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Topic: CoolPlayer 206 (sneak peak) added! (Read 2165 times) previous topic - next topic
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CoolPlayer 206 (sneak peak) added!

After a long stretch of seeming stagnation, there has been a minor update to the CoolPlayer website. But for fans of minimalist software there is also an interesting mention of a new video player in the works. From the official post:

26.Jan.2003 Uploaded build 206
I've uploaded build 206 to the list of releases. Please note this is just the sneak peak that has been floating around for a while. There is no playlist skinning support in this one. Hopefully the new version with 'OpenSkin' technology will come soon... Oh yes. I'm working on a new freeware minimalist video player and I'm still looking for someone who is willing to do some design work for it (buttons/logo/website). Please contact me if you are interested!
Posted by: nieka

  As I said, a minor update compared to everything that's been going on with foobar 2000... but it is nice to know CoolPlayer is still alive. 

    - M.