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Topic: RIAA Argues That MP3s From CDs Are Unauthorized (Read 7344 times) previous topic - next topic
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RIAA Argues That MP3s From CDs Are Unauthorized


"The RIAA's brief makes the novel contention, contradicting its lawyers' arguments at the Supreme Court in MGM v. Grokster, that making personal copies of songs from one's CD onto one's computer is an infringement."

If they're saying this, then in their view, all formats that are not explicitly prepared by THEM, (i.e. "service" based and/or with DRM) are illegal.  Watch them couple this with congress's upcoming bill authorizing for massive "knock-and-peek" law enforcement sweeps across the nation which will confiscate your PC under new powers given to the govt.

Congress' copyright reform: seize computers, boost penalties, spend money:

RIAA Argues That MP3s From CDs Are Unauthorized

Reply #1
They are actually saying (if you read past the sensational headlines), not the 'you cannot rip to mp3', but 'you cannot Rip to mp3 and place them in a public share folder', it is a non-brainer copyright infringment.


RIAA Argues That MP3s From CDs Are Unauthorized

Reply #2
They are actually saying (if you read past the sensational headlines), not the 'you cannot rip to mp3', but 'you cannot Rip to mp3 and place them in a public share folder', it is a non-brainer copyright infringment.

the german online-magazine "" misunderstands it the same way like the initial poster:

RIAA bezeichnet MP3s von gekauften CDs als "unautorisiert"