General Audio / Re: Downsampling 192/96 to 48 kHz - best SoX setting?
Last post by Squeller -Code: [Select]
(%SAMPLERATE% IS 96000) AND (%__replaygain_album_peak% GREATER 0.98)
(%SAMPLERATE% IS 96000) AND (%__replaygain_album_peak% GREATER 0.98)
Opening track for playback: "F:\MUSIC\z_Subwoofer wakeup\Pink_PN_64k_50_10000_-48_dBFS_44.1k_PCM24_LR.flac"
ReplayGain DSP: gain data is missing but the DSP managed to scan the track. Found gain +29.09 dB
Opening track for playback: "F:\MUSIC\z_Subwoofer wakeup\Pink_PN_64k_30_6000_-60_dBFS_48.0k_PCM24_LR.flac"
ReplayGain DSP: gain data is missing but the DSP managed to scan the track. Found gain +41.83 dB
I wonder how much time it will take to AAC/Opus overtake MP3. 10 years more?
For picture formats, JPEG is still in wide use but AVIF and WebP are slowly becoming popular.
Can you make m4a file? If I am not mistaken, this is clean aac stream, without any info on it.
2.Every lyrics same.It is not displayed in the lyrics panel and is not processed
(kugou.js) [id:~], [language:~] is saved.
(ex. Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer)
(and Japanese lyrics [kana:~] is saved )
ReplayGain DSP: gain data is missing but the DSP managed to scan the track. Found gain +8.95 dB peak 0.346279
ReplayGain DSP: reducing gain by 0.74 dB to prevent clipping