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Topic: ogg is similiar to twinvq? (Read 5857 times) previous topic - next topic
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ogg is similiar to twinvq?

hi all
just now, i scan over a brief specification about ogg rc1.0;
i find it is very similiar to Twinvq: for example,
1. use lpc to get spectral envelope and two size mdct;
2. use the envelope to flatten mdct coef. ;
3. use VQ for lsp and mdct residue;

am i right?

could anyone give me a correct answer. thanks.


ogg is similiar to twinvq?

Reply #1
Originally posted by jianxin yan
hi all
just now, i scan over a brief specification about ogg rc1.0;
i find it is very similiar to Twinvq: for example,
1. use lpc to get spectral envelope and two size mdct;
2. use the envelope to flatten mdct coef. ;
3. use VQ for lsp and mdct residue;

am i right?

could anyone give me a correct answer. thanks.


Since I don't know the exact workings of VQF (have a link?) I can't comment much, but Monty said the similarity between Ogg and VQF pretty much only consisted of the fact that they both use Vector Quantization. I guess there might be other similarities too, but then again MP3 and Ogg also have things in common.

Note that Ogg no longer uses LSP/LPC, but piecewise linear approximation.


ogg is similiar to twinvq?

Reply #2
because the ogg document is not whole which i had seen, maybe i can't get through ogg principle;

could you give me more SITE for ogg coding main idea?
i will look into the encoder later.


ogg is similiar to twinvq?

Reply #3
Originally posted by jianxin yan
because the ogg document is not whole which i had seen, maybe i can't get through ogg principle;

could you give me more SITE for ogg coding main idea?
i will look into the encoder later.


I don't know of any that are fully up to date.


ogg is similiar to twinvq?

Reply #5
Originally posted by PatchWorKs
Vorbis Illuminated by Mike Coleman:

That one is outdated.

(It's probably enough to get you started though)
