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Topic: WV to DSF using wvunpack: No tags are present in the destination file. (Read 1565 times) previous topic - next topic
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WV to DSF using wvunpack: No tags are present in the destination file.

I tried this command => wvunpack --dsf -y ".\source.wv" ".\destination.dsf"

I checked the documentation ( and nothing jumps out in relation to wvunpack + tags.

suggestions/tips? thanks

EDIT: when I say no tags, I meant none at all are present in the destination including title, trackno, album, artist and etc.

Re: WV to DSF using wvunpack: No tags are present in the destination file.

Reply #1
If you want the tags from the .wv file, open both in say Mp3tag and copy over; wvunpack does not export tags from the .wv file.
The idea behind WavPack was to get you the source file back bit-identical; if there are tags in the wvunpacked file, it will be those which were there originally, not those of the .wv file.

When you force a different output format like with --dsf, it kills the non-audio chunks. From the manual, All extra information in the original file's header and trailer will be lost and a "fresh" DSF header will be generated.
Wvunpack cannot "convert DFF non-audio chunks to DSF non-audio chunks". (And if I am right, DFF does not really allow for tags either, although some hacks exist. Anyway, the same goes for WAVE to AIFF or the other way around.)


Re: WV to DSF using wvunpack: No tags are present in the destination file.

Reply #2
In the meantime, I used MP3Tag to copy/paste the tags. I was just hoping it can be done automatically. Thanks for the response