-c should -not- create the .wvc , Instead wvc should be created automatically whenever -b is
invoked. This way all output is lossless and those objecting to using Wavpack on grounds that they might
end up with lossy only can step back and dont have to run to flac etc..
The 5.6.4 beta takes a different approach where lossless-users don't have to touch the "-b". From the short help:
-c<n> = shortcut for '-b<n> -c' to specify hybrid lossless mode
with a single option, n = 2.0 to 23.9 bits/sample, or
n = 24-9600 kbits/second (kbps)
This way you don't have to "invoke lossy and then invoke correction" at the risk of forgetting the latter. You can just skip -b entirely.
Also it doesn't break old behaviour for anyone who used it correctly.
Maybe 'complex' options can be moved to --help. typing just wavpack can look very KISS ;
You keep getting more of a point here as the short help grows longer: by 5.6.4 now it exceeds the default cmd window's 25 lines. Surely there is a setting to alter those "25". But now the "Usage" falls out of the screen.
If it is to be shortened down, who knows what is to go. (By the way, I do not like the phrase "quality" for lossless ... though the text should be valid for lossy too.)
Anyway, if formats stay in the short help, here is a tweak to get slightly information without altering layout - it becomes one character wider in the top-right column, but note the AIFF column width matches the one immediately above. Also the Apple formats end up on one line, just as the DSD formats do.
Formats: .wav (default, bwf/rf64 okay) .w64 (Sony Wave64)
.aif/.aiff/.aifc (Apple AIFF) .caf (Core Audio Format)
.dff (Philips DSDIFF) .dsf (Sony DSD stream)
.wv (transcode from existing WavPack file, with tags)