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Topic: BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7 (Read 340275 times) previous topic - next topic
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BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #50
Long story short, as I explained to #foobar2000 regulars:
Legal threats caught up with me in regards to tools that aid piracy in source form. I am in the process of rebuilding the site to have not such content
What the hell? Who do I see to get that blacklist removed?

Hmmm I wonder why its on the list.....

tima's payback?

Now the leechers can go back to raping our content. Well done ESET.
See what you morons had to do, to get full source access? Go make some phony virus reports!!!! biggrin.gif
I hope you are fucking happy tima. We also did it under a WTFPL so you can even SELL our code, and we don't get a cent!

Mudlord. After your meltdown a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't going to try to talk to you further, but since you have not been able to get me out of your head and are continuing to publicly hurl false accusations at me, I guess I do have something to say about that.

1. I have not reported you to anyone. I have not discussed you with anyone. I have not mentioned your project to anyone. My last visit to these forums was almost two weeks ago. Any difficulties you have encountered are due to your real enemies, not me. I don't care about you.

2. Despite your repeated baseless accusations, my only interest in your source code was in potentially offering to help you fix it if you proved incapable, which seemed not unlikely considering what you included in your initial release. Of course, I was too polite to come out and say that, and so in my first post in this thread, which began with "This is a great idea!", I simply mentioned a couple of bugs. I was looking forward to seeing if you could fix them. My second post was just a quick statement that I wasn't interested in dealing with the new protection stuff you were doing in your second release. In my third post (deleted, I must continue to hope, only because of your vulgar, crazed reply to it), among other things, I responded to one of your questions "Why?" by explaining my interest in the source code was in seeing how the code evolved WRT buffering and multithreading, which was where it was really naively written, the latter of course being something I was again too polite to come out and say. I believe I also said I wanted to determine why soundfont changes didn't occur immediately but required restarting the client application, which became apparent after examining the source code.

3. That's all over now. I mentioned in my first message that the closed source loopbe1 and SyFonOne and/or sfz+ meet my needs (which I also described in detail, I think also in my third message), though they are a little difficult to use, but they are nothing compared to the difficulty of trying to have a rational conversation with you. It's just not worth the time or energy for me, as based on your meltdown, I could tell there would be no end to your nonsense, so why even try?. Indeed, two weeks later, you're continuing with it all on your own. That's why I didn't respond to you, and it's beyond pathetic that you believe that since then, I've been busy trying to screw you up and get even, when the truth is, I haven't thought about you at all. (And so there will be no mistake, this message is not an attempt to continue having a conversation with you. It's just another attempt to help you.)

4. Let me state unequivocally that I'm not now and never was interested in "stealing and selling your code". That's just a paranoid construction of your brain, and it was not even remotely suggested by anything I said to you in the three messages I wrote to you before this one.

5. Though I had nothing to do with your troubles, as I so patiently explained to you, it's bad policy to deliberately cause false positives in A/V software. Note that I said false positive, which is all I've ever said. I never once even remotely suggested that your software contained an actual virus. From your other messages, I see you had to deal with the false reports and change your practices, not to mentioned whatever you were doing that got your website blacklisted for "tools that aid piracy in source form". While I had nothing to do with any of that, it's no shock to find out I was completely right and gave you outstanding advice in my message that was deleted, the one that caused you to melt down for no reason.

I hope all this helps to ease your mind and allows you to forget about me, move on, and focus on your real enemies, perhaps including the "leeching slut" you first mentioned many days ago. Maybe that entity is the one causing you all your woe in this weird world you've described. In the world in which reality occurs, it is not me causing you problems, I have no idea who it is, and I have had no part in it. I don't care about you.

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #51
I have not reported you to anyone. I have not discussed you with anyone. I have not mentioned your project to anyone. My last visit to these forums was almost two weeks ago. Any difficulties you have encountered are due to your real enemies, not me. I don't care about you.

However, to me, it seemed quite the opposite and quite suspicious.

my only interest in your source code was in potentially offering to help you fix it if you proved incapable, which seemed not unlikely considering what you included in your initial release.

Now I want to know, how do you think I am incapable of ANYTHING I program? Do you and other people really think I am a talentless HACK?

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #52
been busy on new dialogs and options for next version:

Took a leaf out of Peter's book and redid the config app in WTL. Has better registry functions, better tab handling, etc....
So much easier than Win32 code to maintain.

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #53
uploaded 1.06
with volume control abilities as requested by members of the doom modding community.

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #54
uploaded 1.06
with volume control abilities as requested by members of the doom modding community.

Volume control works like a champ, uninstall of old version and install of new version works perfectly  Thanks, Mudlord!

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #55
XMPlay MIDI Plugin/BASSMIDI/BASSMIDI Driver MIDI Implementation Chart


I threw this together the other day; a MIDI Implementation Chart and system exclusive messages list for the XMPlay MIDI Plugin, BASSMIDI, and the BASSMIDI Driver. It may not be 100% accurate, and doesn't list but the very basic XG system exclusive messages that they support... but it might prove useful to someone nonetheless

Other links of interest (that y'all may, or may not have seen):

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #56
Uploaded 2.0 to github on frontpage.

The changelog is done, too.

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #57
Thanks to all concerned. It's been years since I did anything with MIDI but wanted to on my new laptop and didn't realise how bad the default synthesis was in Windows 7 32-bit. I must have been spoiled by relatively decent synthesis of my ancient SB 32 AWE sound card (which used the original closed SoundFont 1 format).

This driver in conjunction with Real_Font_2_1.SF2 (the first SoundFont I tried) has improved matters immensely with embedded MIDI players and the font works with BASSMIDI or FluidSynth in fb2k. I hope I can work out how to transpose and possibly edit some backing tracks too.
Dynamic – the artist formerly known as DickD

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #58
Thanks for this. It's great stuff.

Are there plans to implement support for the 64bit bassmidi libraries?

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #59
I hope I can work out how to transpose and possibly edit some backing tracks too.

Gawd knows that I plug the old Cakewalk Professional v3.01 as much as I do XMPlay and the BASSMIDI Driver <grin>, but it's the best MIDI sequencer/editor hands-down  I'm not sure about Windows 7, but even as old as it is, it runs great under Windows XP (and Vista, so I've heard).

Anyhow, surf here for the lowdown and the download ->

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #60
Thanks for this. It's great stuff.

Are there plans to implement support for the 64bit bassmidi libraries?

No point, will break compat. with lots of things.

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #61
Started uploading a few recordings from the synth....

Started uploading recordings of Rich Nagel's DOOM soundtrack, with his nice SoundFont. Might look for more good examples of the synth.

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #63
Might look for more good examples of the synth.

By "synth" are you refering to synthesized/electronic/techno/etc...? If so, you might like this one, almost forgot about that old page (Warning! Put your sunglasses on before surfing to the page... i.e. retro late 90's "I CAN MAKE A WEB PAGE, TOO!!!!" LOL!) ->

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #64
Gawd knows that I plug the old Cakewalk Professional v3.01 as much as I do XMPlay and the BASSMIDI Driver <grin>, but it's the best MIDI sequencer/editor hands-down :) I'm not sure about Windows 7, but even as old as it is, it runs great under Windows XP (and Vista, so I've heard).

Anyhow, surf here for the lowdown and the download -> :)

Thank you so much for the link, RichNagel. Incidentally I'd seen your Sound Font praised an awful lot (but had only a broken link) when I googled for free SoundFonts, so I've now downloaded that too. For anyone else who downloads Cakewalk 3.01, you need to unzip it into C:\Install\DISK1 for Setup to locate the required files to install it.
Dynamic – the artist formerly known as DickD

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #65
Are there plans to implement support for the 64bit bassmidi libraries?

Not much point to doing this anyway, since most software which will be using the driver is already 32-bit. I'm not sure about Windows Media Player or Internet Explorer 64-bit, though.

(Not to mention that there is no 64-bit DirectMusic, and it doesn't look like there ever will be, either. Oh yeah, and I also had no idea there was a 64-bit BASS or BASSMIDI to even use for this purpose.)

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #66
Thank you so much for the link, RichNagel.

Yer welcome!

Incidentally I'd seen your Sound Font praised an awful lot (but had only a broken link) when I googled for free SoundFonts, so I've now downloaded that too.

I think you'll like it... like you said, I've had rave reviews about it  BTW, as far as the download, the permanent home for it is here -> .

For anyone else who downloads Cakewalk 3.01, you need to unzip it into C:\Install\DISK1 for Setup to locate the required files to install it.

Yeah, I should have mentioned that. The CWP301 installer expects to find it's files in a "DISK1" directory (that's how it was on the original installation floppy).

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #67

It doesn't look like Mudlord has logged into the forum here in about a week or so (or over at VGMusic either). I had posted a message over at VGMusic here -> refering to a problem with the installation of the BASSMIDI Driver.

Just figured you might wanna know.

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #68
A workaround is in the source now....
I do not visit forums every day now. Makes more sense waiting till I am actually needed/wanted for something than constantly watching for replies.

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #69
A workaround is in the source now....
I do not visit forums every day now. Makes more sense waiting till I am actually needed/wanted for something than constantly watching for replies.

A-OK  Will give it a test ASAP, thanks!

(edit) It appears that only the source for the update is available (you still have to release the updated compiled installer?)?

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #70
The installer will be compiled when things in my life get to a state where they are a lot more managable.

Right now, I have way too much shit personally to deal with to even be in the mood to code. Sorry.

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #71
No problem, Mudlord.

I hope everything works out for you

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #72
Shit settled down, so I looked at some stuff.

Not sure to be honest how to best fix the issues, as they are quite bothersome to implement (dynamic loading all BASS, etc)...

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #73
Not sure to be honest how to best fix the issues, as they are quite bothersome to implement (dynamic loading all BASS, etc)...

Is the "dynamic loading" that you mention refering to what I had posted over at the VGMusic forums (as a non-coder, I wasn't sure)?

For the problem that I had mentioned over there at the VGMusic forums, wouldn't all that be required was to install the BASSMIDI Driver (and support files) within it's own subdirectory?

BASSMIDI MIDI synthesiser for Windows XP/Vista/7

Reply #74
I am personally curious how that ass solved it in that coolsoft synth.

I suppose that would be one solution, methinks. (installing in own directory).

I am rewriting that installer script anyway for the XG Win7 synth (since that expects VSTis for synths instead of BASS).

though legally, thats in a minefield of its own. Maybe I should do in-memory patching of the synth in the driver itself whenever a XG VSTi is loaded, to crack it. Or risk distributing a no-longer published VSTi since Yamaha can't get off its arse and support it. So I ended up having to recrack the synth myself anyway to no longer require a registry key or even installation for it to work in foo_midi properly without a installer.