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Topic: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000 (Read 156940 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #300
Received the UMIK-1 and Active USB cable today, works fine.  I did a quick test using REW SPL meter to check response with and without the Active USB cable, no difference.  Will begin setting up MathAudio tonight!

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #301
So I finished my first pass at setting up MathAudio, a significant change for the better.  Much cleane at all levels/frequencies than how  I was configured.

Previous config - From my Server, I run to my DAC, then into a Pre/Pro (with Audyssey) running in "All Channel Stereo into a 5 channel Amp.  I am running 2 sets of speakers and 2 Subs. 

With MathAudio running, Audyssey is turned off, running the Pre/Pro again in "All Channel Stereo".  Bass response is much cleaner, very crisp.  Mids and Highs are balanced, overall just a much cleaner sound.  The biggest change I can hear is listening to Brahms Piano Concerto #1.  The start of this is very intense, great deal of percussion/low end and the rest of the Orchestra just cranking.  Before it was just noise, could not really make out individual instruments.  Now, clean/distinct.  I still have more listening to do, perhaps a bit more tweaking, but all I can say is using this with Foobar is superior to using Audyssey in my Processor.

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #302
Received the UMIK-1 and Active USB cable today, works fine.  I did a quick test using REW SPL meter to check response with and without the Active USB cable, no difference.  Will begin setting up MathAudio tonight!
Do you use a 32' active cable with your UMIK-1 microphone? Is it a USB 3.0 cable?

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #305
HI,  I repositioned my speakers and want to re-run the measurements and room correction.  Do I need to clear the existing config/profile or just re-take the measurements and will that produce a new room profile?  I have saved my current config as a preset, just want to make sure I don't mess anything up.

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #306
HI,  I repositioned my speakers and want to re-run the measurements and room correction.  Do I need to clear the existing config/profile or just re-take the measurements and will that produce a new room profile?  I have saved my current config as a preset, just want to make sure I don't mess anything up.
You don't need to clear the existing profile. Simply run the new measurement and your old data will be erased automatically.

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #307
Great, thanks.

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #308
I am using Mathaudio for Foobar since a while, with different speakers sets, and I am very happy about the results, especially with regard to imaging which becomes much more stable and focused than before. I assume this has to do with the phasing capabilities of Mathaudio. Unfortunately I could not find much on the internet about how Mathaudio operates with regard to phase and delay.

Now, I am in the process of designing a 4 ways horn loudspeaker system.
One of the drawback of multiways horn system is the phase  and delay issues at  the crossover points, which ideally would require measuring of frequency response and phase around the crossover point and then design a passive crossover which corrects the phasing/delay issues.
Now since this type of filters are quite complicated to implement (and most times implies a trial and error approach) I wonder if Mathaudio would be capable to address the phasing issue in the described scenario.
In other words, if I implement a simple Linkwitz-Riley second order passive crossover, will Mathaudio be able to address the phasing and delay issues among the 4 elements (bass, midbass, midhigh, high) of the loudspeaker ?
Keep in mind that the phase rotation/delay is remarkable between some elements, such as the woofer which is in direct radation, and the mid bass horn which is approximately 160cm long.

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #309
Room EQ 'partially' compensates for disadvantages of crossovers. In other words, use best possible crossovers to get the best possible sound.

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #310
I am planning to correct the crossover related phase shifts with rePhase, which generates a convolve file.
Is it possible to use both the convolve file and Mathaudio from foobar ?
The idea is to use the convolve file generated by rephase just to correct the xover phase shift and let Mathaudio take care of all the rest (in room frequency response and room induced phase shifts).

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #311
I am planning to correct the crossover related phase shifts with rePhase, which generates a convolve file.
Is it possible to use both the convolve file and Mathaudio from foobar ?
The idea is to use the convolve file generated by rephase just to correct the xover phase shift and let Mathaudio take care of all the rest (in room frequency response and room induced phase shifts).
Foobar2000 allows one to use two or more DSP effects in a single chain. I am afraid that measuring the crossover induced phase shifts is not a simple problem.

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #312
I have been reading a paper regarding sweeps for room correction, which states that due to average rooms (in household environment) having  a Q factor or 20 or more the time duration of the sweep is very important in order to achieve an accurate correction and to minimize drops in displayed amplitude and shifts in displayed frequencies.
The paper suggests ideal sweep times of at least one minute to maximize correction accuracy, in household environment.
I wonder if in a future release of this wonderful piece of software will be implemented the option to set the duration of the sweep, or if there is some workaround so that an external sweep of the desired duration can be used within the Mathaudio measurement tool.

I attach a link to study, which is in Italian, but Google translate does a pretty good job of translating the paper.

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #313
I have been reading a paper regarding sweeps for room correction, which states that due to average rooms (in household environment) having  a Q factor or 20 or more the time duration of the sweep is very important in order to achieve an accurate correction and to minimize drops in displayed amplitude and shifts in displayed frequencies.
The statements in that paper are true for the specific measurement technique which is mentioned in the paper. Room EQ uses a different technique which allows it to use relatively short sweep signals without sacrificing the measurement accuracy.

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #314
New version released ( v2.8.3 ).
The new version avoids the "SHGetFolderPath Error" message on French version of Windows 11.

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #315
New version released ( v2.8.4 ).
A bug is fixed which affected the correct work of the vertical slider through external MIDI controllers in VST and AU versions.

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #316
Hi. Just wondering if it is possible to load preference/target curves in to RoomEQ?
I would like to try some that I have downloaded. I have them in both csv and txt format. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks!

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #317
Hi. Just wondering if it is possible to load preference/target curves in to RoomEQ?
I would like to try some that I have downloaded. I have them in both csv and txt format. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks!
You cannot load target curves in .csv and .txt format. However, you have the following options:
- You can use the default "Bright" or "Neutral" target curves and edit them as you want.
- You can use B&K or Harman target curves and edit them as you want. See the question 1 at
- If you need a conventional EQ with a specific curve, you can load the preset and edit it as you want.
You can also use microphone calibration curves in .csv and .txt format.

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #318
Great. Thanks for your help!

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #319
Happy to help.

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #320
Quick question re volume control. Apologies if this has been covered already...
Is the best policy to have Foobars volume maxed out and then trim the RoomEQ gain by clicking on the red "clipping dot" so as to avoid clipping?

Thanks in advance. 👍🏼

Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #321
Quick question re volume control. Apologies if this has been covered already...
Is the best policy to have Foobars volume maxed out and then trim the RoomEQ gain by clicking on the red "clipping dot" so as to avoid clipping?

Thanks in advance. 👍🏼
Yes. This method guarantees the maximum possible signal-to-noise ratio on the output of your DAC.


Re: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #322
New version released ( v2.8.5 ).
Support of MIDI commands is added to "Save preset" and "Load preset" buttons in the VST/VST3/AU versions.