IMO lame v3.100 is the best .mp3 encoder.
If you want to know what lame.exe really can do, you must recompile the source code with all the dev settings unlocked. Now I realized the .mp3 format is not dead; can be used even for high quality encoding, with the .mp3 file size +7x smaller than the .wav format.
By the way, use some good quality speakers to hear the differences; my subwoofer make 20 Hz audible signal and the best vibration output is at 34 Hz -3dB.
I made a small bat file to automate the finding of the best scale when I encode with lame.
@echo off
color 1E
echo Ý ÚÄÄÄ¿Þ
echo Ý LAME v3.100 64bit unleashed ³ û ³Þ
echo. ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß
:: highpass filter disabled. polyphase lowpass filter disabled
:: using short blocks if better
:: interchannel masking ratio: 0.0002
:: using joint stereo for better compression
:: for access to dev settings (--help dev) put "#define _ALLOW_INTERNAL_OPTIONS 1" in parse.c and compile
:: default lame psychoacustic tuning: --ns-bass -0.5 --ns-alto -0.25 --ns-treble -0.025 --ns-sfb21 0.5
:: adjusted masking (more clear and selective sounds, noise out): bass=-1 dB, alto=-0.5 dB, treble=-0.275 dB, sfb21=0 dB
lame.exe -mj --ns-bass -0.5 --ns-alto -0.25 --ns-treble -0.25 --ns-sfb21 -0.25 --short --verbose -q0 -b320 --cbr -c --resample 48 --highpass 0.001 --lowpass -1 --clipdetect aaa.wav out.mp3 --bitwidth 24 --interch 0.0002 --scale 1.5
echo -------------------
Set /P _link=new scale:
echo -------------------
lame.exe -mj --ns-bass -0.5 --ns-alto -0.25 --ns-treble -0.25 --ns-sfb21 -0.25 --short --verbose -q0 -b320 --cbr -c --resample 48 --highpass 0.001 --lowpass -1 --clipdetect aaa.wav out.mp3 --bitwidth 24 --interch 0.0002 --scale %_link%
echo ----------------------------
Set /P _abort=exit? (y, *):
echo ----------------------------
If /i "%_abort%"=="Y" goto step2
If /i "%_abort%"=="y" goto step2
goto step1
P.S.- Before the .mp3 encoding, I used some wave editor to make sounds better for me.