
Hosted Forums => foobar2000 => Support - (fb2k) => Topic started by: shagmasterk on 2019-01-26 23:55:01

Title: Android UPnP Media Server streaming xml error
Post by: shagmasterk on 2019-01-26 23:55:01
I've got a USB drive attached to my router set up as a media server. On my LAN, with my Win10 PC running FB2K v1.4 with the UPnP/DLNA Renderer, Server, Control Point plugin, I can browse and stream music from the server with no issues. I didn't have to set any settings in FB2K or the plugin, the media server showed up in the UPnP Server list for the plugin. All the music that's stored on the drive seems to be visible in the list when I open the Artist list (i.e. the files all have an artist tag).

I installed FB2K on my Samsung Galaxy S6 running Android 7.0 hoping to be able to use it to stream music from the media server as well. On the media servers tab, the server shows up and I can get as far as showing the folder tree with Album, All Music, Artist, etc., but if i click on the Album, All Music, or Artist tabs, all that displays after a pause is "xml error." Clicking on the Genre tab brings up a list of Genres that seems pretty complete, but hard to say if what's displaying in each genre is complete. Anyway, what's most important for my purposes right now is to be able to browse by artist, and that's not working. Is there something I'm missing? Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Android UPnP Media Server streaming xml error
Post by: Peter on 2019-01-28 14:00:13
Thanks for the bug report. What exact router model do you have?
Title: Re: Android UPnP Media Server streaming xml error
Post by: shagmasterk on 2019-01-30 05:57:46
It's an Asus Blue Cave, firmware up to date.
Title: Re: Android UPnP Media Server streaming xml error
Post by: Peter on 2019-02-03 18:11:20
Does the router have security settings of some kind / list of allowed apps? I noticed that foobar2000 mobile UPnP client doesn't show meaningful error messages for "403 denied" or "404 not found" given by some misconfigured UPnP servers, turns them all into "XML error" as the returned payload isn't the valid XML foobar2000 expects. Perhaps foobar2000 mobile is somehow blocked from accessing the router and fails to show the correct error?
Title: Re: Android UPnP Media Server streaming xml error
Post by: shagmasterk on 2019-02-03 22:02:59
I don't believe there are security settings other than it's set to allow access only from within my LAN. I'm not a networking expert, but the PC version was able to access the drive with no issues from the UPnP plugin.

In the past several days, I've actually had a new issue with the PC version showing an incomplete list of folders, artists, albums, and songs. It's different every time I try to browse any of them, but usually starts at or near the top of the alphabet. I've plugged the drive directly in my PC and it seems to be working just fine, but strange new files keep showing up (see screenshot 132001 of the file names). I deleted them once, and now they're back with different numbers after plugging back into the router and attempting to access via FB2K on PC. There is also a new folder present called .minidlna, which has several files in it (see screenshot 134853). That log file is quite large, and has a bunch of errors listed in it. They all have timestamps that say 1970 for the year. Weird.

I checked the system log file for the router, and there are a bunch of errors listed there over the past several days. I don't know if this means there's something wrong with the router or the drive or maybe both. Perhaps this is why FB2K mobile showed that error. Strange, it seemed like everything was going swimmingly until I attempted to access the drive with the mobile app, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
Title: Re: Android UPnP Media Server streaming xml error
Post by: Peter on 2019-02-05 07:33:11
I do not believe foobar2000 mobile can be blamed for malfunctions of the router. If anything, that would imply a gaping security hole in the router firmware.

Anyway. I tested foobar2000 mobile vs both of my older Asus routers and nothing interesting turned up, everything worked as expected.
Having Wireshark logs of the foobar2000 vs router communication would be most helpful.
In order to get Wireshark to capture the communication:
- install foobar2000 mobile for Windows 10 on your PC from the Microsoft Store (https://foobar2000.org/get-winphone), verify that it has the same bug - which it should, being the same code
- install Wireshark (https://www.wireshark.org)
- run network capture during failed attempts to browse, send me the log file (privately rather than via forum attachment, email to webmaster@foobar2000.org is fine)

Title: Re: Android UPnP Media Server streaming xml error
Post by: Peter on 2019-02-08 14:15:53
Let's try this the other way:

I made a test program for this bug -

Please try to browse your Asus share - "xml error" should appear on the status bar. Once you do that, double clicking the status bar will show the received XML that produced the error - copy it (Ctrl+C) from the dialog and post it for me to look into.
