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Topic: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)  (Read 187233 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #125
Thanks for all the feedback, all feature request have been noted.

I'd like to mention that this week's update for Windows - 1.0.25 - has just gone live. The output is now WASAPI, so all audio quality issues are hopefully gone.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #126
Hi, I just noticed that when there is no "album artist" tag, the album grid looks like this:

Poweramp does not show this problem:

Thank you for your great work.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm on Huawei P8 Lite Android 6.0

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #127
Thanks for all the feedback, all feature request have been noted.

I'd like to mention that this week's update for Windows - 1.0.25 - has just gone live. The output is now WASAPI, so all audio quality issues are hopefully gone.
Thanks. Now I don't need to manually enable the resampler anymore.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #128
Thanks for all the feedback, all feature request have been noted.

I'd like to mention that this week's update for Windows - 1.0.25 - has just gone live. The output is now WASAPI, so all audio quality issues are hopefully gone.

And does Lumia's DAC support 44.1 KHz through WASAPI at the same quality as 48 kHz? Or does it play through "WASAPI shared" to 48 kHz hardware sampling rate?

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #129
Thanks for all the feedback, all feature request have been noted.

I'd like to mention that this week's update for Windows - 1.0.25 - has just gone live. The output is now WASAPI, so all audio quality issues are hopefully gone.

BTW I have it now installed and it works well, even with DSP resamping disabled. Thank you very much for good work!

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #130

If your tracks have no album artist, yet different artists, then you need to have the compilation tag set to 1, this will group all those tracks to the single album. Why does the player not do this automatically? because if you had 'Greatest Hits' (multiple albums) then they will correctly be listed separately, even without album artist set.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #131
As you can see, the compilation tag is set to 1

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #132
Is there a feature request list? Would love if the bitrate could be shown.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #133
I still don't get a widget on my Galaxy S3 (Android 4.1)

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #135
How do I get album art for my albums in an automatized way?
I converted a bunch of music. Only two have album art after I copied the folder to my phone. (On of them happens to have a folder.jpg or such, the other doesn't but I guess the m4a-s might have album art embedded)

I have album art for most of my music, which I have in a dedicated folder. Both default UI and columns UI is set to find them. So they're readily available. Apparently transfer attached pictures doesn't work in this case, for whatever reason.
I imagine that's what copied the album art for that single album. Although I have no idea where it was transferred. It's not in the folder of the album.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #136
Adding the stuff from that I have set for album art (but replacing the line breaks with ";" of course) to the "copy other files to the destination folder" field doesn't seem to work either.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #137
Apparently transfer attached pictures doesn't work in this case, for whatever reason.

That is an option to transfer embedded art from the source file in to the destination file.

Adding the stuff from that I have set for album art (but replacing the line breaks with ";" of course) to the "copy other files to the destination folder" field doesn't seem to work either.

That only works on files in the source folder.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #138
That only works on files in the source folder.

That's a really unfortunate limitation, in this case.

That is an option to transfer embedded art from the source file in to the destination file.

That's too bad also. I expected foobar to be able to transfer the album-art it's already able to load and show.

Unlike the desktop version there doesn't seem to be a feature to define where to load album art from. So nothing left but copying every single image file one-by one?

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #139
Well it's no accident your image files live in an entirely different folder structure away from your audio files. This is something you must have been very conscious of when doing it??? You can hardly bemoan foobar not being able to manage these non-audio files.

Anyway, you could batch attach the art to all files as the dialog supports the same patterns as the artwork preferences OR you could probably knock up a batch file using Copy names on the playlist right click menu. If you don't see it when right clicking, hold Shift first. You can configure the text generated for each playlist entry under File>Preferences>Advanced>Display>Legacy title formatting settings>Copy command. Here you could use the windows copy command with the artwork preferences as the source and the containing folder of the audio file as the destination - $directory_path(%path%).

edit: I'd test this on just a few entries first and limit the playlist to one track per album. A query using tracknumber IS 1 should do.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #140
Well it's no accident your image files live in an entirely different folder structure away from your audio files. This is something you must have been very conscious of when doing it???
Naturally. It's the only practical way of having album art. (They're in a single folder though, not a structure)

You can hardly bemoan foobar not being able to manage these non-audio files.
And why is that? It's a built in feature. It could just as wall copy album art that it already knows where to find and how to load with the "transfer attached picture" option.
Or at least not make the "Copy other files" files feature so crippled to not support absolute paths. That way I could use the stuff I have set in the album art section separated by a ";". It's almost as if hindering copying album art was a goal... :)

Anyway, you could batch attach the art to all files as the dialog supports the same patterns as the artwork preferences
Could you elaborate on this? How do you propose I do that? Which dialog? I found nothing in the converter setup that can do this.
I don't know what you mean.

you could probably knock up a batch file using Copy names on the playlist right click menu. If you don't see it when right clicking, hold Shift first. You can configure the text generated for each playlist entry under File>Preferences>Advanced>Display>Legacy title formatting settings>Copy command. Here you could use the windows copy command with the artwork preferences as the source and the containing folder of the audio file as the destination - $directory_path(%path%).
I'll investigate this. Although the last part I don't understand. So I should add stuff to the "copy command" section. But doesn't that just copy text on the clipboard? Also how to handle multiple output folders for all the albums?

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #141
Naturally. It's the only practical way of having album art. (They're in a single folder though, not a structure)

"only practical"? :)) Funny how I have zero issues with my album art inside each folder alongside my audio files and when I copy my entire collection to my android phone, it just works with any player app I've tried.

It's almost as if hindering copying album art was a goal... :)

Sane people, like me, are not averse to putting album art in each folder alongside each album. Obviously that's what the current converter options for copying files are for. If you use file operations, you'll also notice it has options to move/copy all non-audio files in all folders that contain your music files. May I remind you of your "only practical" comment?

Could you elaborate on this? How do you propose I do that? Which dialog? I found nothing in the converter setup that can do this.
I don't know what you mean.

Highlight files>right click>Tagging>Batch attach pictures and follow the instructions.

I'll investigate this. Although the last part I don't understand. So I should add stuff to the "copy command" section. But doesn't that just copy text on the clipboard? Also how to handle multiple output folders for all the albums?

Sorry I wasn't more clear. Yes, this puts text on the clipboard. It would be up to you to save it in notepad with a .bat/.cmd extension. You'd be looking at generating text for each entry something like...

Code: [Select]
copy "source" "destination"

Title formatting here is fully supported so "source" would be your album art pattern and "destination" would be $directory_path(%path%) - which always gives the full path to the containing folder for the current file. Whether this would work or not might depend on you not having an insane filing system which I dare not ask about...

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #142
"only practical"? :)) Funny how I have zero issues with my album art inside each folder alongside my audio files and when I copy my entire collection to my android phone, it just works with any player app I've tried.

This way I always have the AA appearing without needing to copy it into each and every folder...

Sane people, like me, are not averse to putting album art in each folder alongside each album. Obviously that's what the current converter options for copying files are for. If you use file operations, you'll also notice it has options to move/copy all non-audio files in all folders that contain your music files. May I remind you of your "only practical" comment?
Foremost it requires extra work, especially when you have multiple variants of the same album. This way any file, anywhere on the system will have it's album art showing if it's present in the album art folder.
Obviously. Also obviously this feature was ignored or forgotten.
I fail to see while copying couldn't work for an arbitrary folder. Also it could be problematic when you don't have all the albums in separate folders, for whatever reason.

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #143
Highlight files>right click>Tagging>Batch attach pictures and follow the instructions.

This doesn't seem to work either. It claims the syntax is the same as "Display Preferences", but it isn't.
It won't even allow me to paste all the stuff, only one line. If have have to do this process for every line I'll die of old age (slight exaggeration) before I'm finished.
Enter just starts the process, which is also horrible since it claimed the same syntax one would expect to be able to start a new line in the text field.
There's no hint provided for adding multiple entries, if it's even possible.

My search patterns section is like this:
Code: [Select]
e:\Album Borítók\%artist% - %album%.png
e:\Album Borítók\%artist% - %album%.jpg
e:\Album Borítók\%artist% - %album%.jpeg
e:\Album Borítók\%album artist% - %album%.png
e:\Album Borítók\%album artist% - %album%.jpg
e:\Album Borítók\%album artist% - %album%.jpeg

Sorry I wasn't more clear. Yes, this puts text on the clipboard. It would be up to you to save it in notepad with a .bat/.cmd extension. You'd be looking at generating text for each entry something like...

Code: [Select]
copy "source" "destination"

Title formatting here is fully supported so "source" would be your album art pattern and "destination" would be $directory_path(%path%) - which always gives the full path to the containing folder for the current file. Whether this would work or not might depend on you not having an insane filing system which I dare not ask about...

Alright, it come to trying this, it seems. What do you mean by insane filing system?
Anyway It looks like something that should work, provided cmd doesn't fail me with non-latin characters as it usually does.

On second thought... This would also require me to run it for every entry of the album art section. A new batch file for every one.

Damn. Just can't seem to find a feasible solution...

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #144
I've just written a script for the foo_jscript_panel component that could do what you want but it requires any version of windows vista or later. XP/2003 users need not apply.

The one requirement is that the output filename is a constant like cover/front/etc...

Follow the component installation instructions here and add a panel to your layout.

Now right click the panel>Configure and add this code.

Code: [Select]
var filename = "cover.jpg"; //Static filename only. Title formatting is NOT SUPPORTED. Must end .jpg
var folder = "$directory_path(%path%)\\";
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");

function on_mouse_lbtn_dblclk() {
var items = plman.GetPlaylistItems(plman.ActivePlaylist);
var count = items.Count;
if (count == 0)
var current = "";
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var temp = fb.TitleFormat(folder).EvalWithMetadb(items.Item(i));
if (current != temp) {
current = temp;
var f = current + filename;
var img = utils.GetAlbumArtV2(items.Item(i), 0);
if (img && !fso.FileExists(f))
img.SaveAs(f, "image/jpeg");

It is blank white panel with no UI. Just double click to run and it should popup a message when done. Test on small subset of files first. It may appear foobar is not responding if testing with large collections so be patient and wait.

Because it uses the same core functions as the default artwork panel, you don't need to worry about configuring it with any of your patterns.


all files you want to process are in the active playlist
one image per destination folder
you don't want to overwrite existing images

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #145
Thanks! I'll have a look. (Although some of the album art images are png, which might be a problem)

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #146
png files will be saved as jpg no problem. The only issue would be loss of transparency but I'd hope you don't have that in album covers.

edit: just realised the script wil save your stub image if you have one defined, You can prevent that by replacing this line of code...

Code: [Select]
var img = utils.GetAlbumArtV2(items.Item(i), 0);


Code: [Select]
var img = utils.GetAlbumArtV2(items.Item(i), 0, false);

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #147
How to sync play-count, rating between phone version and PC version?
Can it be integrated to sync???
Thank you!!!!

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #148
Thanks for the app. I'm happy to go for a paid version when it comes to the Android/Play store.

I didn't find it at all obvious how to return to the "now playing" screen after backing out of it for any reason. I learned about the horizontal swipe only after reading Peter's usage tips on the foobar2000 forums. This may be a limitation to adoption.
God kills a kitten every time you encode with CBR 320

Re: Foobar2000 (Mobile Edition)

Reply #149
I just install the app on Win10, but I don't see albumart. On desktop foobar all my albums have albumart (usually cover.jpg) while here I don't see any setting for albumart nor it renders my cover.jpg images.

Any ideas how to get there?