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Topic: Georgia Reborn: Change what tags are used in the title space. (Read 1162 times) previous topic - next topic
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Georgia Reborn: Change what tags are used in the title space.

With the Georgia Rebirth theme, is there anyway to change what appears in the title space? When I used to have the EOLE theme, I had a separate tag for Romanized titles and I would like to include it in parenthesis next to the song titles. I can't quite figure out how I would change it from being %title% to it being $if(%ROMAN%,%title% '('%ROMAN%')',%title%).

Re: Georgia Reborn: Change what tags are used in the title space.

Reply #1
In case you are wondering why I don't just put the romanized title in the title tag, it's because it messes up my scrobbles.

Re: Georgia Reborn: Change what tags are used in the title space.

Reply #2
I don't know anything about customising that theme but if you have decent text editor like Notepad++, you can point it at the folder containing the theme files and have it search all files within for certain text like %title%, %album% etc. You can then replace it with your own.

Re: Georgia Reborn: Change what tags are used in the title space.

Reply #3
I found all of these, no idea which is the right one.

Search "%title%" (66 hits in 8 files of 238 searched)
  C:\Users\fishingforpie\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000-v2\georgia-reborn\georgia-reborn-config.jsonc (6 hits)
   Line  53:       "title": "%title%[ '['%translation%']']", // Track title shown above the progress bar
   Line 155:       "%title%",
   Line 156:       "%artist% - %title%",
   Line 157:       "%artist% -%title%",
   Line 158:       "%tracknumber% - %title%",
   Line 159:       "%tracknumber% - %artist% - %title%"
  C:\Users\fishingforpie\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000-v2\georgia-reborn\js\Biography\scripts\text.js (2 hits)
   Line 1370:       if (panelBio.lock) n = n.replace(/%artist%|\$meta\(artist,0\)/g, '#¦#¦#%artist%#¦#¦#').replace(/%title%|\$meta\(title,0\)/g, '#!#!#%title%#!#!#');
  C:\Users\fishingforpie\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000-v2\georgia-reborn\js\Common\Control_Button.js (10 hits)
   Line 593:          plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks from the library", "ALL", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 598:          plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks most played", "%play_count% GREATER 9", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 603:          plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks never played", "%play_count% MISSING", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 623:          plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks unrated", "%rating% MISSING", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 628:          plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks rated 1", "%rating% IS 1", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 633:          plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks rated 2", "%rating% IS 2", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 638:          plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks rated 3", "%rating% IS 3", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 643:          plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks rated 4", "%rating% IS 4", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 648:          plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks rated 5", "%rating% IS 5", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 653:          plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Loved tracks", "%mood% GREATER 0", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
  C:\Users\fishingforpie\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000-v2\georgia-reborn\js\defaults.js (6 hits)
   Line  25: tf.title = '%title%[ \'[\'%translation%\']\']';
   Line 162:    '%title%',
   Line 163:    '%artist% - %title%',
   Line 164:    '%artist% -%title%',
   Line 165:    '%tracknumber% - %title%',
   Line 166:    '%tracknumber% - %artist% - %title%',
  C:\Users\fishingforpie\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000-v2\georgia-reborn\js\Library\assets\html\config.html (2 hits)
   Line  175: <div class="input_cnt3"><input class="input98" style="font:0.87em Segoe UI; border:none; background:none;" value="$colour{-}%artist%[$colour{+} - %album%][$colour{96-127-127} - '['%date%']'][$colour{111-132-138} - %genre%]$colour{--}|[$colour{--,++,0-192-192}%tracknumber%. ]$colour{-,++,0-228-228}%title%"/></div>
   Line  936:                      ['$nodisplay{X}', 'Views', "Sorts & groups by X without display of X, e.g. the following sorts latest albums first & displays the date.<br><input class='input75' style='font:1em Segoe UI; border:none; background:none;' value='%artist%|$nodisplay{$sub(99999,%date%)}%album%[ &#39[&#39%date%&#39]&#39]|%tracknumber%. %title%'/>"],
  C:\Users\fishingforpie\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000-v2\georgia-reborn\js\Library\scripts\panel.js (8 hits)
   Line  224:             this.multiValueTagSort = FbTitleFormat((this.view.includes('album artist') || !this.view.includes('%artist%') && !this.view.includes('%<artist>%') && !this.view.includes('$meta(artist') ? '%album artist%' : '%artist%') + '  %album%  [[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%');
   Line  401:          ['View 02: Name // Pattern', 'View by Artist // %artist%|%album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%'],
   Line  402:          ["View 03: Name // Pattern", "View by Composer // [%<composer>%]|%album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%"],
   Line  403:          ['View 04: Name // Pattern', 'View by Album Artist // %album artist%|%album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%'],
   Line  404:          ['View 05: Name // Pattern', "View by Album Artist - Album // [%album artist% - ]['['%date%']' ]%album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%"],
   Line  405:          ['View 06: Name // Pattern', "View by Album // %album%[ '['%album artist%']']|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%"],
   Line  406:          ['View 07: Name // Pattern', 'View by Genre // %<genre>%|[%album artist% - ]%album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%'],
   Line  407:          ['View 08: Name // Pattern', 'View by Year // %date%|[%album artist% - ]%album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%']
  C:\Users\fishingforpie\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000-v2\georgia-reborn\js\Playlist\main.js (30 hits)
   Line  959:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks from the library", "ALL", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line  969:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks most played", "%play_count% GREATER 9", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line  977:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks never played", "%play_count% MISSING", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 1011:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks unrated", "%rating% MISSING", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 1019:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks rated 1", "%rating% IS 1", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 1027:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks rated 2", "%rating% IS 2", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 1035:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks rated 3", "%rating% IS 3", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 1043:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks rated 4", "%rating% IS 4", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 1051:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks rated 5", "%rating% IS 5", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 1061:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Loved tracks", "%mood% GREATER 0", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 5052:             (pref.show_artist_playlistRows && pref.show_album_playlistRows ? '  %artist% - %album% - ' + ' %title%[ \'(\'%original artist%\' cover)\']' :
   Line 5053:              pref.show_artist_playlistRows ? '  %artist% - ' + ' %title%[ \'(\'%original artist%\' cover)\']' :
   Line 5054:              pref.show_album_playlistRows  ? '  %album% - ' + ' %title%[ \'(\'%original artist%\' cover)\']' :
   Line 5055:              '  %title%[ \'(\'%original artist%\' cover)\']') : '     %artist% - %album% - ' + track_num_query + ' %title%[ \'(\'%original artist%\' cover)\']';
   Line 5208:          var title_query_tt = g_properties.show_header ? track_num_query_tt + (pref.show_artist_playlistRows && pref.show_album_playlistRows ? '  %artist% - %album% - ' + ' %title%[ \'(\'%original artist%\' cover)\']' : pref.show_artist_playlistRows ? '  %artist% - ' + ' %title%[ \'(\'%original artist%\' cover)\']' : pref.show_album_playlistRows ? '  %album% - ' + ' %title%[ \'(\'%original artist%\' cover)\']' : '  %title%[ \'(\'%original artist%\' cover)\']') : '     %artist% - %album% - ' + track_num_query_tt + ' %title%[ \'(\'%original artist%\' cover)\']';
   Line 6331:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks from the library", "ALL", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 6336:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks most played", "%play_count% GREATER 9", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 6341:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks never played", "%play_count% MISSING", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 6361:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks unrated", "%rating% MISSING", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 6366:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks rated 1", "%rating% IS 1", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 6371:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks rated 2", "%rating% IS 2", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 6376:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks rated 3", "%rating% IS 3", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 6381:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks rated 4", "%rating% IS 4", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 6386:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Tracks rated 5", "%rating% IS 5", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
   Line 6391:             plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlist_count, "(Auto) Loved tracks", "%mood% GREATER 0", "%album artist% | $if(%album%,%date%,'9999') | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", 0);
  C:\Users\fishingforpie\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000-v2\georgia-reborn\ (2 hits)
   Line 394: $stripprefix(%album artist%)|%date% %album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%
   Line 395: $swapprefix(%album artist%)|%date% %album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%<br />

Re: Georgia Reborn: Change what tags are used in the title space.

Reply #4
I *think* georgia-reborn/js/Playlist/main.js is where you want to be looking...

Re: Georgia Reborn: Change what tags are used in the title space.

Reply #5
I found what changes it! The first %title% on line 5055 of foobar2000\georgia-reborn\js\Playlist\main.js. It has a real problem with literal parenthesis though, hence the excerpt I used on EOLE not working. $if(%ROMAN%,%title% '('%ROMAN%')',%title%)

Re: Georgia Reborn: Change what tags are used in the title space.

Reply #6
You're using a very old Georgia-ReBORN version, please download the latest from here:

After you've installed the latest Beta version, the answer to your question is here:

If you understand everything, then it should be like this in your georgia-reborn-config.jsonc:
Code: [Select]
"playlistCustomTitle": "$if(%ROMAN%,%title% '('%ROMAN%')',%title%)", // You can use your own custom title pattern for the playlist row



Re: Georgia Reborn: Change what tags are used in the title space.

Reply #7
I probably shouldn't have downloaded it from the thread here blindly.

Thank you!