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Topic: foo_httpcontrol (Read 982918 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #50
I guess this is where the saga ends. I reached all the goals I aimed to, and the idea within its restraints pretty much exhausted itself. thank you all for the fun time I spent here, it was a very interesting experience. Peter's foobar architectural techniques is something unique and, why not, have the right to be called perfect :-)
Code: [Select]
    v0.66 20 Apr 2008
        add: previously browsed directory remembering;
        fix: and again, invisible consistency fixes;


Reply #51
Thanks a lot for your work.
Much appreciated, really.


Reply #52
Yes!... Thank you very much for such a nice and useful plugin.


Reply #53
Your plugin is impressive but is there a way to set the next song to be played?

Edit: sometimes the page is very slow to load after a song change even though the playlist is very short and I'm connected to localhost. Once I even got a 404 error. What may be the problem?


Reply #54
Your plugin is impressive but is there a way to set the next song to be played?

nope, I didn't even think in this direction as I don't need this feauture at all. what do you suggest?
Edit: sometimes the page is very slow to load after a song change even though the playlist is very short and I'm connected to localhost. Once I even got a 404 error. What may be the problem?

I've never encountered anything even remotely close to your problem. 404? weird, I didn't code this error response at all. please be more descriptive and perhaps we'll be able to pin-point the possible bug.


Reply #55
Nice work.


Reply #56

Your plugin is impressive but is there a way to set the next song to be played?

nope, I didn't even think in this direction as I don't need this feauture at all. what do you suggest?

There could be a checkbox next to each playlist item. Checking one box would add the corresponding item to the playback queue.
Or there could be a difference between single click and double-click. Double click would start playback, single click would just put the cursor on an item, just as the foobar interface behaves. If "Playback follows cursor" is enabled, the next song will be the highlighted one.

Edit: sometimes the page is very slow to load after a song change even though the playlist is very short and I'm connected to localhost. Once I even got a 404 error. What may be the problem?

I've never encountered anything even remotely close to your problem. 404? weird, I didn't code this error response at all. please be more descriptive and perhaps we'll be able to pin-point the possible bug.

No, it was not a template error 404, it was just a message from my browser saying that the page is unavailable. Most of the time the pages load slowly or the loading freezes halfway. I'm not behind a proxy nor a firewall for local connections.


Reply #57
First: oblikoamorale thanks for this component, I like it very much.

I also would like an option to enqueue tracks, but not by handling a double click. I use a smart phone and it doesn't no anything like double click. My idea is to add just an extra link (an 'e' or +) after the track and the delete sign. By clicking the webpage puts that specific track in the queue, and refreshes.
I don't care if enqueued files are visually indicated. But than you need cwb_hooks and maybe it is preferably better to be less dependant on other components?

Another small request of mine. Could you add an extra checkbox that disable automatic refreshing of the webpage? Again because I use my smart phone I have to pay for the bandwidth I use. Maybe it isn't much, but when I leave the page open and put the browser to the background it still consumes unnessesary data.

@Cutter: when you get a error, how large is the requested playlist?


Reply #58
I also would like an option to enqueue tracks, but not by handling a double click. I use a smart phone and it doesn't no anything like double click. My idea is to add just an extra link (an 'e' or +) after the track and the delete sign. By clicking the webpage puts that specific track in the queue, and refreshes.
I don't care if enqueued files are visually indicated. But than you need cwb_hooks and maybe it is preferably better to be less dependant on other components?

I'm thinking of a better way of implementing queue and cursor management controls. I don't want to add extra control buttons to playlist itself, as it is going to unneccessary increase of page size. and I'm removing the delete button from there.
I guess I'll end up with something like this: at first, user presses some button, choosing action (delete, queue, focus), then he clicks desired track in playlist.
Another small request of mine. Could you add an extra checkbox that disable automatic refreshing of the webpage? Again because I use my smart phone I have to pay for the bandwidth I use. Maybe it isn't much, but when I leave the page open and put the browser to the background it still consumes unnessesary data.

autorefresh can be turned off by fiddling with javascript in template, but I'll think what can be done.
@Cutter: when you get a error, how large is the requested playlist?

it doesn't seem like a matter of big playlist, it's something else. i have a test playlist consisting of 23 thousand tracks, and stress testing the plugin page with apache benchmark reveals no problems. no memory leaks, no handle leaks, nothing suspicious.


Reply #59
I'm thinking of a better way of implementing queue and cursor management controls. I don't want to add extra control buttons to playlist itself, as it is going to unnecessary increase of page size. and I'm removing the delete button from there.
I guess I'll end up with something like this: at first, user presses some button, choosing action (delete, queue, focus), then he clicks desired track in playlist.
Yes that would be great that way.
Like radio buttons or dropdown menu maybe for : play now, delete, enqueue (and dequeue?) and then just single click a track.
Also it would be nice if there was a way to see enqueued tracks and a way to set the default action between 'play now' and 'enqueue' (or something else)


Reply #60
Also it would be nice if there was a way to see enqueued tracks...

That can be achieved by requesting the content of the queue playlist, so that funcionality is already present.

Oblikoamorale, your new idea of implementing queue and cursor management controls, does that mean extra refreshing of the webpage?

And would it be possible to come up with variations of [PLAYLIST]. So maybe [PLAYLIST_WITH_DELETE] and [PLAYLIST_WITH_ENQUEUE] etc? So that I has a user can 'create' my best configuration for the webpage? Or some options in the properties in foobar with checkboxes that represent the items to be included in the webpage? The last option is maybe more user friendly.


Reply #61

Also it would be nice if there was a way to see enqueued tracks...

That can be achieved by requesting the content of the queue playlist, so that funcionality is already present.

not quite right, queue information has to be requested separately. I'm still considering the best way of showing queue within the existing playlist without introducing any other (table) data. color highlighting might be a good compromise even although it introduces some problems, for example, when one track is queued several times.

Oblikoamorale, your new idea of implementing queue and cursor management controls, does that mean extra refreshing of the webpage?

one refresh per one action, that is the way it is designed.

And would it be possible to come up with variations of [PLAYLIST]. So maybe [PLAYLIST_WITH_DELETE] and [PLAYLIST_WITH_ENQUEUE] etc? So that I has a user can 'create' my best configuration for the webpage? Or some options in the properties in foobar with checkboxes that represent the items to be included in the webpage? The last option is maybe more user friendly.

the ultimate way to satisfy any end user wishes would be to transfer all web page playlist formatting to user end. what I mean is that template's javascript receives some sort of playlist data array, and generates the playlist section of the page by itself. I didn't benchmark this approach yet, but my guess it's going to be quite expensive, considering this stuff is being used on some mobile devices.


Reply #62
the ultimate way to satisfy any end user wishes would be to transfer all web page playlist formatting to user end. what I mean is that template's javascript receives some sort of playlist data array, and generates the playlist section of the page by itself. I didn't benchmark this approach yet, but my guess it's going to be quite expensive, considering this stuff is being used on some mobile devices.

Putting all available playlist information in the webpage is indeed data expensive. But you didn't respond to my alternative option, putting some options in the properties in foobar with checkboxes that represent the items to be included in the webpage.

But I very like your efford in making this component!


Reply #63
Putting all available playlist information in the webpage is indeed data expensive. But you didn't respond to my alternative option, putting some options in the properties in foobar with checkboxes that represent the items to be included in the webpage.

I feel that introducing checkboxes in this case is leading to unneccessary mess. I'd like to try and do these things in a more elegant way.


Reply #64
something like should be appropriate for most of the uses. almost untested though, so proceed with care.
Code: [Select]
    v0.68 12 May 2008
        add: playback enqueue/dequeue (LIFO) control, q/w hotkeys;
        add: playlist focus control, shift hotkey;
        add: playlist entry remove control, ctrl hotkey;
        add: configurable page autorefresh;
        fix: compacted control template JS;
        fix: invisible glitches;


Reply #65
Nice, it all seems to work fine here. Thanks for the improvements
IMO it would be better if the dropdown action list could remember the last action.

not quite right, queue information has to be requested separately. I'm still considering the best way of showing queue within the existing playlist without introducing any other (table) data. color highlighting might be a good compromise even although it introduces some problems, for example, when one track is queued several times.
Color highlighting is ok for me. I don't know if it's possible but maybe a tooltip showing the queue position(s) would be enough, at least for me.

That can be achieved by requesting the content of the queue playlist, so that functionality is already present.
I had not thought about it. Thanks for the tip.


Reply #66
Color highlighting is ok for me. I don't know if it's possible but maybe a tooltip showing the queue position(s) would be enough, at least for me.

I'm not exactly sure what do you mean, a way of indicating the playback progress within the queue?

That can be achieved by requesting the content of the queue playlist, so that functionality is already present.
I had not thought about it. Thanks for the tip.

ah, right. he meant foosion's playback queue plugin, didn't he?

to everyone: can you post screen shots or screen photos of plugin running on your pda or mobile phone or whatever exotic or not so exotic devices? or perhaps some of you modified the front end appearance or behaviour in one or another way, what is also quite interesting for me. I absolutely wouldn't mind seeing or reading the feedback. thanks


Reply #67
Color highlighting is ok for me. I don't know if it's possible but maybe a tooltip showing the queue position(s) would be enough, at least for me.
I'm not exactly sure what do you mean, a way of indicating the playback progress within the queue?
Well not the playback progress in minutes/seconds, i was just talking about  eventually showing the enqueued tracks position(s)/index(es) within the playback queue. But with Tim Schuhmacher's suggestion it's maybe not needed except it requires to install an extra component. In fact I was suggesting this because you said :
I'm still considering the best way of showing  queue within the existing playlist without introducing any other  (table) data. color highlighting might be a good compromise even  although it introduces some problems, for example, when one track is  queued several times.


Reply #68

I have been looking for a control like this, it does nearly everything I need. Except....

Let me explain, I use foobar2000 to play music on a laptop attached to an amplifier. my music collection is on a server and has a web interface for browsing etc. I also control the foobar player with my own web interface, pausing, volume up/down, this is now done with another plugin (control_server) and a custom soap/perl script.

There are two things that I am looking for:
a) instead of a complete webpage returned I only need a string with the track info/file name etc.
b) Volume Up and Volume Down instead of setting the volume to a certain percentage (I might have the control interface on screen on more than one machine.

While writing this I realized that I can use both controls to do what I need (Control_server cannot add tracks to the playlist)


Reply #69
to everyone: can you post screen shots or screen photos of plugin running on your pda or mobile phone or whatever exotic or not so exotic devices? or perhaps some of you modified the front end appearance or behaviour in one or another way, what is also quite interesting for me. I absolutely wouldn't mind seeing or reading the feedback. thanks

I will try to make a picture of your component in action on my SonyEricsson w950i phone.

The new version works great, thankt for the autorefresh checkbox.

I do experience one problem. Maybe this problem did also exists in the previous version. I have a playlist with online radio streams. When listening to a stream the progress bar shows some strange behaviour.

For example: shows this 'KXradio 1:00 / 71582788:15  #'
this is not a problem, but with (so mslive streams) shows this 'NOS [Radio 3FM #01] Radio 3FM  #'. So no time indication. The result is that with autorefresh checked the page keeps on refreshing as soon as it is loaded.

When you look in foobar the first stream has '?' for its duration and the second stream '0:00'. So could you add a check on the duration and handle accordingly with the progress indicator and the time indication in the playlist overview?



Reply #70
Well not the playback progress in minutes/seconds, i was just talking about  eventually showing the enqueued tracks position(s)/index(es) within the playback queue.

I've thought of adding an additional playlist column with serial number of enqueued track within playback queue, but considered it as a minor thing. if you think it'll improve usability, I'll add it, no problem.
It's just me who didn't (and still doesn't) use queueing at all.

There are two things that I am looking for:
a) instead of a complete webpage returned I only need a string with the track info/file name etc.
b) Volume Up and Volume Down instead of setting the volume to a certain percentage (I might have the control interface on screen on more than one machine.

first request is possible by changing the page template. take a look at its inside, it isn't complicated. volume control in this way is not possible at the moment, but again, there's no big deal to implement it (if it is needed).

I will try to make a picture of your component in action on my SonyEricsson w950i phone.

thanks, much appreciated.
I do experience one problem. Maybe this problem did also exists in the previous version. I have a playlist with online radio streams. When listening to a stream the progress bar shows some strange behaviour.

well, it is no surprise radiostreams cause some problems considering the fact they don't have any fixed length. I'll fix it (or try to, at least).


Reply #71
to everyone: can you post screen shots or screen photos of plugin running on your pda or mobile phone or whatever exotic or not so exotic devices? or perhaps some of you modified the front end appearance or behaviour in one or another way, what is also quite interesting for me. I absolutely wouldn't mind seeing or reading the feedback. thanks

Photo (cover) would be splendid that searches I since I Foobar!




Reply #73
Code: [Select]
    v0.69 13 May 2008
        add: VolumeUp/VolumeDown by degree of percent in param1 commands;
        add: remembering of previously selected playlist action;
        add: display order of enqueued tracks;
        fix: playback queue glitches;
        fix: proper handling of unknown length tracks;


Reply #74
perfect thanks