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FLAC / Re: FLAC v1.4.x Performance Tests
Last post by Porcus -
No timing yet, but I pulled together some high resolution files to check if the exact Rice would fare any better or worse.

Differences at normal settings were < 0.005 percent, but I guess it is the heavy ones that are interesting, and then the savings are bigger here too. Ordered by size, the percentages are savings relative to "-8 as baseline", and relative to the one right above (that's a bit arbitrary, those numbers became small when you test many ...) Percent, not percentage points.

byteswrt. -8 inexwrt. previous
3398110588-8 inexact
33976367000.014%0.014%-8 exact
33974035990.021%0.007%-8r7 inexact
33968940470.036%0.015%-8r7 exact
33958987340.065%0.029%-8pr7 inexact
33952582920.084%0.019%-8pr7 exact, that saves 0.019 percent over inexact
33949868180.092%0.008%-8er7 inexact (-e beats -p only because hirez is weird)
33943603870.110%0.018%-8er7 exact
I'm not doing -pe. It is known that -e isn't much needed on CDDA, but high resolution signals are much more a mixed bag, so:
-e improves 0.071 (=0.092-0.021) to 0.074 percent, that's by comparing -8er7 over -8r7
-p improves some 0.044 or 0.048 percent (that's -8pr7 over -8r7)
-r7 improves some 0.021 to 0.022
The "exact" build can improve 0.014 to 0.019 percent.

Tiny numbers and likely very corpus-dependent. Here I took
* 26 min from Kimiko Ishizaka's free edition of Die Kunst der Fuge
* 27 min from HDTracks' 2022 sampler
* 25 min of four high resolution tracks from a couple of samplers from Aussie label Art As Catharsis (much post rock)
* 26 min from Cult of Luna: The Raging River
* 27 min from NIN: The Slip
* 26 min from Kayo Dot: Hubardo
* the full 18 minutes of The Tea Party: Tx20 EP (lots of intentional clipping on this one)
... and Anal Trump: That Makes Me Smart! The full 3 grindcore minutes:
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_tradersfriend
Last post by anazgnos -
This is one component that has never been brought into foobar 2.0/64 bit.  It's an irreplaceable component, imo, I haven't found anything that comes close to it's functionality.  It's annoying to have to keep a 32-bit version of foobar installed just so I can keep using this one component and I'd love to hear if anyone has found a workaround
General - (fb2k) / How do I auto-hide fields in Item properties panel if empty?
Last post by thatG -
I hope this is the right section.
I've been messing around with Columns UI trying to build a decent setup. I have a special folder with selected tracks and detailed release and production info. They vary from song to song. Some have more information, some less.
How can I auto-hide blank tag fields?
Is my way even the right approach? or is there a better way than 'Item Properties' panel to show production credits? because it doesn't really give me much to work with. There are no options whatsoever. This is obviously an 'if-task' but I have no idea how and where to put it.

If someone can kindly point me to the right direction. Thank you. (screenshot attached)

3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Timeline-SMP
Last post by regor -
Updated the nightly with some QOL changes, those were the latest quirks remaining in the charts framework. Took me some time to "fix" them without breaking resizing support.

- Timeline:
 ### Added
### Changed
- UI: improved contrast between X-axis label backgrounds and text, using WCAG contrast ratio now. Previously it just inverted the label color to B&W.
- UI: minor adjustments to X-axis title position.
- UI: Y-axis title position will now be adjusted according to data labels position in pie and doughnut charts to avoid overlapping.
### Removed
### Fixed
- UI: fixed wrong highlighting for scatter charts. It was smaller by a few px in some cases on both axis.
- UI: fixed X-axis first and last labels background not being properly adjusted in some cases for 'bars', 'lines' and 'scatter' charts.

Before pie Y-title position (static) and labels background (low contrast in some cases):
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
After pie Y-title position (dynamic) and labels background (highest perceptual contrast possible between b/w):
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Before first and last x-labels background position (misaligned in some sizes):
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
After first and last x-labels background  position (aligned in any size):
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by Defender -
I'm trying to add some functionality to the original seekbar from the samples.

I added PlayOrPause to rightclick so you can start playing, pause or resume playing. Works.
I added some changes in the display of the TIME/seekbar stuff when width is limited. Also works.

I added hover on TIME/seekbar so the alpha goes up when being over the seekbar with the mouse. Works well too when playing. But not when paused or stopped.
While playing it uses the callback on_mouse_move to set the alpha, but this callback does not seem to be triggered when paused/stopped.
Checked all the docs, tried a lot but cannot activate the hover when paused/stopped.

Is there another callback I should use? Or does it require changes in seekbar.js?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme
Last post by Ottodix -
1. some of my album titles are quite long, and I was wondering if it is possible to wrap the album title and have it on two lines.
Right now it is like this: 
Right click over the album grid > settings > tracklist > header. And then you can customize the first and second row, you can use any titleformat script you want. You can't have more than 2 rows, and you can't split a titleformat script across the 2 lines however. So having the album title on 2 lines isn't possible. You could kind of do it by using $substr(%album%,0,10) for the first line, and $substr(%album%,10,$len(%album%)) for the second line, but it won't be fantastic (won't split the words nicely, won't hide the second line when the album title is less than 10 characters, etc)
EDIT : it was bugged, i just pushed a commit. My commit only fix a bug, but it doesn't extend the functionaly described there.
2. in the same image, is there a way to switch off the year at the end of the album title? (I have the date in front anyway)
Yep, same solution, use for example %album% for the first row, and %album artist% for the second
3. I am also wondering how I can get the artwork to be displayed in big on the right side bar, just like this:
Right click over the title bar > settings > buttons > check right sidebar function. Then a button will appear if it wasn't checked yet. And with this button you can toggle the visibility of the artwork in the right sidebar. It works per tab, it mean that you can have it diplayed on the "library" tab, but hidden on the "now playing" tab