nuclear superpower. Of course, the order for this hybrid war wasn't given directly from Ukrainian goverment. It was given from another nuclear superpower who thought (and probably still think) that the situation would be under their control. Like the song says:  "Music comes from the White House" ... Musik kommt aus dem Weißen Haus (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr8ljRgcJNM&t=0m45s)

P.S.  You ironically call  Russian President "Vladolf"  while even european medias have agreed that there are ultranationalists in Ukraine (speaking simply, f***ing Nazis!) https://www.dw.com/en/the-azov-battalion-extremists-defending-mariupol/a-61151151
While your "Vladolf" statement comes purely as a consequence of Godwin's law (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law),  everybody knows about Ukraine's ultanationalists.  Facts vs ... nothing.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: Porcus on 2022-03-19 20:16:44
Ukraine actually stands out as the Eastern European country with the least anti-Semitic sentiments in the general population, but there is no disagreement that "there are" ultranationalists in Ukraine. As far as I can tell, there was even elected - count'em - one such member of parliament.

Now compare that to the entire private army of an SS-tattooed Hitler-worshipper, whom Putin personally has decorated for his services in Ukraine. You got it from the pictures that the Kremlin leaked to recruit volunteers for that service.

Those of us who live in societies with reasonably free elections, know that every now and then some bigoted moron will their way into parliament. Embarrassing every time of course - but nothing against an authoritarian leader who has an entire Nazi militia at his disposal.
Their target these days? Ukraine's Jewish president. 

Quit the newspeak and get some sense of proportion over this fratricide.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: IgorC on 2022-03-19 20:59:29
Cmon. Jews? What did they do now?
Don't fool yourself.
Jewish community in Russia is bigger than in Ukraine.

Check your facts and in which reality you are  before shooting yourself in the the foot. 

Ukraine actually stands out as the Eastern European country with the least anti-Semitic sentiments in the general population
It's a lie. It's extremely hard  (impossible) to verify.  In the rest of Europe, United Kingdom, France and Germany(!) have much bigger Jewish communities. 

Now compare that to the entire private army of an SS-tattooed Hitler-worshipper, whom Putin personally has decorated ...
A whole army? Wow so it was one single crazy  man  (ok maybe two crazy bastards that I'm not aware of ) and now you call it an army?

Provide proof now. Links, photos showing it's just not just a single person or two. Man, it's a big insult/claim  for one average Russian and especially for a president of Russian Federation where annualy there is a Victory Parade where the nation remembers a victims of  fascists.

P.S. Roman Abramovich, Russian-Jewish businesman, Chelsea owner, is a friend of Vladimir Putin. And now you're suggesting that "Putin is after Ukraine Jewish president".  Interesting hypothesis.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: Porcus on 2022-03-19 22:32:50
I let you edit your initial empty outburst. Let's see:

Cmon. Jews? What did they do now?
Don't pretend to be surprised. The Kremlin started the "de-nazification" propaganda as an excuse for the attempt to remove the Ukrainian democratically elected (https://www.osce.org/odihr/elections/ukraine/417833) leadership (not all regimes grant fundamental freedoms (https://www.osce.org/odihr/elections/russia/375670), you know?)
- and you peddled this propaganda.

Jewish community in Russia is bigger than in Ukraine.
How does that make Zelensky a Nazi? How is that even on-topic to the propaganda that having Zelnsky assassinated constitutes "de-nazification"?

Check your facts
which you did nothing to dispute in your initial post.

Ukraine actually stands out as the Eastern European country with the least anti-Semitic sentiments in the general population
It's a lie. It's extremely hard  (impossible) to verify.
No, it is actually quite easy following the insights of George Gallup (1936). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_poll
You find one chart further down in this article (https://religionnews.com/2022/03/02/a-strike-near-babyn-yar-memorial-reveals-new-ukrainian-attitudes-toward-jews/). Notably, the survey was made before Zelensky's run for president.
In the rest of Europe, United Kingdom, France and Germany(!) have much bigger Jewish communities. 
How does that make Zelensky a Nazi? How is that even on-topic to the propaganda that having Zelnsky assassinated constitutes "de-nazification"?

Now compare that to the entire private army of an SS-tattooed Hitler-worshipper, whom Putin personally has decorated ...
A whole army? Wow so it was one single crazy  man (ok maybe two crazy bastards that I'm not aware of ) and now you call it an army?
Don't you have free media over there? (https://www.google.com/search?q=%22putin%27s+secret+army%22) Oh, never mind the question.
A few of the links will lead you another army under brutal islamist command though.

Man, it's a big insult/claim  for one average Russian
How does that make Zelensky a Nazi? How is that even on-topic to the propaganda that having Zelnsky assassinated constitutes "de-nazification"?

Cruel world, one cannot even bomb the lives out of children without facing insults.

now you're suggesting that "Putin is after Ukraine Jewish president".  Interesting hypothesis.
How does that make Zelensky a Nazi? How is that even on-topic to the propaganda that having Zelnsky assassinated constitutes "de-nazification"?
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: IgorC on 2022-03-20 01:24:37
What is all obsession about Zelensky and the fact that he is Jew? Even Ukranians admit that Zelensky has no power, so he is not target anyway for denazification/demilitarization. There are much important powers there.Please check your sources. The big picture is that this is a proxy war between west-sponsored  militar forces  vs Russia on territory of Ukraine (at expense of Ukranian lifes and territory, oh how convenient, dear west).

Ukranian Bandera Nazis are the main target and they aren't under Zelensky control.  Bandera's nationalists were there a lot time ago.

Don't pretend to be surprised. The Kremlin started the "de-nazification" propaganda as an excuse for the attempt to remove the Ukrainian democratically elected (https://www.osce.org/odihr/elections/ukraine/417833) leadership (not all regimes grant fundamental freedoms (https://www.osce.org/odihr/elections/russia/375670), you know?)
- and you peddled this propaganda.
In 2013 Yanokuvich was also a legit president of Ukraine! And how the revolt was prepared and financed by the west govs. Victoria Nuland and other American, Polish politicians were there during the revolt (taking pictures with people on the street during the revolt). Jorge Soros was proud saying how much money he has burnt on Ukranian  orange revolutions and generation of rusofobia. During 2013-2104 revolt there were west paid mercenaries  shooting towards two camps in 2013-2014, who was in favor and against the revolt. It generated the artificial hatred.

"Bringing western democracy and western style" right?  I think you have an idea where you can stick your concept of "democractic" elections. 

Don't you have free media over there? Oh, never mind the question.
Right I can't call directly to some of friends or people I know  from Donbass and just talk with them.
I need a "free media"  following your logic. 
"Welcome to bee bee cee. We are here to .... well, you know, kinda inform you. Kinda"

For you information I don't live now in Russia and anyway, Russia gov doesn't block foreign media. Learn it!
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: redorb on 2022-03-20 09:06:34
You have just shown your total ignorance of what is going on in Ukraine!
Who attacked who?
Who is bombing an independent country?
What is a dictatorship and what is a democracy?
What are free elections to government?
What is free media?

I just think it's about your own conscience.
Who was I when this happened? What did I say, what did I do?
What can I live with?
Over the past 20 years, the Putin regime has in many ways "abolished the people."
There is really no "Russian people" and "what do the Russian people think?".
He has put it down. He has abolished the free choices, he has taken away the free ones,
independent media and imprisoned or chased away the opposition.
Instead, there is only an empty landscape.
No leaders to gather around and no media to spread the message.
If one is to be able to bring about any change, then one must reinvent the Russian people.
And no one knows how it will happen.
It pains me that people die, that people lose roofs over their heads or are forced to abandon their homes.
We may not be in the epicenter of the military conflict,
but we can not remain indifferent to this global catastrophe.

Did you last see the speech to the Russian nation Putin made?
Then he sat there again at his desk.
The white corded telephones on the left side, a TV screen on wheels diagonally in front of it.
This time he was not angry. He was clearly frustrated.

One would think that Vladimir Putin wanted to signal strength and self-confidence to the home crowd,
that he, as the person responsible for the war of aggression against Ukraine, has control over the development.
After all, Putin dictates the information in Russia.
Anyone who deviates from propaganda can be sentenced to 15 years in prison.
The Kremlin has every opportunity to shape the story of how the "special military operation" continues.

Still, this was not what either the Russian citizens or the outside world saw on Wednesday.
Instead, a tyrant appeared who was in control of the development.
He said rising unemployment and inflation await.
He warned of profound structural changes in the country's economy.
He did not signal self-confidence but a state of vulnerability: Russia is in a marked economic "flash war", Putin said.
Self-pity was close at hand when he complained that the Western world was trying to exclude Russia and its culture.
There is only one goal of Western policy, according to Putin, and that is to ruin Russia.
As a consequence, the Kremlin demands total obedience and loyalty from every citizen in the fight against the external enemy.
Or as Putin himself summed it up in a spirit that Stalin had appreciated:
"The Russian people will always be able to distinguish true patriots from scum and traitors and simply spit them out like a fly that accidentally flew into their mouths."

When the Russian dictator's speech was captured this week, the international reactions, as so often, were dominated by shock and resentment.
Is he crazy? Is Putin derailing? What should this end with?
The problem with those questions is that they lead the thought wrong.
They are based on the fact that the Russian president is like other leaders in Europe and the United States.
In fact, it's easier to decode Putin's litany if you start from the person he is: a gangster with enormous claims to power, recognition and a place in history.
A man who in order to be able to defend and motivate his own position constantly needs internal and external enemies.
Putin's rhetoric is extreme, but nothing that should surprise those who have listened for a long time.
The enemy images are familiar. If anything felt new on Wednesday,
it was the feeling that the heavy setbacks on the battlefield and in the domestic economy had eaten into Putin's head.

In the end, the illusions are shattered, and then Putin relapses into the military tactics he used in Chechnya and Syria: indiscriminate warfare.
When he does not get the welcome he expects in Ukraine, his military instead devotes itself to destroying as much as it can.
In the port city of Mariupol, “airstrikes and grenades have hit the children's hospital, the fire brigade, housing, a church, an area outside a school.
For the estimated hundreds of thousands who remain, there is simply nowhere to go, "report two journalists from the news agency AP,
who have been in the city during the past three weeks of war. They have documented the chaos and despair.

Putin's fantasies about a new Russian empire will be carried through.
And it can happen at the cost of basing the new sphere of power on ruins that cover Russian-speaking women and children, victims of the Kremlin bombing.
Can this hell end? The Finnish diplomat René Nyberg, who has been stationed in both Moscow and Berlin,
recently recalled a significant quote from Stalin regarding cold calculus. In a conversation during World War II with British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden,
the Soviet tyrant pointed out that Hitler is a genius, but that the Führer does not know when it's time to quit.
Eden then answered, "Who knows?"
Stalin quickly countered: "I know."

No one should be surprised if Putin hardens before he softens, that under pressure he chooses to escalate militarily and raise the tone.
He knows that everyone, including the Russian regime, is terrified of nuclear weapons.
The purpose is to be intimidated to the maximum and make the outside world back off.
But the rustling and splashing is not a sign of strength but of weakness.
The Putin regime can lie as much as it wants, but it can not revive its dead soldiers or pretend to pay salaries from a treasury that is running out.
Reality strikes, even if it happens at an awful price. Sooner or later, Putin will have to adapt, either voluntarily or under duress.
The biggest price for what is going on now is not paid by Russia but by Ukraine.
The country is not just defending itself against a ruthless attack reminiscent of World War II.
President Zelensky and his countrymen are holding the border for all of us. Ukraine is sacrificing itself for Europe's democracies.
If Western leaders believe that world peace is jeopardized by active military participation,
everything else should be done to help Ukraine defeat the Russian military.
It is in our own interest.
If Putin wins in Ukraine, he will not stay there.
This is also our war, without us wanting it.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: Porcus on 2022-03-20 10:45:21
Well at least I tried to assume good faith. And just to get this brazen lie from the Ministry of Truth:

What is all obsession about Zelensky and the fact that he is Jew? Even Ukranians admit that Zelensky has no power, so he is not target anyway for denazification/demilitarization.
For "new" readers: Zelensky is the president of Ukraine.
Whom Putin demanded overthrown until only a couple of weeks ago (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/09/world/europe/ukraine-russia-cease-fire-talks.html), when it turned out that Putin's SS-tattooed militia had failed their assassination mission (https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/zelensky-survives-three-assassination-attempts-in-days-xnstdfdfc).

But hey, a week and a half is long enough to rewrite the "we've always been at war with". To erase how the war machine decried the 'hysteria' of intelligence reports that they were even preparing a war - while Kremlin TV was took footage from an old Finnish military exercise, replaced the sound, and claimed it to be an attack on ... on their mercenaries in Ukraine (well they never had such, but he that controls the past, controls the future): https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/21/dumb-and-lazy-the-flawed-films-of-ukrainian-attacks-made-by-russias-fake-factory

Russia gov doesn't block foreign media.

Oh, and even before the recent crackdown on free speech, the situation was as the following map: https://rsf.org/en/ranking/2021
Russia on 150th out of 180, even way after the racist dictatorship of Myanmar.

To better understand what is going on:
* Putin famously misses the glorious Soviet Union: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/transcripts/22931#sel=9:10:3VX,9:43:3Ux
* This year: "Modern-day Ukraine was in full and in whole created by Russia, Bolshevik, Communist Russia to be precise, (https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/02/21/world/ukraine-russia-putin-biden)"
Yep, Lenin -> Stalin -> Putin; he does not even pretend to hide it, he embraces it.
* Haaretz about how Putin's retorics mirrors Mein Kampf: https://archive.is/UYAvK

Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: Alexxander on 2022-03-20 11:59:22
Those who recur to violence are people who ran out of convincing arguments.

War is a refuge of incompetent powers.

War and violence polarize people and societies and cause more hate making it more difficult to find a win-win solution.

Sad there are people who support war or any kind of violence.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: rutra80 on 2022-03-20 12:23:28
Ok lets go with political shit.
Ukraine has long tradition of as IgorC put it "ultranationalists". Here in Poland we know them as UPA. In WWII they were "pacifying" polish eastern villages with atrocities unseen in the most primitive tribes anywhere in the world. You can google for rzeź wołyńska (https://www.google.com/search?q=rzeź+wołyńska&tbm=isch) (wolyn slaughter) - GRAPHIC WARNING, also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacres_of_Poles_in_Volhynia_and_Eastern_Galicia
Thousands of people were slaughtered with most barbaric tortures - pregnant women having their wombs open alive, breasts amputated, fetuses ripped out, children nailed to trees, impaled on fence poles, smashed at walls... Yes, these are your poor ukrainian heroes who never admitted the genocide or said "we're sorry". They worship the leader of all that - Stepan Bandera, as main national hero.

To make things straight, I'm not pro Russia. Here in Poland there's not many countries we might have reasons to hate more than Russia - it does have its great share of atrocities too (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_massacre to name one - tens of thousands of polish elite killed in death camp). But lets not paint the world black & white where it's not ok? Ukraine is as corrupted as Russia, led by oligarchs, with huge human and children trafficking businesses, paedophilia business etc. Remember that 30 years ago Ukraine was CCCP.

Cold logic view at the situation? USA as a nuclear superpower could do the slaughter in Iraq, Afghanistan etc. when it had business in doing so or felt threatened. Russia as a nuclear superpower does the same now because NATO wants to bring its rockets too close and Ukrainian minion started to bite. Of course there are other powers at play too (like China and the general eastern vs western powerplay). Are there good or bad guys? No they are all bad.

Here in Poland it's an ambivalent situation. NATO is our guarantee of safety and Ukraine is the only thing between us and berserk Russia. Polish gov supports Ukraine to an extent that they're more privileged now than polish citizens (and there's over a million of refugees here already). But polish citizens do know very well and remember ukrainian monstrosities, you never made us forgive, and it seems that the monsters are still there...
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: redorb on 2022-03-20 13:41:40
Is this your way of saying that Putin's aggression against Ukraine is legitimate?
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: redorb on 2022-03-20 14:49:11
Is this your way of saying that Putin's aggression against Ukraine is legitimate?
This is so nasty:
"Here in Poland it's an ambivalent situation.
NATO is our guarantee of safety and Ukraine is the only thing between us and berserk Russia.
Polish gov supports Ukraine to an extent that they're more privileged now than polish citizens (and there's over a million of refugees here already).
But polish citizens do know very well and remember ukrainian monstrosities, you never made us forgive, and it seems that the monsters are still there..."

Now we know who you are and what you stand for.
Title: Re: 🇺🇦 🕊️ Support the Ukrainian people on Bandcamp Friday
Post by: korth on 2022-03-20 15:02:23
The discussion has drifted away from the original thread topic and inappropriate for the General Music Discussion board.
Discussion closed.

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