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Topic: I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files? (Read 96058 times) previous topic - next topic
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I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?


I have a file SACD iso and I want to convert this ISO to individual FLAC files.
Is it possible with Foobar  ?
Thanks in advance  .

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #1
I have a file SACD iso and I want to convert this ISO to individual FLAC files.

I haven't found a way yet to directly convert to FLAC, the encoder either throws an error or crashes on me.

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #2
Download flac binaries and copy flac.exe to foobar2000 folder. Then right click - Convert - ...

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #3
Download flac binaries and copy flac.exe to foobar2000 folder. Then right click - Convert - ...

Have you even tried it yourself or are you just being funny? The only conversions that work for me are to WAV64 or WAVPACK. Of course, you can then covert to FLAC.

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #4
If you can play a file, then it is decoded to PCM. If it can be decoded, it can be converted to other formats (a la FLAC).


Foobar displays and plays each file inside SACD ISO file.

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #5
Have you even tried it yourself


or are you just being funny?


The only conversions that work for me are to WAV64 or WAVPACK.

I suppose that you want to create disc image. Official FLAC encoder (for MS Windows) cannot create files >2GB. But OP wants to split SACD ISO to individual tracks and I think that he won't encounter this problem.

Anyway, here is modified FLAC encoder (thanks to Case):

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #6
I suppose that you want to create disc image.

No. Didn't work at all.

Anyway, here is modified FLAC encoder (thanks to Case):

Edit: Ok, I report success with this mod, thanks.

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #7
After using the modded flac to convert some 24/88/5.1 tracks, I have to report that there's a memory leak either in the patched flac.exe or in the foobar converter. After approx. 6 files, foobar had taken all remaining memory (ca. 2.2GB) and then crashed.

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #8
More likely a leak in whichever component is decoding the SACD files.

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #9
More likely a leak in whichever component is decoding the SACD files.

If that were the case, the memory usage would similarly rise just by listening to all tracks from a SACD in a row, don't you think?

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #10
There does appear to be a memory leak with the SACD playback plugin.  I can convert hours of any other format, just not SACD.  Uses all my memory and crashes foobar.

Playback also causes high memory usage.


I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #11
More likely a leak in whichever component is decoding the SACD files.

If that were the case, the memory usage would similarly rise just by listening to all tracks from a SACD in a row, don't you think?

Real time playback is much less intensive. Don't you think?

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #12
Real time playback is much less intensive. Don't you think?

Weird comment, why would it be? Let's just put it down as failed sarcasm, whereas I was asking for feedback.

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #14
Regular playback would be much less intensive because you're only listening to a single file at a time, in real-time. The converter will be decoding up to four tracks at once, depending on how many cores your CPU has, and it will be using as much processing power as it possibly can, although at a low execution priority level.

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #15
After using the modded flac to convert some 24/88/5.1 tracks, I have to report that there's a memory leak either in the patched flac.exe or in the foobar converter. After approx. 6 files, foobar had taken all remaining memory (ca. 2.2GB) and then crashed.

FLAC starts, encodes and exits; all the memory it allocated returns to the OS. It is impossible for the encoder to cause memory leaks in foobar2000.

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #16
While the FLAC fix posted in this forum will allow you to use foobar to convert an SACD iso to individual FLAC files, this method will leave in the the ultrasonic noise inherent to the DSD format (all SACD players include a low pass filter to correct this problem).  I confirmed this myself by comparing files converted with foobar with files converted with Saracon. There is a tremendous amount of noise in the 25khz to 80khz band that would drown out any actual music that might happen to be in that range.

Consult this site for a more comprehensive explanation.

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #17
Use 88.2 kHz output frequency -> problem solved.

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #18
I can confirm SACD files (ISO) playing in foobar in WASAPI-mode using an Alesis I/O2 Soundcard (but it works as well on my onboard Analog Devices soundcard).
With WASAPI there's no need to use ASIO.

Talk Talk - Spirit of Eden sounds wonderful!

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #19
And in what way is that relevant, and apparently so relevant that it merits bumping this thread from almost a year of stasis?

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #20
While the FLAC fix posted in this forum will allow you to use foobar to convert an SACD iso to individual FLAC files, this method will leave in the the ultrasonic noise inherent to the DSD format (all SACD players include a low pass filter to correct this problem).  I confirmed this myself by comparing files converted with foobar with files converted with Saracon. There is a tremendous amount of noise in the 25khz to 80khz band that would drown out any actual music that might happen to be in that range.

Did you compare different DSD2PCM Mode settings? (Preferences->Tools->SACD)  The default is "Multistage Fixed-Point", which does appear to have this high-frequency noise problem (as tested encoding to 172kHz, and visualized using the Linux program "spek").  I re-encoded using "Direct (Floating-Point, 30kHz LF)", and that high-frequency noise went away.  It's kind of sad - what's the point of a high-frequency sampling rate if you have to filter out the high frequency sounds?  Maybe that's what @lvqci meant by "Use 88.2 kHz output frequency -> problem solved."


I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #21
Use the option "Installable FIR" at 30 or 40khz. This takes care of high-frequency noise and incidentally is the best sounding decoder (IMHO, of course).

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #22
Use the option "Installable FIR" at 30 or 40khz. This takes care of high-frequency noise and incidentally is the best sounding decoder (IMHO, of course).

Hello - just picked up on this problem, but what concerns me is that I can't find the SACD under preferences. Could you please let me know what module or utility I need to add to foobar in order to make these  changes?

Thanks for your help

I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #23
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I have a number of SACD ISO files that won't mount.  Like they are in a different internal format for whatever reason.  Is there a way around this?  These came from the newgroups (I do own the SACDS, just did not want to figure out how to RIP them).

Re: I have an SACD ISO—can foobar2000 convert it to individual FLAC files?

Reply #24
I wish to add the latest SourceForge SACD decoder (version 1.5.1) to Foobar2000. I have downloaded the SourceForge zip file to my Foobar2000 directory but Foobar2000 does not seem to recognise the add-on. Obviously I am doing something wrong. Can anyone help?