
Hosted Forums => foobar2000 => Support - (fb2k) => Topic started by: libastral on 2013-01-04 00:04:07

Title: Playback stutters due to slow HDD
Post by: libastral on 2013-01-04 00:04:07
I have an issue of playback stuttering (one or two times per track), when it does, I hear a HDD lag noise. That's weird, cause I completely disabled head parking on my WD Green drive using official DOS tool wdidle3 (this feature is called intellipark). Is there any tweaks in foobar to fix this?

My setup is:
MSI GE620 laptop
Win7 x64
asio4all 32-bit mode, 510 ms buffer
I listen mostly FLAC
Title: Playback stutters due to slow HDD
Post by: libastral on 2013-01-04 03:00:44
I also note that Ableton Live also uses ASIO and never had this problem on my system, weird.
Title: Playback stutters due to slow HDD
Post by: Rollin on 2013-01-04 07:36:14
Try to increase Buffer lenght in Output settings
Title: Playback stutters due to slow HDD
Post by: DotNoir on 2013-01-04 08:00:06
Since you list that you use ASIO4All, are you outputting to ASIO on foobar2000? What ASIO4All does is just route the directsound for the use of ASIO driver, so you just better try foobar2000 with the default DirectSound output and see if the stuttering happens then as well.
Title: Playback stutters due to slow HDD
Post by: libastral on 2013-01-04 23:06:15
I set ASIO latency to 2000 ms and it plays fine now, thanks.