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Topic: Plugin to start song in the middle automatically? (Read 5115 times) previous topic - next topic
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Plugin to start song in the middle automatically?

I've googled around for at least an hour and even checked out Winamp to see if it has such a feature, but I've been unable to find anything to do this anywhere but iTunes. What I want to do is have Foobar start certain tracks at different times, or end at different times.

For example, a live album that has 2 minutes of crowd cheering at the beginning of the first track. I don't care about the cheering, I know there is cheering, I just want to hear the song. In iTunes, you can set a custom start or stop time; I used to do this to easily make ringtones. Or on Dead Again by Type O Negative, there's a lot of boring guitar wankery at the beginning or end of songs, or I only want to listen to the catchy parts, I'd like to be able to start at the beginning of the part I like, and automatically end the song- as though I'd clipped it in Audacity- when that part was over.

Is there such a plugin for Foobar? Am I just too blind and tired to find it right now, and it's already in some menu?

Plugin to start song in the middle automatically?

Reply #1
Perhaps Skip Track?

The component also offers functionality to skip only parts of a track. To utilize the partial skipping set a tag field SKIP with timecodes that you want skipped. For example SKIP=0:00:00-0:01:25 (or simply SKIP=-0:01:25) to skip the first 85 seconds
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Plugin to start song in the middle automatically?

Reply #2
Perhaps Skip Track?

The component also offers functionality to skip only parts of a track. To utilize the partial skipping set a tag field SKIP with timecodes that you want skipped. For example SKIP=0:00:00-0:01:25 (or simply SKIP=-0:01:25) to skip the first 85 seconds

Looks perfect, thanks! I'll try it out and let you know.

Thanks again!


Plugin to start song in the middle automatically?

Reply #3
Thanks a lot! This works perfectly.