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Topic: XLAC! Lossless Audio Converter - WAV / FLAC / APE / WAVPACK / TTA / ALAC (Read 5009 times) previous topic - next topic
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XLAC! Lossless Audio Converter - WAV / FLAC / APE / WAVPACK / TTA / ALAC

it supports WAV / FLAC / APE / WAVPACK / TTA / ALAC ,AND BLA (WTF)?

conversion super fast,  and this soft has the size < 300 k!!!

download from a personnal site of a Chinese guy here:

Re: XLAC! Lossless Audio Converter - WAV / FLAC / APE / WAVPACK / TTA / ALAC

Reply #1

Re: XLAC! Lossless Audio Converter - WAV / FLAC / APE / WAVPACK / TTA / ALAC

Reply #2

Re: XLAC! Lossless Audio Converter - WAV / FLAC / APE / WAVPACK / TTA / ALAC

Reply #3
HTTP cert isn't working on the site, can't download. What operating system is this for? Why is the 'the best'?

Can we delete this as spam?

Re: XLAC! Lossless Audio Converter - WAV / FLAC / APE / WAVPACK / TTA / ALAC

Reply #4
HTTP cert isn't working on the site, can't download. What operating system is this for? Why is the 'the best'?

Can we delete this as spam?

You have the direct links dans le post for downloading.

1: small green software
2: fastest speed
3: multi formats

Re: XLAC! Lossless Audio Converter - WAV / FLAC / APE / WAVPACK / TTA / ALAC

Reply #5
Seems like a dude that tinkers with a bunch of stuff a little. I don't mind it too much, looks to me more like an exercise in using libraries than anything practical.
Dude reminds me of myself prior to going into University.

That aside, it seems he removed the links from the website, I can't find that software linked anywhere on his site.

Re: XLAC! Lossless Audio Converter - WAV / FLAC / APE / WAVPACK / TTA / ALAC

Reply #6
Seems like a dude that tinkers with a bunch of stuff a little. I don't mind it too much, looks to me more like an exercise in using libraries than anything practical.
Dude reminds me of myself prior to going into University.

That aside, it seems he removed the links from the website, I can't find that software linked anywhere on his site.

Yes,I have the same feeling for the personal site,  LOL. but You have the direct links in the post for downloading in "Reply 2"

Re: XLAC! Lossless Audio Converter - WAV / FLAC / APE / WAVPACK / TTA / ALAC

Reply #7
Yes,I have the same feeling for the personal site,  LOL. but You have the direct links in the post for downloading in "Reply 2"
I'm not interested in the software.
Apparently he did it as an exercise and has since removed it, which makes sense.
I really don't mind the software, however. It's just very simple and a GUI wrapper for a bunch of libs.

Re: XLAC! Lossless Audio Converter - WAV / FLAC / APE / WAVPACK / TTA / ALAC

Reply #8
What the f**c is "Basic Lossless Audio" (.bla)? A generic "put anything you want in here" placeholder line?

Re: XLAC! Lossless Audio Converter - WAV / FLAC / APE / WAVPACK / TTA / ALAC

Reply #9
From , translated ty google:

BLA Basic Lossless Audio
is a lossless audio compression format I modified based on SLAC.
SLAC is a simple lossless audio compression format written by David Bryant, one of the authors of WAVPACK. It can be found here The original intention of the author of the original file is to create a compression format that is comparable to FLAC level 0. After testing and optimization, I made BLA Basic Lossless Audio.


Re: XLAC! Lossless Audio Converter - WAV / FLAC / APE / WAVPACK / TTA / ALAC

Reply #10
OK, so someone is having a coding hobby project. Cannot blame them.


Haha. Also:

(For the uncultured swine those uninitiated: )

Re: XLAC! Lossless Audio Converter - WAV / FLAC / APE / WAVPACK / TTA / ALAC

Reply #11
From , translated ty google:

BLA Basic Lossless Audio
is a lossless audio compression format I modified based on SLAC.
SLAC is a simple lossless audio compression format written by David Bryant, one of the authors of WAVPACK. It can be found here The original intention of the author of the original file is to create a compression format that is comparable to FLAC level 0. After testing and optimization, I made BLA Basic Lossless Audio.


I think , bla, this format is ideal for the card with lite memory et performance (cpu), not for PC ou smartphone