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Topic: Password Problems... (Read 4852 times) previous topic - next topic
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Password Problems...

Somehow my password's mucked up. It'd be okay, 'cause the wiki seems to know my e-mail address, but it gives an error when I try to send my password to myself...

Password Problems...

Reply #1
Somehow my password's mucked up. It'd be okay, 'cause the wiki seems to know my e-mail address, but it gives an error when I try to send my password to myself...

I'll take a look.  Currently there's a slight issue with sometimes having to enter your password twice (I'll try and fix that up tonight.. has to do with some caching/virtual hosting issues), though I'm not sure if this is related to what you're talking about or not.

If you can't email yourself your password, I have an idea what might be causing that though, but it would definitely help if you could post the error you're getting here.

Password Problems...

Reply #2
Just made a small change which might have fixed your problem.  Let me know if it works now.

Password Problems...

Reply #3
Bah. Sorry... Uninformative bug reports...

Here's the error (and it's still around)

In the error details box, under the default_error_message title.

Error Type

Error Value
(-1, '')

Password Problems...

Reply #4
Same here. Me=tigre with my correct email-adress already exists as user there, but my HA password doesn't work, trying to send the password to my email gives the same error-massage as Canar's.
Let's suppose that rain washes out a picnic. Who is feeling negative? The rain? Or YOU? What's causing the negative feeling? The rain or your reaction? - Anthony De Mello

Password Problems...

Reply #5
This is a known issue with the current setup.  Unfortunately, we happen to use ESMTP for the HA mailserver but the default Zope MailHost product doesn't support ESMTP, so we're using a modified version.  It appears that this modified version (which is not regularly maintained) hasn't been updated to support the developmental version of Zope which the server uses.  On the other hand, we need this particular version of Zope because of some specific new features that it offers.  Needless to say, it will require some work to get everything to fit nicely within our current server config, and sadly, I don't think I'm going to have time to get around to it until sometime next week.

In the meantime, I may simply turn off the ability for users to join the HAK and add a note to the front page explaining the current situation.