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Topic: is back online (Read 3506 times) previous topic - next topic
0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. is back online is back online!

sorry to anyone who was trying to find our site... it was down for a while because we switched our server around and such... we are no longer affiliated with any irc channel... (visit the old #mp+ on DALnet to find out why...)

anyways everything is back up for now and you can find everything you need to play, encode, and decode MPEGplus files on your PC. (yes we have an extensive file library with linux and windows software as well as source files) oh yea check now for the new mppdec (frank klemm's version 0.98i)

in addition, the site may be a little slow, as our migration to a new server is not 100% complete, but were gettin there... in the meantime we'll do our best to keep gettin you the newest software and news!

--spase, on behalf of the crew