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Topic: EAC FLAC files missing after ripping CD (Read 5044 times) previous topic - next topic
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EAC FLAC files missing after ripping CD


I've just started using EAC to rip CD's to FLAC files as an alternative to Foobar2000 (which was giving me issues, see this thread here:;topicseen#new)

I'm having problems with this. I'm new to this program and FLAC in general and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

I've follewed this tutorial and it's really detailed and comprehensive. However when I go to the specified folder I assigned to save the files, they are all .wav files. All my settings are as shown in the video but I'm still having problems.

Am I missing something here? I've set it up for FLAC but I'm not getting these.

I've tried this now a few times and all have the same result.

Any help, input or anything would be greatly appreciated. I'm still a complete newbie to this.

Cheers again guys!

Re: EAC FLAC files missing after ripping CD

Reply #2
Sorry, I don't have the patience to watch a 13-minute video when EAC has its own "Configuration Wizard" that does just fine.  There are two possibilities:

1. You don't have FLAC configured correctly
2. You are not selecting "Compressed" or "CMP" when initiating your rip.

Re: EAC FLAC files missing after ripping CD

Reply #3
Quite a bit of misinformation in the video
Check your Compression Options
Test the encoder
Look over

I will definitely check this and make sure everything is in order. Thanks! There's a lot of information in that video. I don't know what a CUE sheet is or what the need for it is. I like the idea of it checking before it rips though. Can you tell me what the poor info here is? It did seem a bit overkill when Foobar was a much simpler process. If it wasn't giving me errors, I'd probably be using that. But EAC does seem really good.

Sorry, I don't have the patience to watch a 13-minute video when EAC has its own "Configuration Wizard" that does just fine.  There are two possibilities:

1. You don't have FLAC configured correctly
2. You are not selecting "Compressed" or "CMP" when initiating your rip.

I am selecting compressed when starting the rip but I'm getting the wav files so I'm thinking it must be the flac configuration (this might solve my Foobar issue too as I can add the flac.exe to the components in Foobar as I've seen recommended elsewhere)

The only issue I'm having is downloading flac. When I go here the latest version is 1.3.3 which is a different format and none of the folders have the flac.exe file in them. Shouold I be using 1.3.2?

Would this not be what comes already included in Foobar and EAC? I've only downloaded both last week so would they not already have the latest version of flac installed with them as standard?

Apologies for the basic questions. I thought this would be a more straightforward process than it is.

Re: EAC FLAC files missing after ripping CD

Reply #4
When you installed EAC from this location: automatically installed the FLAC codec.  Just re-run "EAC" > "Configuration Wizard" and choose "rip for quality" and "FLAC".  That should be all that is necessary.

If still problems, click on "EAC" > "Compression Options" > "External Compression" > "Test encoder" and post a screenshot of results as well as the "External Compression" tab.

Re: EAC FLAC files missing after ripping CD

Reply #5
Can you tell me what the poor info here is?
From memory (I only watched part of the video the first time and I'm not watching it again)
He starts with EAC already installed. He briefly mentions the Configuration Wizard but assumes you've already setup EAC to use FLAC from the wizard.

In EAC options 'Extraction tab' he suggests setting 'Error recovery quality' to High. See the recommendation and explanation:
On the General tab, the settings he shows has 'Show status dialog after extraction' unticked. See the recommendation and explanation in the link above.

In the Metadata options he commented that the CTDB plugin has 10 free uses. Actually it's the GD3 plugin that has the 10 use trial. The CTDB plugin is free and retrieves metadata stored from freedb, MusicBrainz and discogs.

In the compression settings he goes into an explanation of the bitrate and quality settings. When the parameter passing scheme is set to 'User Defined Encoder' these settings won't make a difference without corresponding placeholders in the 'Additional command-line options' and even then have no comparable settings in the FLAC options.
He suggests ticking 'Use CRC check'. Same as above. Leave it unticked.
He suggests ticking 'Add ID3 tag'. FLAC supports Vorbis Comments tagging not ID3. This should be unticked and use tagging via the 'Additional command-line options'.


Re: EAC FLAC files missing after ripping CD

Reply #6
Can you tell me what the poor info here is?
From memory (I only watched part of the video the first time and I'm not watching it again)
He starts with EAC already installed. He briefly mentions the Configuration Wizard but assumes you've already setup EAC to use FLAC from the wizard.

In EAC options 'Extraction tab' he suggests setting 'Error recovery quality' to High. See the recommendation and explanation:
On the General tab, the settings he shows has 'Show status dialog after extraction' unticked. See the recommendation and explanation in the link above.

In the Metadata options he commented that the CTDB plugin has 10 free uses. Actually it's the GD3 plugin that has the 10 use trial. The CTDB plugin is free and retrieves metadata stored from freedb, MusicBrainz and discogs.

In the compression settings he goes into an explanation of the bitrate and quality settings. When the parameter passing scheme is set to 'User Defined Encoder' these settings won't make a difference without corresponding placeholders in the 'Additional command-line options' and even then have no comparable settings in the FLAC options.
He suggests ticking 'Use CRC check'. Same as above. Leave it unticked.
He suggests ticking 'Add ID3 tag'. FLAC supports Vorbis Comments tagging not ID3. This should be unticked and use tagging via the 'Additional command-line options'.

Thanks again for the detailed info! I'll have another look at the links you posted and try those settings. I also need to make sure I have the most up to date version of flac. It seems like version 1.3.2 is the latest on the flac website. I would imagine 1.3.3 is some beta version or something? 1.3.2 is a .zip file but 1.3.3 is .tar.xz

I'm slowly learning. There's a lot of good resources here.

Should I just re-install EAC again from scratch? I've made a lot of changes based on that video.

Re: EAC FLAC files missing after ripping CD

Reply #7
See Apesbrain's post above mine. The recent version of EAC has v1.3.1. The new version of EAC coming out later this month will have v1.3.2.

EAC's settings are stored in the registry. Reinstalling EAC without wiping the info from the registry will retain the same settings.
If you want to start from scratch, the registry location is in this post
If you are uncomfortable editing the registry, you could create a .reg file with the following text to erase the stored settings. Just merge prior to reinstalling EAC
Code: [Select]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Another option is to use a registry cleaner prior to reinstalling EAC to remove.

Re: EAC FLAC files missing after ripping CD

Reply #8
Thank's again Korth! I'll try that again and see how it goes.

Thanks aslo to Apesbrain as well.

Between this and the issue I'm having ripping FLAC with Foobar, I'm hoping my CD drive isn't the problem.

Re: EAC FLAC files missing after ripping CD

Reply #9
@korth and @Apesbrain thank you very much for your help here! I have reconfigured EAC as suggested in this thread and now have my FLAC files where I wanted. There doesn't seem to be any issues so far so I'm very happy with the results. I just used what EAC recommended in the wizard for my CD drive by following your links above.

One final query, in the folder of the album I have just ripped, I have a ,log and .m3u file as well as the artwork in .jpg. What is the .m3u file? I've read the log so I'm guessing it's ok to delete this?

Thanks again for the help!

Re: EAC FLAC files missing after ripping CD

Reply #10
The .m3u is playlist file. Its plain text so you can open it in a text editor like notepad. If you won't need it you can disable creation on the 'Tools' tab in EAC Options...

Re: EAC FLAC files missing after ripping CD

Reply #11
I'll just delete the log and playlist file so and I'll turn off creation of that so it doesn't happen in the future. The artwork is already tagged in the file so is there any real need for that in there too?

Re: EAC FLAC files missing after ripping CD

Reply #12
If your player doesn't need it and you don't want it...
The setting for the cover is in Compression Options on the ID3 Tag tab.
'Add cover image to ID3V2 tag' is required to save the cover to the file tag (even when the tags aren't ID3).
Unticking 'Write cover image into extraction folder' will stop the cover from being saved to the folder.

I wouldn't untick 'Show status dialog after extraction' on the General tab in EAC options...


Re: EAC FLAC files missing after ripping CD

Reply #13
If your player doesn't need it and you don't want it...
The setting for the cover is in Compression Options on the ID3 Tag tab.
'Add cover image to ID3V2 tag' is required to save the cover to the file tag (even when the tags aren't ID3).
Unticking 'Write cover image into extraction folder' will stop the cover from being saved to the folder.

I wouldn't untick 'Show status dialog after extraction' on the General tab in EAC options...

I might disable the playlist one and cover image one. I can always change those settings anyways.

I wouldn't untick the status dialog. But once I've checked it and everything is ok I might just delete it from the folder. Is there any need to keep it? Unless I find some error during playback?