
Hosted Forums => foobar2000 => Support - (fb2k) => Topic started by: kanishknishar on 2018-10-29 04:50:31

Title: Foobar2000 playback error - hardware issue
Post by: kanishknishar on 2018-10-29 04:50:31
All of my music is stored on my external hard disk which is plugged into a 3.1 port. My computer is new and the hard disk is only 2 years old.

The reason I mention this is because my music keeps stopping from my hard disk being disconnected which would indicate faulty port or older hardware - neither of which is the case. I have changed ports to the same result.

How do I fix this?
Title: Re: Foobar2000 playback error - hardware issue
Post by: sveakul on 2018-10-29 05:16:35
Is the external drive powered only from the USB port, or does it have its own plug-in cable power supply?
Title: Re: Foobar2000 playback error - hardware issue
Post by: Case on 2018-10-29 07:42:01
Have you checked for BIOS updates? Vendors tend to improve compatibility issues with those.
Title: Re: Foobar2000 playback error - hardware issue
Post by: kanishknishar on 2018-10-29 08:28:17
Is the external drive powered only from the USB port, or does it have its own plug-in cable power supply?

It's direct from USB port.

Have you checked for BIOS updates? Vendors tend to improve compatibility issues with those.

No I have not.
Title: Re: Foobar2000 playback error - hardware issue
Post by: christopher on 2018-10-29 18:56:11
My Asus motherboard has problems with USB 3.1 in XHCI mode -- I get occasional complete disconnects of all devices. I have to disable XHCI for them to function stably. It's a flaw endemic to the X99/A USB 3.1 strand of Asus mobos, and possibly other brands and models as well. I've had two replacement boards and they all have the problem.

Typically it happens once you begin to actually use the USB controller more than just light mousing or keyboard work.

Of the 10 or so USB3.1 ports on my motherboard, two are powered by a different chipset - those work fine in XHCI mode. Check your manual, and the USB controllers, as you may be having the same problem.
Title: Re: Foobar2000 playback error - hardware issue
Post by: sveakul on 2018-10-29 19:01:54
Is the external drive powered only from the USB port, or does it have its own plug-in cable power supply?
It's direct from USB port.

I asked because I have seen cases where an external USB disc burner drive without its own power supply had disconnects on heavy use.  But of course try Case's suggestion before buying a new drive.

Title: Re: Foobar2000 playback error - hardware issue
Post by: kanishknishar on 2018-10-31 14:08:05
My Asus motherboard has problems with USB 3.1 in XHCI mode -- I get occasional complete disconnects of all devices. I have to disable XHCI for them to function stably. It's a flaw endemic to the X99/A USB 3.1 strand of Asus mobos, and possibly other brands and models as well. I've had two replacement boards and they all have the problem.

Typically it happens once you begin to actually use the USB controller more than just light mousing or keyboard work.

Of the 10 or so USB3.1 ports on my motherboard, two are powered by a different chipset - those work fine in XHCI mode. Check your manual, and the USB controllers, as you may be having the same problem.

As a matter of fact you might be right about USB 3.1.

I updated my BIOS and I connected my external hard disk to 3.1, 3.0 and 2.0. It connects fine on 2.0 and 3.0 but 3.1 it *is* connected but does not show on My Computer. It's strange. The BIOS update seems to have made it worse somehow. Now it won't show on My Computer altogether with 3.1.

Thanks, Case, for telling me to update.