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Topic: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist (Read 551746 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #675
Is it possible to assign various script presets or group presets to certain playlists? For example, disabling grouping by album in the quicksearch playlist?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #676
yes, just use "playlist filter" option in the settings

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #677
yes, just use "playlist filter" option in the settings
My common sense told me to fiddle with it in the beginning, but it didn't seem to work work right.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #678
It should work. Ensure enable Playlist Filter is ticked.

Below is an example that forces a singles style playlist view on playlists containing the word Radio, such as those generated by the last fm plug-in, and an album grouped style on other playlists.

Group by: singles
Playlist filter:
enable only on: *Radio*
Associated titleformat script name: singles

Group by: album
Playlist filter:
disable on: *Radio*
Associated titleformat script name: album

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #679
Ohh, so while one of them is "enable only on", then the other one has to be "disable on"... I see what I did wrong now.

Huge thanks!

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #680
I have a feature request:

When the group is collapsed, pressing the UP and DOWN arrows does not select previous/next group, it still selects next/previous playlist item. This makes the selection cursor invisible.

What I would like is this:
Arrow keys LEFT and RIGHT collapse/expand current group. UP and DOWN arrows keep the current function, but only when the group is expanded. When the group is collapsed - pressing the UP or DOWN key selects next group (or the next playlist item if the next group is expanded).

The reason I would like this is because the current settings make the selection cursor to get lost if the user is using keyboard and the groups are collapsed.

I've uploaded this screenshot for better understanding:

The current selection is Jeff Healey :: 1988. See the light.
Pressing the UP arrow key would select the Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood :: 2009. Live from madison square garden group.
Pressing the RIGHT arrow key would expand the current album group (See the light) and select the first subgroup item.
Pressing the DOWN arrow key would select the Roadhouse blues song (under the Jeff Healey :: 1989. Road House group) because the group is already expanded.
Pressing the LEFT arrow key wouldn't do anything because the current group is collapsed, but it should usually collapse expanded groups.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #681
What is the difference between EL and ES playlist?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #682
Does the developer actually read this thread? If so, I have a little feature request. I use the Esplaylist as an album art grid view for my whole library. When I make a double click on an album I would like to have an option to start playback of the album directly without showing the tracks in a group.

Edit: Sorry. Wrong thread. 

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #684
hi what do i need to change in here to make it grab art located at "\scans\01.jpg" which is in every dir?

///////Album Art///////

currently using "$directory_path(%path%)sacns\01" for the main album art display if that helps any.


[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #685
instead of using $imageabs, use the new $albumart function instead. it uses whatever settings you have configured in the main foobar display preferences.

Code: [Select]

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #688
Hi everybody,
I'm new on forum, but not in foobar using
I would like to know if in ELPlaylist there is a way to get gloss effect on cover art like in the biography view component.


[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #689
Maybe try ESPlaylist instead?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #690
Hi everybody,
I'm new on forum, but not in foobar using
I would like to know if in ELPlaylist there is a way to get gloss effect on cover art like in the biography view component.


like jeremija said, try ESPlaylist instead if you are a newbee to foobar ... but i want to say that you can do all you want in ELP, a gloss on cover? of course , you draw what you decide in ELPlaylist.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #691
I'm new on forum, but not in foobar using
Yes, as Falstaff said, you can draw allmost everything you want in ELP. But you have to code all that you want. It is not like in new version of Biography panel, a simple check case.
You have to use $albumart fuction to draw your cover and $drawimage to draw the png image which will "fake" a glow effect.
But as we say, you have to code or at least, copy/paste/change the part of the code from another config, or... switch to ESPlaylist

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #692
I'm new on forum, but not in foobar using
Yes, as Falstaff said, you can draw allmost everything you want in ELP. But you have to code all that you want. It is not like in new version of Biography panel, a simple check case.
You have to use $albumart fuction to draw your cover and $drawimage to draw the png image which will "fake" a glow effect.
But as we say, you have to code or at least, copy/paste/change the part of the code from another config, or... switch to ESPlaylist

Alright i will use $drawimage and make a png image.
Thanks all for your answers

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #693
So there isn't a way to automatically group or sort albums by disc number that works? This is really frustrating, because some of my favorite albums are two discs (The Wall, Deathconsciousness).

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #694
use "group format" on the "group" tab of the settings to set the grouping code. you'll probably want to show the discnumber in the "group header" section on the "scripts" tab as well.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #695
Hi, would it be easy and possible for you to implement this:
adding "sort" context menu (first line: default) in main menu command so we could use this in panel stack splitter button:
Actually, i am using specific playlists (by genre, by artists, by date etc...) to sort and display all database using differents presets scripts and "Playlist Filter" function.
But "sort" has to be called every time with context menu.
Again, if it easy and possible for you, thanks you to consider this demand.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #696

I m still looking for a way to create external buttons choose the grouping.
As I understood reading recent post it is possible to create such button : would put the choice in a file and Elplaylist access it with $findfile.

The only way I can think of doing this for now would be to create a global "GROUP" that would take as value the property set in the file:
Group format : $ifequal(%GROUP%,1, %artist%|||.......,%album%|||..... )
and to use it the same way in a single titleformatted script.

But then I would loose the "group by" option from the context menu and also the way my Elplaylist is coded is to have a group by Artist, Album... associated with titleformatted script artist / album.

So is there a way to set %el_preset_name%(group by)
exemple of what I would like to do  : if findfile == 1 ,then %el_preset_name% = artist, else %el_preset_name% = album


[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #697
Hi, would it be easy and possible for you to implement this:
adding "sort" context menu (first line: default) in main menu command so we could use this in panel stack splitter button:
Actually, i am using specific playlists (by genre, by artists, by date etc...) to sort and display all database using differents presets scripts and "Playlist Filter" function.
But "sort" has to be called every time with context menu.
Again, if it easy and possible for you, thanks you to consider this demand.

Ssenna : same request, add Group/sort by and/or Sort presets in the View/ELPlaylist commands (not only in context menu), that will allow us to change the group/sort preset from a button (in PSS or WSH or elsewhere that support a run command function)

would be very useful.

Thanx by advance for feedback.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #698
There seems to be a bug with $gettextwidth(text, FONTNAME, SIZE, OPTIONS).

The OPTIONS do not appear to work. For example, $gettextwidth(text,Calibri,16,bold) does not return the text width for the bold font but returns the text width for the normal font instead. Ssenna : can this be fixed?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #699
Hi everyone, I'm new to ELPlaylist and I'm curious - is there any way of interaction with playlist in terms of clicking on some drawn elements?
Actually I'd like to set rating just clicking in particular place of the playlist (stars), not via context menu.
Is that possible?
