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Topic: Can I change the path of the fonts folder in a portable install? (Read 1685 times) previous topic - next topic
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Can I change the path of the fonts folder in a portable install?

I've converted Tedgo's DarkOne theme to a portable and I'm wondering if I can somehow have an internal fonts directory instead of using the default Windows Fonts Directory. It can be done with images but I can't figure out how to do it with fonts.

I tried this below but it doesn't work.
var configPath = fb.FoobarPath + "themes\\DarkOne_v4.0\\";
var fontPath = configPath + "Fonts\\";

var btp_font = gdi.Font(fontPath + "Roboto", 11, 0);
var btp_font = gdi.Font(fontPath + "Roboto.tff", 11, 0);

Any ideas? Thanks.


Re: Can I change the path of the fonts folder in a portable install?

Reply #1
No, that will never work. The gdi.Font function expects a font name only.

edit: it actually loads 2 fonts internally and I won't bore you with the details of how/why it does that but here's the documentation for one of the methods used...