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Topic: iPod manager (Read 2357703 times) previous topic - next topic
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[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1575
What all does 'Update metadata on iPod' update?

I've been changing metadata on a lot of my music, adding lyrics, etc and 'Update metadata on iPod' does not change anything in my iPod library.

PS Maybe you could stop by #columnsui on freenode

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1576
Using, don't seem to be able to get any artwork onto my 4G Nano.  I've tried a relative path, an absolute path, and embedded art, but nothing gets onto the iPod.

Transferring the music works great however.  Thanks for your continued work on this.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1577
I see the problem  Should have something for you to test tomorrow or so.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1578
Dear musicmusic,

I have a feature suggestion for your iPod manager.
Although the users of foobar2000 are able to add video files to their playlists, I guess that nobody uses it as a real "video file manager".
I do only have one video file playlist for my iPod. I add all the videos I want to have on my iPod to this playlist and select "Send to iPod".

Now my suggestion:
I'm using the Album List (Panel) extension (with the Media Library feature). I've added all my songs to this media library. When I open this library and select "Sync with iPod", all songs are being synchronized, which is great - but unfortunately, all video files are being deleted, because they are in a separate playlist (which is not part of my media library).

Can you add some option not to synchronize all the video files?

Thank you in advance!
Best regards,

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1579
Using, don't seem to be able to get any artwork onto my 4G Nano.
Please try version, hopefully it should work now (of course I can't test to verify).

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1580
To transfer the artwork, do load library, select everything, then right click and run 'Update metadata on iPod'.

I'm sorry if I am being obtuse, but where would the missing artwork have to be located in order for this to work?


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1582
Ah, a suggestion for a future version...

Today I discovered that I had sent to my iPod quite a few of tracks that had been converted using inferior settings than I intended and thus decided to replace them. However, doing so involved the hassle of hunting down the albums in question, since sending them again would just get them skipped...
I thought it would be a useful option if there were a way of toggling the behaviour when sending duplicate items between skip, replace and, perhaps, duplicate. Not sure if anyone would find that useful, but I certainly could have earlier today.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1583
I am having trouble with Album Art. Here is the situation: if I sent files to the iPod, then later add album art (via Album Art Downloader, saved as Folder.jpg), foo_dop has not been adding the album art to the files on the iPod. I select the files, right click, "Update metadata," and nothing happens. Reloading the iPod Media Library does not help. Using the most recent version of foo_dop and foobar.

After further testing, it appears that "Update metadata" does nothing whatsoever. I tried changing the album title, clicked update metadata, and the data was not updated on the iPod. Using the Classic 80gb.

Thanks. I love this plugin!

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1584
After further testing, it appears that "Update metadata" does nothing whatsoever. I tried changing the album title, clicked update metadata, and the data was not updated on the iPod.
In which case you are doing something wrong.

1. You need to run the command on files physically located on your iPod.. i.e. do load library first
2. It reloads metadata from the file on your iPod
3. For artwork it will only fill missing artwork if the original file has not moved since you sent it.

I'm using the Album List (Panel) extension (with the Media Library feature). I've added all my songs to this media library. When I open this library and select "Sync with iPod", all songs are being synchronized, which is great - but unfortunately, all video files are being deleted, because they are in a separate playlist (which is not part of my media library).

Can you add some option not to synchronize all the video files?
Did you consider using the Sync command in the main menu and select your video playlist as well?

I'm sorry if I am being obtuse, but where would the missing artwork have to be located in order for this to work?
Wherever you would have it normally.. check your settings and click help when in doubt.

Worked beautifully.  Thanks!

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1585
After further testing, it appears that "Update metadata" does nothing whatsoever. I tried changing the album title, clicked update metadata, and the data was not updated on the iPod.
In which case you are doing something wrong.

1. You need to run the command on files physically located on your iPod.. i.e. do load library first
2. It reloads metadata from the file on your iPod
3. For artwork it will only fill missing artwork if the original file has not moved since you sent it.

I believe I have done this. Here is the process I followed:

First, I "load library."
Then I select all the files in "iPod Media Library" and click "update metadata"
No album artwork is added, and things like "Album Title" are not changed on the ipod.

I have not moved any of my files.

Just to be clear, the album art is located on my computer in the same folder as the music being added. Sending a "fresh" set of files successfully adds the album art, but if I add the album art after sending the files to the ipod, it is not updated.

Perhaps I misunderstand what "Update Metadata" is supposed to do? I assumed that if I select a track on my ipod (in ipod media library) and then click "Update Metadata," then foo_dop checks the corresponding file on my computer to see if any of the metadata has changed, then updates to pod accordingly. Is this incorrect?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1586
No album artwork is added, and things like "Album Title" are not changed.
If you didn't change the file on the iPod it won't change.

Just to be clear, the album art is located on my computer in the same folder as the music being added. Sending a "fresh" set of files successfully adds the album art, but if I add the album art after sending the files to the ipod, it is not updated.
Check 'In DopDB' status under 'Manage contents'.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1587
No album artwork is added, and things like "Album Title" are not changed.
If you didn't change the file on the iPod it won't change.

Just to be clear, the album art is located on my computer in the same folder as the music being added. Sending a "fresh" set of files successfully adds the album art, but if I add the album art after sending the files to the ipod, it is not updated.
Check 'In DopDB' status under 'Manage contents'.

The songs in question are on the iPod, but not 'In DopDB'. Why is that?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1588
I am not psychic... but you may have sent them with an old version of foo_dop, or another program, or done something else to your iPod with another program that broke it.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1589
"Update Metadata" doesn't work for me (I'm an a 5G) on updating album art aswell. The tracks are in DopDB but there ain't no album art after updating metadata on them (it's just a folder.jpg in the albums directory).

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1590
Did you consider using the Sync command in the main menu and select your video playlist as well?
Thank you very much.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1591
I have an iPhone 3G, so I understand foo_dop does not support it.  However, would it be possible for me to write the albumgain property into soundcheck and then use iTunes to sync to it?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1592
This plugin works perfect for me thank you very much!!!

But I wonder about the lyrics function. I know that the lyrics have to be saves as %unsynced lyrics%.
I have all my lyrics saved only as %lyrics% most of them with time stamps...

Could u add a lyrics field in the metadata preferences that foo_dop changes the id3tag into %unsynced lyrics%?
Maybe but not so important with an option to remove the timestamp.


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1593
Works great on my 5.5 gen iPod.

Could support ever be added?  Or is it already possible to scrobble using foobar+scrobbler component?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1594
Works great on my 5.5 gen iPod.

Could support ever be added?  Or is it already possible to scrobble using foobar+scrobbler component?

It's already possible: you need the latest version of foo_audioscrobbler (1.3.16 I think), and every time you do a write with foo_dop (send some music, delete some, rewrite db, etc), the playback statistics get imported to the scrobbler component and removed from the iPod. They will be sent to the next time anything is scrobbled, and they will be displayed with the actual played time (just like you'd expect).
Life is Real...
(But not in audio :) )

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1596
I had this plugin working well with my iPod Touch. Since then I have done a restore on the device and reinstalled foobar. Now the plugin gives me the message "No iPod Found!". I have the mobile device option checked, and my firmware is 1.1.4 (not 2.x). The device is plugged in to my computer's USB port.

Am I missing something obvious here? I know it used to work ...

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1597
Check the foobar2000 console, it should give some indication of what is going on.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1598
Thanks for the reply. The relevant lines from the console are as follows:
Code: [Select]
Listening for Apple mobile devices.
Connected to Apple Mobile Device (DID: 1, PID: 4753, Serial: SERIAL_HERE)

Nothing else comes up when I try any of the plugin's functions, besides the message box that I mentioned.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #1599
The next thing that happens is that it enumerates USB devices which may be failing. Did you update iTunes at all in all of this?