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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by Defender -

I set it to (30-30-30) to match the dark mode.
It's originally a color for DarkOne, right?
The needle vibration is also nice.
I also use 7inch_3.bin with foo_vis_vumeter.
I like that it's simple and easy to see.
Thank you.
You are welcome.

My skin is based on the original DarkOne v4. All my colors are derived from the original background color 19-30-38.
All panels I paint have optional external padding, an optional bezel, optional accent, optional gradient, optional internal padding and selectable background art. On top of such a painted panel with transparency enabled I display plugins.

I played around a bit more with the AIMP skins and when scaling is implemented in this script as it is in foo_vis_vumeter you can do things like the left VU panel from the screenshot with has a namelogo of the playing artist as background.

I also attached a version of my AIMP skin that is supposed to live in a panel with activated transparency. You might want to try that one as well.
foobar2000 for Mac / Re: How to update without loosing settings?
Last post by rovf -

↑ (Shift key) + foobar2000 menu bar File >  Browse Configuration Folder > foobaar2000-v2

Do you know the folder path in Windows terms?
(I don't know how to do this on a MAC)

The path should look like this: /Users/rovf/Library/foobar2000-v2 — if we assume that 'rovf' is original poster's username.

Thanks a lot. The path exists. Actually, the update went flawlessly and I didn't have to use the backup.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by Defender -
AIMP skin

In case somebody wants to experiment with my 7inch_3 rip without the ugly red needle on the left here are two working versions.
First is a vanilla  version and the second works with an upgraded gradient background.

It is quite easy to change colors and backgrounds if you have the underlying png files.
General - (fb2k) / Re: Some ogg vorbis files are not playable in foobar2000 v2
Last post by Case -
You can disable the file verification during playback (Preferences -> Advanced -> Playback -> Verify integrity of played tracks and report errors immediately). That way you don't see warnings about the files being faulty.

Converting to FLAC is unwise: FLAC itself is lossless but doesn't support floating point input that Vorbis decoding produces. The files would be rounded to for example 16 bits and potential high peaks would get hard clipped. And using lossless encoder means the file sizes would become much bigger.

Transcoding to other lossy codec is a theoretical option to get rid of the granulepos errors. But that means further quality reduction. Every time a signal is lossy compressed it loses some details. I'd highly recommend against it.

The files with "suspiciously large peak" errors sound like they are corrupted, though Vorbis seems to just drop corrupted frames instead of decoding nonsense. Are they Ogg Vorbis files too?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by Defender -
1. add an option to the right click menu for Background color : Done. please find the script attached and 2 screenshots illustrated thereafter.

2.  properties HA.METER.Left Margin and HA.METER.Top margin adjustment: As you have already pointed out.  /SHIFT + right click/ on the panel to  bring the context menu up front, which should have item allowing us to access window properties. These properties should be there. 

3. Would it be possible to add an option so your script stretches [skin] too : Yes, in principal.
we may try the following pseudo_script,  which is whithin on_paint() callback to refresh per internal timer.  The point is that we create an instance\image of the VU Meter every internal timer,  then it is too fast to rapidly consume CPU-power and Memory, which , consequently,  may cause computer to memory leak and crash.
as such, my approach is to leave it aside till we can have better solution.      

4- base images and needle for a VU meterthe script is solely based on AIMP VU Meter skins, which are compressed by standard method. In principal, we may let javascript to un-zip that files or utilize 3rd command-line tools to do it. I well noted this suggestion.
however, follow some of your later posts, it seems you want the script to play around with fb2k's VU Meter skin, which are zipped by its or component's method. so far, i have had no idea to give it a try cause i do not have any clue about that format and, therefore, the script has no feature to deal with fb2k VU Meter skins. 
however, based on @oops's comments during developing vu_vis_meter, i do think that that BIN should have at least a background, cover and a sheet list of data that help component to paint the needle. but, that is a guess.

Ad 1) Works. Thx. The reason I like to have it in the rightclickmenu and as a property is when you release a new version I do not have to outcomment the background paintcode everytime.

Ad 2) I noticed that sometimes the properties reset themselves loading different skins or changing rightclick options.
Another thing is that it is a bit inconsistent to only set left and top margins. If you set a top and left option I would expect these margins to be also applied to the right and bottom which they are not. So please add separate padding options for right and for bottom or apply the setting for left also to right and the setting for top also to bottom.

Ad 3) Ok. I will look into  it later.

Ad 4) The idea I have is to extract the images from a BIN file, create an appropiate skin.ini and use your script to display the results.

As a proof of concept I have been experimenting with recreating stuff from a BIN file. If you rightclick on a running foo_vis_vumeter BIN skin you can see the native resolution. Then I define a panel in my  skin with this exact size in which I run the BIN. Make a screenshot when not playing anything and make a screenshot at full level with replaygain off. Merge the two screenshots to get rid off the needle. Which leaves you with the base png of the particular skin.
Then paint the needle (I use lunapic) in a separate png. Very hard to determine the correct length needed for the needle.
Then experiment with changing values in a skin.ini until it more or less resembles the behavior of the original BIN.

I find it is very difficult to determine settings for PivotPointX and PivotPointY. Also changing settings for MobilityNegative and
MobilityPositive do not change behavior as far as I can see.

All in all very timeconsuming.

It would help a lot if the values of PivotPointX and PivotPointY could be calculated automatically. If you have those values it is far more easy to determine the needed length for the needle.

I attached the results of my experiment including the AIMP skin I created and the original BIN file.
The lower large VU meter is the BIN file running. The upper large VU meter is run by your script. The left part runs with the original needle of Line Magnetic 501 and the right part runs with my recreated needle.
Both are running in their native resolution.