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Topic: UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion (Read 262725 times) previous topic - next topic
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UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #50
Thanks for the reply Peter. Is it possible to get the plugin to go into debug mode and spew out what's happening at all?

Might be useful for more detailed feedback without needing the devices.

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #51
Thanks for the plugin. Works very good with the Linn Majik DSM. The Majik DSM has a preamp built in and the volume buttons in foobar2000 remote-control the preamp-volume. That's really great.
However there are some flaws: If you change anything to the playback specs it results in a loud noise that sound similar to white noise.

Example 1:
select "primary sound driver"
start playback of song
change output to the linn renderer
=> noise (stop/start of playback fixes the problem)

Example 2:
select linn renderer with 16bit output format
start playback of a song
change output format to 24bit
=> noise (stop/start of playback fixes the problem and the linn plays in 24bit just fine)

Same for resampling changes etc.

It's probably because foobar2000 live-updates the playback-specs/format without interrupting the playback. The renderer plays a file named http://ip:port/stream.wav and needs a stop/start of the playback if the format changes to see the new format.

Note that the noise can be very loud and may harm your speakers or ears if you try to reproduce the error.

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #52
New version (beta 4) up.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #53
I tried to stream over network to my Marantz NA7004, but have received error message from Foobar 1.2:
Unrecoverable playback error: UPnP device error: invalid server response
Please, help to solve it.

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #54
Thanks for the update. The "loud noise" issues mentioned above have been fixed in some parts in beta4. Going from 16bit to 24bit is now possible without any noise. But still when changing sample rates in the resampler dsp it <sometimes> produces this noise. If i change the sample rates (only supported ones by the Linn DSM) let's say 10 times it results in this noise. Also the following procedure results in noise:
1. Set output format to 24bit.
2. Start playback
3. Change output format to 32 bit => Playback now stops without error message
4. Change output format back to 24bit => Noise

I know that my renderer is not capable of accepting 32bit audio but perhaps it might be possible to let this result in an error message instead of noise.

The following procedure also results reproducible in noise:
1. Start playback a ripped CD for example (so every file has the same specs => 44.1kHz/16bit)
2. Let it play until the last song of this playlist stops the playback automatically.
3. Start playback again with any song of the same playlist. => Noise

Another issue is that you can stop the playback with the Linn Hardware IR-Remote but cannot make it start again but this is probably intended or not possible i guess.


UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #55
New version (beta 4) up.

Hi Peter!

Well, it seems it still cannot see my OPPO BDP-105.

Touching wood for some further compatibility improvements in the upcoming versions.

Good luck!


UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #56
Still having the same issue with beta 4: Unrecoverable playback error: UPnP device error: invalid server response

Peter, would a packet capture between the PC and the UPnP receiver be of any use to you?

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #57
I would like to notify that
it DOESN'T work with CocktailAudio X10 UPnP renderer.
It says:
Unrecoverable playback error: UPnP device error: invalid server response


UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #58
same problem with marantz:[NR1602].......
Unrecoverable playback error: UPnP device error: invalid server response
need help

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #59
I also have the same problem trying to output to my Pioneer SC-2022.
Already tried all possible settings: buffer size, output data format (16, 24 and 32)

Here the console entries:
Code: [Select]
Opening track for playback: "Track01.wav" / index: 1
[UPnP] transport op: Play
[UPnP] transport op "Play" fail: invalid server response
[UPnP] transport op: Stop
[UPnP] transport op "Stop" fail: invalid server response
Unrecoverable playback error: UPnP device error: invalid server response

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #60
Same problem here
foobar2000 ver 1.2.3

trying to output to my Pioneer SC-LX56
I see the SC-LX56 available in the device list
but when i try to play something i get the:
"Unrecoverable playback error: UPnP device error: invalid server response"

foo_upnp by bubbleguuum does stream without problem

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #61
Unrecoverable playback error: UPnP device error: network error  OR  Unrecoverable playback error: UPnP device error: No contents

Foobar2000 v1.2.3
Output Device selected is TV-46C6400 (Samsung TV)

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #62
Here another console output while trying to play to my MED600X3D:

Code: [Select]
Opening track for playback: "Track01.wav"
[UPnP] Device protocol info:
[UPnP] http-get:*:image/jpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=JPEG_SM,http-get:*:image/jpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=JPEG_MED,http-get:*:audio/L16;channels=1;rate=44100:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get:*:audio/L16;channels=2;rate=44100:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get:*:audio/L16;channels=1;rate=48000:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get:*:audio/L16;channels=2;rate=48000:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get:*:video/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_PS_NTSC,http-get:*:video/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_PS_PAL,http-get:*:video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts:DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_TS_SD_NA,http-get:*:video/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_TS_SD_NA_ISO,http-get:*:video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts:DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_TS_SD_NA_T,http-get:*:video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts:DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_TS_HD_NA_T,http-get:*:video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts:DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_TS_SD_KO,http-get:*:video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts:DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_TS_SD_KO_T,http-get:*:video/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_TS_SD_KO_ISO,http-get:*:video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts:DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_TS_SD_EU,http-get:*:video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts:DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_TS_SD_EU_T,http-get:*:video/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_TS_SD_EU_ISO,http-get:*:audio/mpegurl:*,http-get:*:audio/mp3:*,http-get:*:audio/mpeg:*,http-get:*:audio/x-ms-wma:*,http-get:*:audio/wma:*,http-get:*:audio/vnd.dlna.adts:*,http-get:*:audio/mp4:*,http-get:*:audio/mpeg3:*,http-get:*:video/mpeg:*,http-get:*:video/x-ms-wmv:*,http-get:*:video/x-ms-asf:*,http-get:*:video/x-ms-avi:*,http-get:*:video/x-msvideo:*,http-get:*:video/mpeg4:*,http-get:*:video/avi:*,http-get:*:video/h264:*,http-get:*:video/mp4:*,http-get:*:video/3gpp:*,http-get:*:video/flv:*,http-get:*:video/x-matroska:*,http-get:*:video/quicktime:*,http-get:*:application/x-ndsvgdrm:*,http-get:*:application/vnd.rn-realmedia:*,http-get:*:image/jpeg:*,http-get:*:image/png:*,http-get:*:image/tiff:*,http-get:*:image/gif:*
[UPnP] Stream address:
[UPnP] HTTP request: GET /stream.l16
[UPnP] Source:
[UPnP] Accept: */*
[UPnP] Accept-Ranges: bytes
[UPnP] Connection: Keep-Alive
[UPnP] 1
[UPnP] Host:
[UPnP] Keep-Alive: 300
[UPnP] Range: bytes=0-
[UPnP] Streaming
[UPnP] User-Agent: RealtekVOD/1.0.0 (Linux)
[UPnP] Serving LPCM
[UPnP] Connection: close
[UPnP] Content-Type: audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=2
[UPnP] Streaming
[UPnP] User-Agent: Windows/7.0 UPnP/1.1 foobar2000/1.x
[UPnP] transport op: Play
[UPnP] HTTP request: GET /stream.l16
[UPnP] Source:
[UPnP] Accept: */*
[UPnP] Accept-Ranges: bytes
[UPnP] Connection: Keep-Alive
[UPnP] 1
[UPnP] Host:
[UPnP] Keep-Alive: 300
[UPnP] Range: bytes=0-
[UPnP] Streaming
[UPnP] User-Agent: RealtekVOD/1.0.0 (Linux)
[UPnP] Serving LPCM
[UPnP] Connection: close
[UPnP] Content-Type: audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=2
[UPnP] Streaming
[UPnP] User-Agent: Windows/7.0 UPnP/1.1 foobar2000/1.x
[UPnP] transport op OK
[UPnP] transport op: Stop
[UPnP] transport op "Stop" fail: network timeout
Unrecoverable playback error: UPnP device error: network timeout

It works just fine with Kinsky...

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #63
If it helps

first message from the foo_out_upnp, ver 1.0 beta 4
second message from foo_upnp by bubbleguuum, ver 0.99.45 (and Pioneer receiver SC-LX56 is playing the song)

here is the console output:
Code: [Select]
Opening track for playback: "D:\Audio\Music\My Music\MP3\Kool And The Gang\Kool And The Gang - Celebration.mp3"
Unrecoverable playback error: UPnP device error: invalid server response

foo_upnp: opened 'file://D:\Audio\Music\My Music\MP3\Kool And The Gang\Kool And The Gang - Celebration.mp3' for streaming

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #64
I just wanted to add a quick note to let everyone know the 1.2.3 release and UPnP Controller continue to work well with WD TV Live Plus.  I have 6 of these now sprinkled between various systems in my house and offices and FooBar works great, just select a target depending upon where you are and you're good to go.  If you have a number of older, non-networked, but nice receivers these units make a cheap, quality audio solution.  I'm running Win8 and the DLNA support is simply dysfunctional with these units so FB to the rescue!

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #65
This is a fantastic plug-in ! I would love to control foobar with my iPad streaming to my UPnP devices !

I tried the plug-in with Windows 7 and foobar 1.2 beta 2 with a Denon AVR-4311 and a Marantz CR-602 but in both cases I get following error :
"Unrecoverable playback error: UPnP device error: invalid server response"

Though both devices are recognized.

Also, Is there a possibility to add some transcoding options ?
e.g. downsample to 24bit/96kHz for HD Audio and transcode ALAC to WAV or FLAC

Thanks upfront!

I tried the beta 4 with foobar 1.2.3 and I still have the same result...

It's strange that it's reported to be working with a Denon DNP-720 AE.
My hifidealer tried this and had the same error like me.

Looking forward to the next release!

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #66
As foo_upnp works with my T+A Cala with not much editing of the settings, I was hopefull that it would also work with the UPnP MediaRenderer output, but alas, I get the "Unrecoverable playback error: UPnP device error: invalid server response" error. My Dune HD Smart D1 isn't even seen as a renderer. Would have been great if it would be able to work with my T+A.......


UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #67
Hey all ... got this showing my Galaxy S3 via Bubble, but when I play files nothing happens? Am I missing something?

I'm having exactly the same trouble, also Galaxy S3, also using the BubbleUPnP app.

The phone shows up on Playback > Output in FooBar, and the volume controls in FooBar alter the phone volume - but when playing, the song progress bar in Foobar moves for the first couple of seconds, then just twitches a bit and halts.

There's nothing played through the phone at all.

Can anyone help?

(Someone replied to the quoted user suggesting setting up a home group, that didn't help me).

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #68
Two comments / questions :
  • I noticed that the volume behaves differently when using this component (different layout when volume is "called" from from the status bar ... and I also guess commands passed through the SDK do not work as usual, they have no effect)
  • The renderer capabilities are ignored and PCM is always used.
Is there an explanation?

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #69
I'm having exactly the same trouble, also Galaxy S3, also using the BubbleUPnP app.
The phone shows up on Playback > Output in FooBar, and the volume controls in FooBar alter the phone volume - but when playing, the song progress bar in Foobar moves for the first couple of seconds, then just twitches a bit and halts.
There's nothing played through the phone at all.

Still having the same problem - does anyone know any Android alternatives to Bubble UPnP that would let me find out if it's the foobar2000 component or Bubble?

Although I suppose the other option some kind of network connectivity issue, does anyone know whether that is likely or possible given the volume buttons work?

Really stuck for a way to narrow the problem down...

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #70
I'm having exactly the same trouble, also Galaxy S3, also using the BubbleUPnP app.
The phone shows up on Playback > Output in FooBar, and the volume controls in FooBar alter the phone volume - but when playing, the song progress bar in Foobar moves for the first couple of seconds, then just twitches a bit and halts.
There's nothing played through the phone at all.

Still having the same problem - does anyone know any Android alternatives to Bubble UPnP that would let me find out if it's the foobar2000 component or Bubble?

Although I suppose the other option some kind of network connectivity issue, does anyone know whether that is likely or possible given the volume buttons work?

Really stuck for a way to narrow the problem down...

Works perfectly fine for me on a Nexus 4.

If you wish you can send me a BubbleUPnP log file, streaming with foobar2000.
See first post of this thread for instructions on logging.

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #71
I'm having exactly the same trouble, also Galaxy S3, also using the BubbleUPnP app.
The phone shows up on Playback > Output in FooBar, and the volume controls in FooBar alter the phone volume - but when playing, the song progress bar in Foobar moves for the first couple of seconds, then just twitches a bit and halts.
There's nothing played through the phone at all.

Still having the same problem - does anyone know any Android alternatives to Bubble UPnP that would let me find out if it's the foobar2000 component or Bubble?

Although I suppose the other option some kind of network connectivity issue, does anyone know whether that is likely or possible given the volume buttons work?

Really stuck for a way to narrow the problem down...

Works perfectly fine for me on a Nexus 4.

If you wish you can send me a BubbleUPnP log file, streaming with foobar2000.
See first post of this thread for instructions on logging.

I see exactly the same problem, tried this on a LG Nexus 4 and a HTC Wildfire S. On the Nexus I created a log, here's a link to my dropbox:
Note: Playing from the Nexus 4 to the HTC using BubbleUPnP worked excellent.

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #72
Thanks for the brilliant component. I'm new to Foobar, so sorry if this is stupid - the volume control works absolutely fine in Default UI mode. However, with columns UI, the volume slider doesn't work, either in a toolbar or in the standard columns UI. The mute button still works, and there are no errors in the console.

Edit: Additionally, it works regardless with keyboard shortcuts, but never with the Android emote control ("foobar2000 controller").

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #73
Is there any way you can fill in the metadata? Like the title and album? And possibly a pointer to the cover art?

UPnP MediaRenderer output | discussion

Reply #74
Tried it with my Denon AVR-1912.
No success.
"Unrecoverable playback error: UPnP device error: invalid server response" is all I got.
Using foobar 1.2.6.

Code: [Select]
Opening track for playback: "xxx.mp3"
[UPnP] transport op: Play
[UPnP] transport op "Play" fail: invalid server response
[UPnP] transport op: Stop
[UPnP] transport op "Stop" fail: invalid server response
Unrecoverable playback error: UPnP device error: invalid server response