3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by Defender -@DefenderYou are welcome.
I set it to (30-30-30) to match the dark mode.
It's originally a color for DarkOne, right?
The needle vibration is also nice.
I also use 7inch_3.bin with foo_vis_vumeter.
I like that it's simple and easy to see.
Thank you.
My skin is based on the original DarkOne v4. All my colors are derived from the original background color 19-30-38.
All panels I paint have optional external padding, an optional bezel, optional accent, optional gradient, optional internal padding and selectable background art. On top of such a painted panel with transparency enabled I display plugins.
I played around a bit more with the AIMP skins and when scaling is implemented in this script as it is in foo_vis_vumeter you can do things like the left VU panel from the screenshot with has a namelogo of the playing artist as background.
I also attached a version of my AIMP skin that is supposed to live in a panel with activated transparency. You might want to try that one as well.