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Topic: WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP (Read 557598 times) previous topic - next topic
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WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #700
Do you have the latest version of WMP Tag Plus, version 2.6?

Before disabling the native FLAC tag support, did you remove all FLAC songs from the library first? (as instructed by the FAQ)

You're confusing me by mentioning different tags (Album/Composer/Artist). Which tags are missing in WMP and which tags do you still see in Mp3tag as being filled in?

I did not removed the files from library.
I now see some flac but after i update the album info from internet , i reopen WMP and it can not store all info.
About different tags, ignore the comment.
I am trying to see what common have the unknown flacs with the known flacs.
Should be the original rip method to flac?
Why i can see no difference in tagging between a recognized and unrecognized flac (though i am trying too)?

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #701
Do you have the latest version of WMP Tag Plus, version 2.6?

I have the latest version
Before disabling the native FLAC tag support, did you remove all FLAC songs from the library first? (as instructed by the FAQ)

You're confusing me by mentioning different tags (Album/Composer/Artist). Which tags are missing in WMP and which tags do you still see in Mp3tag as being filled in?

I did not removed the files from library.
I now see some flac but after i update the album info from internet , i reopen WMP and it can not store all info.
About different tags, ignore the comment.
I am trying to see what common have the unknown flacs with the known flacs.
Should be the original rip method to flac?
Why i can see no difference in tagging between a recognized and unrecognized flac (though i am trying too)?

Edit: when i update the info from internet and close wmp some albums are being again reverted.
e.g. loose the Album Title, Art etc and the songs are back to the state before i update them in the online database

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #702
I suggest that you still remove all FLAC songs from the library by following the FAQ (the sections Removing existing FLAC songs from the library and Adding FLAC songs back to the library).

If that doesn't help, please try running Refresh song tags: in WMP, go to Tools - Options - Plug-ins (press Ctrl+M if you don't see the Tools menu). Select the Background category, then select WMP Tag Plus and click Properties. In WMP Tag Plus settings, go to Tools, click Refresh song tags and follow the instructions.


WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #703
I suggest that you still remove all FLAC songs from the library by following the FAQ (the sections Removing existing FLAC songs from the library and Adding FLAC songs back to the library).

If that doesn't help, please try running Refresh song tags: in WMP, go to Tools - Options - Plug-ins (press Ctrl+M if you don't see the Tools menu). Select the Background category, then select WMP Tag Plus and click Properties. In WMP Tag Plus settings, go to Tools, click Refresh song tags and follow the instructions.

For the first suggestion:
1)All flac delete from library (about 9000 songs).
2)When i reopen WMP half of songs where still there
3)Re-adding to library seem to have no effect
4)When i use the Tag Plus i get the message 'Not enough storage is available to complete this operation'
but then it retries to add them, but i see no difference

P.S. too funny it is all messed up, i moved some songs in another folder, they can been seen by WMP (having Artwork and such) and also can be played
i will try to do it step by step with less files at a time

So, I uninstalled wmp and delete the files in appdata directory and now i adding step by step

No luck. all songs are present in the library but no artist/year/genre/album found.
Note: i have also installed WMP Plus 2.8 also.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #704
It sounds like your library has gotten corrupted, so you should probably reset it. First note that resetting the library will make you lose all current play counts, and possibly ratings too. Then, follow these steps:

- Reboot the PC.
- Press Win+R, type services.msc, and press Enter. In Services, find the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service. If its status is Started, double-click the service and click Stop.
- Press Win+R, type %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft, and press Enter. This folder will open up in Windows Explorer.
- In this folder, delete the Media Player folder. If you can't see the folder, then it's probably hidden. Set Explorer to show hidden files and folders, and to show protected system files.
- Start WMP, your library will have been reset and will be rebuilt. Check if the issue still occurs.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #705
It sounds like your library has gotten corrupted, so you should probably reset it. First note that resetting the library will make you lose all current play counts, and possibly ratings too. Then, follow these steps:

- Reboot the PC.
- Press Win+R, type services.msc, and press Enter. In Services, find the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service. If its status is Started, double-click the service and click Stop.
- Press Win+R, type %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft, and press Enter. This folder will open up in Windows Explorer.
- In this folder, delete the Media Player folder. If you can't see the folder, then it's probably hidden. Set Explorer to show hidden files and folders, and to show protected system files.
- Start WMP, your library will have been reset and will be rebuilt. Check if the issue still occurs.

Yes issue still there.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #706
It sounds like your library has gotten corrupted, so you should probably reset it. First note that resetting the library will make you lose all current play counts, and possibly ratings too. Then, follow these steps:

- Reboot the PC.
- Press Win+R, type services.msc, and press Enter. In Services, find the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service. If its status is Started, double-click the service and click Stop.
- Press Win+R, type %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft, and press Enter. This folder will open up in Windows Explorer.
- In this folder, delete the Media Player folder. If you can't see the folder, then it's probably hidden. Set Explorer to show hidden files and folders, and to show protected system files.
- Start WMP, your library will have been reset and will be rebuilt. Check if the issue still occurs.

Yes issue still there.

And unfortunately by reverting back the native flac support in windows with the registry file provided, had the effect on Groove Music app
not to play flac files

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #707
If even resetting the library doesn't help, then there isn't much left to try I'm afraid... Besides perhaps moving your music files to a different folder, or moving to a new Windows user account altogether.

Regarding the Groove Music issue, the registry files revert back the exact same changes that you manually made to the registry to disable the native FLAC tag support. So it much more likely was an unrelated change that caused the issue. If you created a System Restore point before disabling the FLAC support, you could use that to roll back again.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #708
Corrupted wmp library problems tend to resolve by disabling and re-enabling wmp. Instructions can be found here.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #709
lascetic, on what kind of proof is your info based? As far as I know, the only correct way to reset the library is to delete the Media Player folder in AppData, per my instructions above. Disabling/re-enabling WMP doesn't do this.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #710
lascetic, on what kind of proof is your info based? As far as I know, the only correct way to reset the library is to delete the Media Player folder in AppData, per my instructions above. Disabling/re-enabling WMP doesn't do this.

I once had a problem with wmp corrupted library and I tried the method which you proposed but the issue wouldn't resolve. Yours is a valid method and the first one one should try, and it has worked for me in the past, but not at that time. I think I followed the suggestion from this thread but also others I don't remember. I just remember I had to read a lot. However, technically it may be resolving some other issue that results in a corrupted library. This, I don't know, but it has worked for me in the past.

Another method that have worked for me before in another case was to remove the music library (Organize-> Manage libraries ->music library ->remove), restart wmp and add them back. Both methods have worked for me in the past for windows 7 and 8.1, when the first one failed.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #711
I did another try.
I had re-enabled already the native FLAC support
and import the flac few by few.

I have found that WMP had error with following two scenarios:
1)Corrupted header on FLAC (e.g. the message Encountered 'FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_SEARCH_FOR_FRAME_SYNC' is
shown on dbPowerAmp conversion of the flac to flac.
2)Some songs have question mark on their metadata song name which again causes problems

Now i have re-download or re-encode the problematic flac files and all works as expected.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #712
You may want to pass that info to Microsoft via the Windows 10 feedback tool. Posting it just here probably won't be enough for them to notice

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #713
Hi! I've been having an issue when trying to tag .aac (mpeg4-audio) files: i can't edit nothing on them, even via their "properties" tag in windows explorer
Also, i notice their card displays 0 bitrate. Mp3tag can't edit anything either; only EasyTag allows me to edit.
I tried the registry edit mentioned here to no avail (i really hope i did not mess things more with this)

Any ideas why this behavior is happening? OS is Windows10
Edit: here is the explorer error box
. File permissions are OK

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #714
That's because an .aac file only contains the raw audio data and isn't taggable. You first need to multiplex (or 'mux') the AAC stream to a container format that provides tagging support, such as MPEG-4. This multiplexing can be done with the MP4Box tool. MP4Box only works via the command line, but there are also graphical front-ends like Yamb and My MP4Box GUI.

Now that I think about it, I really should remove .aac from the default list of file extensions supported by WMP Tag Plus. It doesn't make sense because of the above.

Cannot Get WMP TagPlus To File m4a files Under Music in WMP 12

Reply #715
Hey there - newb to the forum, but I hope to learn some good stuff here!

Hopefully Ben is out there since I need some key help with WMP TagPlus.  For the life of me, I cannot get WMP 12 on my main computer to behave with TagPlus so that .m4a files are placed in the library under Music as opposed Other Media.  I have read many posts and am fairly familiar with the techniques used to get this to work, Such as:
- Plugin is definitely  V2.6 and enabled
- delete .m4a's from library, then restore deleted library items
- delete .m4a's from library, then drag and drop into WMP
- also tried "apply media information changes"
- uninstalled WMP12 and TagPlus, relocated my entire library, reinstalled both products and dragged my music files back in.
To no avail, the .m4a's always end up in Other Media

Some key information to mention: I have tested this on 3 computers and 2 of them work fine, but not the one I really need to.  There are two differences with the working computers and the non-working:
1. On the working ones, the TagPlus supported file extensions property page states there IS native support for .m4a's.  The non-working computer says No.  I'm not sure what is providing the native support and if its a factor?
2. On the non-working one, I once had another WMP plugin for FLAC support installed that has long been uninstalled.  I can't remember the name of it at all but I'm wondering if there's some conflict somewhere in the registry perhaps?

Needless to say I'm quite frustrated for not getting this working.  I'm hoping with a deeper dive I/we can find the conflict.
Problem computer is running Win7 Ultimate 32bit; WMP12 is running latest build. WMP TagPlus is V2.6 and enabled.

Thanks for any help you can lend,

Re: WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #716
I found the old plugin that was previously installed on the non-working computer and uninstalled - mentioned in (2) above.  Its this:
Perhaps there's an old conflict with this and WMP TagPlus ?

Re: WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #717
It sounds like some third-party software has replaced or disabled the native .m4a tag support on the non-working system (dBpoweramp, for example, is known to do this). To manually restore the native tag support, copy/paste the text below into a .reg file and add that file to the registry. Remember to reboot afterwards. Does that help?

Code: [Select]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Re: WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #718
Sweet!  That did it.  I do indeed have dBPoweramp installed for fast FLAC ripping.  Hopefully that will continue to behave but now I know the workaround and have replaced the key value.  FYI- they save the last known value in a key called: dBpowerampLAST

Thanks Tim for the quick reply - really appreciate it.

Re: WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #719
Is it normal that WMP can't save the ratings into .FLAC files? I rate something and only WMP sees the rating and in properties dialog the stars are blank.
MP3/OGG work fine and preserve their ratings.

Re: WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #720
Judging by your previous post in the Windows Media Player Plus! thread, I assume that you're still using Windows 10? In that case, see Why am I experiencing issues with FLAC tags on Windows 10? in the WMP Tag Plus FAQ.

Re: WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #721
Ah cheers. I had no clue this is known issue.

Re: WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #722
Announcement: the beta version of WMP Tag Plus 2.7 is now available for download here. This is a maintenance release with some bugfixes and minor improvements.


  • Fixed: possible "Assertion failed" error when WMP Tag Plus tried to read MPEG-4 files that were tagged by Windows Explorer or Windows Media Player on Windows 10. Fix contributed by Dan Hinsley.
  • Fixed: in newer Windows 10 builds, the (superfluous) Apple Lossless support was visible again in settings while it should stay hidden.
  • Added a fix for Windows Media Player 12 leaking memory while it reads embedded album art, more information here. This fix was actually already present in earlier versions of WMP Tag Plus, but could only be enabled via the registry. It's now visible in settings (on the Advanced tab), and enabled by default for new installations.
  • After adding new file extensions in WMP Tag Plus settings while the plug-in is disabled, the user is now still asked to restart Windows Media Player when the plug-in gets enabled at a later time in the same Windows Media Player instance.
  • Removed .aac from the default list of supported file extensions (this only affects new installations).
  • Updated the included TagLib library to version 1.10.

As this is a beta, it’s possible that it still contains some bugs. Please let me know if you encounter any problems, so I can fix them for the final release. Thanks!

Re: WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #723
Announcement: WMP Tag Plus 2.7 has gone out of beta and the final version is now available for download.

Compared to the beta, the final version contains an additional fix for a memory leak when writing embedded album art to Ogg Vorbis files. See the Version History page for a detailed list of what's new and what has been fixed since version 2.6.

Re: WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #724
Sorry to ask this, but just could not find over the thread which version of WMP Tag Plus is the last one to support Windows XP. I tried both 2.6 and 2.7 and upon any attempt to EDIT tags of m4a files got a multiple of events id'ed 1002 and 1005, with the error
suggesting something was wrong with the property descriptions of C:\WINDOWS\system32\PROPSYS.dll  for "System.Photo.GainControl" (fmtid="{FA304789-00C7-4D80-904A-1E4DCC7265AA}" pid="100").  ???

WMP session got crashed, so did the audio file, that is now no longer parsed by the LAV audio splitter