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Topic: External Tags (Read 100454 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: External Tags

Reply #450
The metadata that APIs return for a track doesn't change when stream is switched. Doing what is suggested would pretty much require ignoring all metadata caches and forcing fresh tag reloads from decoders at all times.
Until there are proper interfaces to do what you want, it's best to stick to one stream.

Re: External Tags

Reply #451
Question and possible wishlist item:
Since %last_modified% doesn't work now, how can it "Find tracks edited after External Tagging" - does it simply compare tags and report the different ones?

Because if not, that is a thing to ask for. (Rather than committing the whole thing.)

Re: External Tags

Reply #452
That command seems to compare the timestamp returned by the metadata handle to the timestamp returned by the file format's decoder instance. At the moment I'm not certain why I made it this way but I'm sure it worked correctly at least at the time of writing.

I'll need to find my motivation to re-engineer this component. I'm sure I can make it smarter and its code simpler with all the new interfaces Peter has added.

Re: External Tags

Reply #453

I am attempting to convert from using m-Tags to external tags and I seem to be running into the same problem I have with m-Tags.
Once external tags exist, how do I go about getting the external tags updated if tags get added by an external program?
For example, I use Keyfinder to add Camelot keys to files, but it seems, like with m-Tags, that if external tags already exist, I can't seem to get these tags added into the external tags.
I have to resort to the same method as with m-Tags (remove the external tags and recreate them), but this has the same drawback that any tag(s) added in foobar2000 after creating external tags are lost.

Also, Would it be possible to support title formatting in foldertag names somewhere down the line?
m-Tags at least then prompts with a Save dialog to give it a name myself if the name is left blank in Advanced Preferences.
External Tags just not shows the context menu item to "Create ...." if I empty the field.

Re: External Tags

Reply #454
I had already checked it out when I noticed the comment in the other thread. Stream pauses briefly even with a clean foobar2000 install without any additional components when tagging attempt is made. I don't see External Tags doing anything to the stream in the code, it appears to just humbly write the external tag when it gets the information.
But Peter has been notified about the issue. Perhaps the behavior can be improved.

Hello @Case I wanted to know if Peter has rectified this? Still seems to be an issue in foobar2k v2.1.5... It would be great to iron this out as you could write in additional tags for a web stream and use Discord RPC in conjunction to display it. Currently even attaching images cause this loop as well.

Re: External Tags

Reply #455
@Just_Addict : if you could try the following once you have identified the files (Tagging -> "Find tracks edited after External Tagging" if you have timestamps updated ...):

Tagging -> Edit file tags will open the file tags.
Then open the properties of the same files. You now have two windows which show different tag sets.
If there is only one field you have updated, you can copy over.

Re: External Tags

Reply #456
It would be great if component also let fb2k to save and accept *.tags files as normal playlists. This way also online-playlists and all tags for them could be in one file for easier transferring between different PCs.

Also, amongst options for preferred tags reading/writing it seems logical to have one more: "Prefer folder tags, write stream tags to APE tags, read all three tag types".

Re: External Tags

Reply #457
Hi, documentation question :) What's the meaning of "(not updated for 2.0, please use Component Home Page)" in the external links on the wiki page? I've been using external tags for my midis for years and foobar 2.0 hasn't given me any trouble with it.

Thanks for making it btw, it's a beautifully clean and effective solution. I expanded the wiki page a few years ago after some testing, hope it's been useful to people and that I didn't get anything wrong.


Re: External Tags

Reply #458
What's the meaning of "(not updated for 2.0, please use Component Home Page)" in the external links on the wiki page?
The wiki page hasn't been updated in 14 months.
Edit: wiki page edited