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Topic: foobar2000 for mac (Read 117256 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #250
Thanks for the reply, Peter.
This confirms my findings after spending a couple of hours setting up Xcode and checking out the foo_audioscrobbler repo. Unfortunately my C knowledge is very limited (I'm used to Kotlin/Java).

Here's hoping someone with the knowledge notices this and creates mac port.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #251
DEAF module decoder fixed, get a new foobar2000 Mac build. Component itself wasn't the issue.

Awesome! Thanks for posting, and for all your work on the mac port. It's fantastic to witness the progress.
I've tested now .spc, .mod, .xm, .nsf and .vgz working fine. Loving it!
I could not play .AY and .SID files, but I seem to recall there was a separate SID component for the windows version.

Can components be upgraded directly from the app if there are new versions, or do they need to be installed manually? (and if so, do you then need to uninstall the current component first?)

Much love!

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #252
When there are several components installed that supports the same audio format (e.g. DEAF and OpenMPT play .mod and .xm) - is it possible to see which one is in use for the particular format?

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #253

On FB2k for mac I would like to do the following thing: I search the library for a group of tracks and then I copy that group into an existing playlist (not an auto-playlist).
Then I search for another group of tracks and copy this new group into the same playlist as before.

It may seem strange, but I can't do this simple thing.

How can I perform this procedure?

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #254
drag'n'drop between playlists seems not to be implemented.

btw, is "autoplaylist" implemented? all i can see is that it is ghosted, so i can't select it.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #255
First of all, thanks dev(s) for making this version!

One question about resource usage — even when audio is paused, Foobar seems to be chugging away doing something in the background, I don't even have any folders selected for media library scanning.

One of the nice things about the Windows version was that when you pressed the [ stop ] button, the app was extremely lean on resource usage. Is there some other level of lower activity the app could enter via a stop button?

(Macbook M1 Pro)

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #256
Posted this in the Support forum the other day, got no response. Maybe here? Replaygain isn’t working for me.

My Flac files all have ReplayGain tags. My Source Mode is set to "Track". Processing Mode is set to "apply gain"... no difference.

Even when I move the Preamp levels to -20 or +20 (or anywhere in between) difference.

What might I be missing here?

(Yes, the replay gain tags are applied in a different program. Also yes, I rescanned a few in foobar to test if there was a difference. Still not working.)

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #257
btw, is "autoplaylist" implemented? all i can see is that it is ghosted, so i can't select it.

Yes, "autoplaylist" is implemented.
Try this:

library -> search

In the "search" box write

genre HAS blues

click on the button with the three dots to the right of the "search" box -> click on

Create autoplaylist

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #258
btw, is "autoplaylist" implemented? all i can see is that it is ghosted, so i can't select it.

Yes, "autoplaylist" is implemented.
Try this:

library -> search

In the "search" box write

genre HAS blues

click on the button with the three dots to the right of the "search" box -> click on

Create autoplaylist

nice, thanks. what i would like to accomplish is that foobar automatically adds new songs from a folder to the playlist on startup so i don't manually have to do it every time i put a new audio file in my music folder. perhaps there is a simpler way i haven't thought of.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #259
hope peter will add support for key mapping/hotkeys soon. the lack of seeking with arrow keys is always what reminds me that this is not yet a finished product.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #260
Bug report: I'm getting "Unrecoverable playback error: Audio Unit rendering error" when using Audio Unit plugins. This happens with Apple's AUGraphicsEQ, AUNBandEQ, and the free TDR Nova plugin here

This does not happen on every track but like 90%? Once it happens, it will keep happening no matter the track. I'm using each plugin by itself with no other DSP to confirm it's a problem with Audio Unit. Happens with different output devices. Tracks are 320kbps mp3.

Apple M1 mini, 16GB RAM, Sonoma 14.2

Thank you for this Mac build.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #261
Up to version 2.5 I never had a problem with installation, but my Mac (running 10.14.6 Mojave) refuses to let me run the installer for 2.6 - it "can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information".

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #262
cheers for the 2.6 release! a lot of work went into this version.

hope seeking with cursor keys will make it into 2.7, my fingers are itching 😆
and hotkey for playlist search

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #263
Thank you for your work on the MacOS version of Foobar2000.
A few wishes for a future versions:

ReFacets doesn’t work like it does in the Windows version:
ReFacets on Windows creates a playlist called “Library Viewer Selection.”
When you single click on something in a Windows ReFacets filter, it gets sent to that playlist.
On the MacOS version of ReFacets, no playlist is created, and you need to double click for it to get sent to a playlist. The option “Create Autoplaylist” does nothing.

Selecting all:
If all items in a playlist are selected (e.g. by pressing CMD+A or by sending a selection to a playlist via ReFacets), you can’t unselect with the mouse. You can only unselect by pressing arrow up or arrow down.

Media keys support.

Configurable keyboard shortcuts:
Not being able to configure keyboard shortcuts within the MacOS version of Foobar2000, I know that you can go to MacOS’ system settings and assign keyboard shortcuts to programs, but MacOS Foobar2000 has no “Play or pause” command, so assigning a keyboard shortcut to “Play” just restarts the currently playing track. Also, you can’t use just the space bar. A “Play or pause” in the menu bar would be nice, even if configurable keyboard shortcuts still take a while.

Being able to merge windows:
Please allow us to merge the ReFacets window with the main Foobar2000 window.

Quittung when closing windows:
Like MacOS programs, Foobar2000 should not quit completely when you close its window(s).

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #264
Is there some way to display album art or change the layout? I see references to album art in settings.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #265
Duh, I see now, just click on the tiny album art image at the bottom left.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #266
Possible Bug: MacBook Pro M3, MacOS 14.3 The window for foobar2000 does not retain its size when the app is closed and reopened if it is not at default size.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #267
I don't know if this is intended behavior or a bug but when using external headphones exclusive output volume is reduced around 10dB. I have not tried this with an external USB DAC.

To me it's particularly important to fix where the app completely quits when the red button is clicked to close the window. As for the feature set, I'm OK with it.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #268
Is there anyway the Coverflow plugin could be built for the Mac ?

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #269
2.62 is out with a couple of bug fixes. I guess eventually all the bugs will get stepped on.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #270
I'm no longer sure that closing the app rather than closing the window by clicking on the red button is a bug. There are proper Mac apps which close with the red button because they follow a single window model. I don't know if the accessory windows like the library classify footer as multi window or single window.

What I can say is fb2k is easily the best free music player for MacOS. It has a proper library and built in parametric EQ along with several other useful DSP functions. When one tries what else is out there it becomes apparent how important these features are. What surprises me is there are lots of web pages showing music players for MacOS and only one or two list FB2k.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #271
I tried using exclusive mode with a USB DAC this evening and did not notice the reduction in gain I saw using the Mac's headphone jack. Maybe it's got something to do with how the Mac's headphone jack is implemented.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #272
I love the mac version! Thank you for the continuous development!

One quite annoying bug is that when I'm listening to my radio collection, if there is a buffer problem on one of the stations it automatically goes to the next one. It's quite annoying, like you are listening to some quiet, late night music and then it pauses and goes to a rock station.

Can you make it so that it either stops playing or restarts automatically?

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #273
Foobar2000 for Mac 2.7 preview is out. Thank you Peter for the continuing development.


Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #274
What way to quick setup track Rating in macOS foobar2000?
e.g. foo_quicktag can't be used in macOS ...

Also what about quick see current track playing name in status bar (need to full open foobar2000 now)?