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Topic: Not-a-Waveform-Seekbar-SMP (Read 1263 times) previous topic - next topic
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In case someone is interested on helping testing it or providing ideas.
I will not maintain both threads. So if anyone wants to report or discuss something, write at github. I will not answer here.

Summary of features right now:
  • Uses audiowaveform by default (included).
  • ffprobe can be used if desired. Download it and copy ffprobe.exe into 'helpers-external\ffprobe'.
  • Visualizer mode to simply show an animation which changes according to BPM (if tag exists).
  • Fully configurable using the R. Click menu:
    • Colors
    • Waveform modes
    • Analysis modes
    • Animations
    • Refresh rate (not recommended anything below 100 ms except on really modern CPUs)

Read the wiki for instructions.

Visualizer mode:

Different presets when using the actual waveform of the track:

Settings can be changed in panel or via menus:


Re: Not-a-Waveform-Seekbar-SMP

Reply #1
A bit of a bummer that I didn't keep the split between waveform analysis/cache and seekbar in the past, then you could've called into that via fb2k services instead of using external decoders for this.
Stay sane, exile.