Contributing to the wiki/knowledgebase
Reply #29 – 2004-02-23 21:56:14
Then you are in luck since I made such one: Linking Prefered way is to use WikiWords OK, what's a WikiWord? A WikiWord can be: 1) A word with more than 1 syllable where the first letter in at least 2 of the syllables are capitalized. - BandWidth - LossLess - CarJacking (to find an example with more than 2 syllables) 2) Combination of 2 or more words with first letter of each word capitalized. - RippingGuide - OtherCodecs - RecommendedLAMEFor small words with 1 syllable you can use square brackets: [AAC] Why can't I just use a WikiWord (whatever that is). Is "AAC" I wrote that because the system doesn't understand that it is a WikiWord when all letters are capitalized. You use [] to force it to make a link. Also with a word like "Speex" there is no logical place to put 2 capitalized letters so you force a link like this: [Speex]. But yes. The description is not accurate.`some text`__ __ Does that mean I can put the "__" part anywhere on the page? Would be good for maintainance. What if I want to have more than one of those in my page?`first link`__ and `second link`__ __ __ It just looks for the next "__" each time there is a reference like this. So yes you can put them anywhere as long as they are in the right order. I think it would be good to have them after each larger paragraph though.`first link`__ `second link`__ __ __ Maybe this is all real intuitive for programmers, but not for me. A little more explanatory text bellow each example could greatly flatten the learning curve. Imo this is NOT an idiot's guide. I find it grotesque that I have to gather tiny bits of information from several web pages to start understanding what is advertised as being simple and clean. Most of the time the "answer" I find raises even more questions (see above). My other problem is that I have difficulty putting my thoughts into English sentences, but that is secondary. Ok. I am glad you took the time to be specific. I will try to add some of this info if you find it good. It is hard for me to know what people don't know. You know that when you know something quite well it becomes hard to understand why people are having trouble with it. About it being intuitive or not: Well, I am not a programmer either but after 2 days of playing with it I was able to write that guide which shows many things that you normally don't need (not to brag. it was easier for me because I have worked with 3 other wiki systems or something like that before.) so for me it is hard to understand where it might not be intuitive to others. But as long as you or others can find the time to show where it is not good enough I will find the time to try to improve it based on your suggestions. Thank you.