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Topic: New EAC coming soon! (Read 5830 times) previous topic - next topic
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New EAC coming soon!

On the Digital-Inn forum Andre Wiethoff (EAC author) answers on a question when there will be a new EAC version:
I think that I will either today or tomorrow send some selected people a preview and wait until sunday for possible problems with that version. If then there are no more (bigger) problems, I think it will be there by sunday.

If I'm not mistaken it will have a totally new interface.

New EAC coming soon!

Reply #1
If I'm not mistaken it will have a totally new interface.

Such an improvement couldn't come soon enough.

New EAC coming soon!

Reply #2
Cool! EAC is the BEST ripper in my book!

New EAC coming soon!

Reply #3
Hey, if it can handle 2 CPUs without lockup, I'm there.

New EAC coming soon!

Reply #4
Way  My system is due to shut down due to all the new releases in the audio community . But I certainly hope this new version is going kick big giant butt and personally hope that it can handle "corrupted" CD's.

-=MusePack... Living Audio Compression=-

Honda - The Power of Dreams

New EAC coming soon!

Reply #5
And this is how it will look:New EAC

New EAC coming soon!

Reply #6
Wow! Pretty...

Do you have any idea when will it be released?

New EAC coming soon!

Reply #7
I just hope it supports delaying compression until after all tracks are ripped instead of after every track.

That would be nice.

New EAC coming soon!

Reply #8
yes it is really cool 

this version does not support what you wish, maybe Andre could implement it...

New EAC coming soon!

Reply #9
sorry to spoil Your fun but... though EAC is the best ripper i've used - this new version looks like the crappy (sorry for the expression) winXP - i preferred old-school iFace (guess i'm a freak but i did  ). anyway hope it'll be ''skinnable' cause IF eac CAN get better - it surely will with this release

New EAC coming soon!

Reply #10
Originally posted by maciey
sorry to spoil Your fun but... though EAC is the best ripper i've used - this new version looks like the crappy (sorry for the expression) winXP - i preferred old-school iFace (guess i'm a freak but i did  ). anyway hope it'll be ''skinnable' cause IF eac CAN get better - it surely will with this release

It looks like crappy WinXP because it's being run on WinXP.
Almost any program you run on WinXP will have similar appearance. It doesn't depends on the program.

New EAC coming soon!

Reply #11
Originally posted by NickSD
I just hope it supports delaying compression until after all tracks are ripped instead of after every track.

That would be nice.

tried enabling the external bg compressors on EAC -> EAC Options -> Tools?

or did i misunderstand you

New EAC coming soon!

Reply #12
Oh. This is so frustrating. People like maciey, having no clue what so ever...
[span style=\'color:maroon\']remember sammy jankis[/span]

New EAC coming soon!

Reply #13

WTF?!?!?! was maciey on when he/she was posting? The new EAC looks bloody brilliant, much more better than previous version in the areas of looks. I don't know what new features it will have so I can't comment on them, but I am sure it will still kick ass!!!!

-=MusePack... Living Audio Compression=-

Honda - The Power of Dreams

New EAC coming soon!

Reply #14
Looks yummy indeed!
Is it going to support new command interface for MPC?
\"The true method of knowledge is experiment.\" - William Blake

New EAC coming soon!

Reply #15
Did anyone notice something weird about the screen?

The titlebar, and the options immediately under it (EAC, Edit, Action...), look exactly like they do in the current version under WinXP.

And just under those options it looks like the image was cut?

Hardly matters anyway seeing as it's out in a few days.

New EAC coming soon!

Reply #16
Originally posted by Anacific
Looks yummy indeed!
Is it going to support new command interface for MPC?
Good question! I will email Andre Wiethoff about this immediately.


New EAC coming soon!

Reply #17
i mailed him about the Vorbis Quality presets too, would be much better then those Bitrate presets