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Topic: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite) (Read 86281 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #200
How do I properly access custom tag fields? If I add a "part" TFExpression with [%part%] to MediaLibrary table to get the value of a <PART> tag I added to many tracks, it always seems to return empty. Do I have to do something else to make the component add those tags to MediaLibrary table?

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #201
How do I properly access custom tag fields? If I add a "part" TFExpression with [%part%] to MediaLibrary table to get the value of a <PART> tag I added to many tracks, it always seems to return empty. Do I have to do something else to make the component add those tags to MediaLibrary table?
There is no need to create a TFExpression column for existing tags. It will only decrease the performance. Just use a normal tag column for it.

Apart from this I see no reason why you always get empty values, if you have your files have values for this tag. It definitely should work without further adjustments.

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #202
Hm interesting, it does work with a normal tag. Thx.


Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #203
It would be amazing if there was some way to use SQLite to generate autoplaylists. Is there a chance for something like this in the future, or is there already some way to do it I haven't noticed cos I'm dumb?

Currently I just know that I can use foo_uie_sql_tree to send SQL query results to a playlist by interacting with the panel.

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #204
It would be amazing if there was some way to use SQLite to generate autoplaylists. Is there a chance for something like this in the future
There is absolutely no chance. This is technically not possible.

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #205
Well, just to be clear, what I'm thinking of is not to create F2k standard autoplaylists (I know those only work with standard library queries) but rather to automatically fill regular playlists based on SQL queries, without explicit user interaction. The main obstacle I can think of here is the question of how to schedule playlist updates. I don't know how autoplaylists update their contents, and I don't know whether those triggers are also exposed to components, or whether that would even be practical given the performance limitations of SQL requests.

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #206
Well, just to be clear, what I'm thinking of is not to create F2k standard autoplaylists (I know those only work with standard library queries) but rather to automatically fill regular playlists based on SQL queries, without explicit user interaction. The main obstacle I can think of here is the question of how to schedule playlist updates. I don't know how autoplaylists update their contents, and I don't know whether those triggers are also exposed to components, or whether that would even be practical given the performance limitations of SQL requests.
Without entering on technical details, that is somewhat possible. Another thing is the conditions required, ensuring it works properly or if that goes beyond the component aim. It can not be an AutoPlaylist. That's true.

But exactly your request is present on my playlist manager, in "Smart Playlists", and they are updated on real time whenever the source changes. In this case they use other playlists as source, and apply a query on them. Such special playlist may also be locked by the component, so it can only be changed by it, whether on demand or by any callback.

If it's possible on JS, it's obviously possible on a component using the SDK, since the callbacks are the same.

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #207
I don't know how autoplaylists update their contents, and I don't know whether those triggers are also exposed to components
They are, but the problem is that the information provided by those triggers can't be used reasonably. So, the only information which can be used from this triggers is that something happened.

or whether that would even be practical given the performance limitations of SQL requests.
Not only because of the performance of a single query. Due to the problem of utilizing the information of change events you would need always to execute all defined queries for each change. It might be possible to soften this constraint a bit by providing some configuration options when to execute a query, but it will not really solve the problem.

Without entering on technical details, that is somewhat possible.
No, it's not.

But exactly your request is present on my playlist manager
Not really. It might be the case for certain use cases but in general this is not true.

If it's possible on JS, it's obviously possible on a component using the SDK, since the callbacks are the same.
This is a wrong conclusion.

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #208
 ::)  ::)  SMP is exposing callbacks present on the SDK... another thing is you not wanting to open that can of worms, the feature being beyond the component aim or whatever.

But please don't say it is not possible when I'm clearly doing it for some specific use cases (which was the premise of my post anyway). I specifically said they were not going to be Autoplaylists, which clearly means it's not valid for general cases. Anyway that's totally off topic, since clearly the user request is about not having to update a playlist on demand, it may well be enough to have it updated once a day, after startup or whatever.

But it's clearly possible to bind a playlist to a SQL query (within your component scope) and update it with some specific triggers, the same is possible in JS to do it and update a playlist whenever other playlists change. And that's just an example, it can be done by time, on metadb changes, or whatever. A callback not providing the specific change, doesn't mean you can not simply re-update the entire playlist whenever there is a change, even if sub-optimal. Or limit it by a refresh rate. Or keep internal caching of changes for critical things needed. You don't like those approaches, which you are clearly aware about per your post, fine. But It's possible.

Find it funny how many things are "impossible" when we talk about the SDK or native foobar (example), and then the same works fine, with some code logic changes, on JS wich is much more limited and should have lower performance.

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #209
Well, just to be clear, what I'm thinking of is not to create F2k standard autoplaylists (I know those only work with standard library queries) but rather to automatically fill regular playlists based on SQL queries, without explicit user interaction. The main obstacle I can think of here is the question of how to schedule playlist updates. I don't know how autoplaylists update their contents, and I don't know whether those triggers are also exposed to components, or whether that would even be practical given the performance limitations of SQL requests.
But exactly your request is present on my playlist manager, in "Smart Playlists", and they are updated on real time whenever the source changes. In this case they use other playlists as source, and apply a query on them. Such special playlist may also be locked by the component, so it can only be changed by it, whether on demand or by any callback.

Oh, I wasn't sure what they do, but I read something in the release notes about support for foo_sqlite stuff. So I guess that's what they're for. I'll take a look in the docs.

They are, but the problem is that the information provided by those triggers can't be used reasonably. So, the only information which can be used from this triggers is that something happened.

Yeah, that was what I was worried about. Running the query on the whole library every time any little thing changes doesn't seem practical.

But please don't say it is not possible when I'm clearly doing it for some specific use cases (which was the premise of my post anyway). I specifically said they were not going to be Autoplaylists, which clearly means it's not valid for general cases. Anyway that's totally off topic, since clearly the user request is about not having to update a playlist on demand, it may well be enough to have it updated once a day, after startup or whatever.

Indeed, some basic options for automatic "send top playlist" conditions would already go a long way as far as I'm concerned.

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #210
Well, just to be clear, what I'm thinking of is not to create F2k standard autoplaylists (I know those only work with standard library queries) but rather to automatically fill regular playlists based on SQL queries, without explicit user interaction. The main obstacle I can think of here is the question of how to schedule playlist updates. I don't know how autoplaylists update their contents, and I don't know whether those triggers are also exposed to components, or whether that would even be practical given the performance limitations of SQL requests.
But exactly your request is present on my playlist manager, in "Smart Playlists", and they are updated on real time whenever the source changes. In this case they use other playlists as source, and apply a query on them. Such special playlist may also be locked by the component, so it can only be changed by it, whether on demand or by any callback.

Oh, I wasn't sure what they do, but I read something in the release notes about support for foo_sqlite stuff. So I guess that's what they're for. I'll take a look in the docs.

Hmm I looked at the docs and it doesn't seem like XSP queries as described there are nearly as powerful as SQL queries. I'm mainly using SQL queries for contextual queries, i.e. using the "OVER" operator to get statistical max(), min(), sum() etc. values from previously defined sets of tracks (especially artists and albums). Apart from the ability of XSP to use playlists as pools (which would require me to generate absurd numbers of playlists) it doesn't sound like smart playlists can do that sort of stuff. Is there another way to dynamically generate pools independently of playlists, analogously to partitions in SQL? Is there a more extensive documentation of XSP queries somewhere that I can refer to?

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #211
I improved several scripts and thus broke some of them. I did find a fix for the places where it was broken (that I've found, at any rate), but I don't understand why the fix worked and why only some broke in the first place.

All of my queries are separate .sql files stored in a subfolder of the profile directory. Some of those used a nested call of the eval and fileio_read functions to execute other such scripts. I do this to cut down on repetition, especially for long sequences of statements that several queries have in common.

What this used to look like was something like this:

Code: [Select]
[setup stuff]

SELECT eval(fileio_read(fb2k_profile_path()
                     || '\themename\sql\scriptfile.sql'));

[SELECT query to display results in SQLite Console
 | UPDATE query to write data to music file tags]

I wanted to get away from hard-coding the themename directory in each script, since that changes with different themes. So this value became a field in a table, constants, and a view created the full paths with that and other values stored in that table. So the replacement became this:

Code: [Select]
SELECT eval(fileio_read((SELECT sql FROM view_paths)
                     || 'scriptfile.sql'));

Inserting that query in lieu of the string value gave rise to errors from the database being locked. I don't know anything about this issue.

The fix was to take the beginning of the scriptfile.sql out of it and paste it into each calling script right before the eval(fileio_read()) part. What was done for brevity may have been bad for other reasons. These first statements would DROP and CREATE the table that was subsequently used for the [SELECT | UPDATE] that occurred afterward in the main query. It seems that that separation was causing the lock issue, though it was fine before with the string values. The meat of scriptfile.sql is a series of statements manipulating that table, but maybe there's some parent-child threading circumstance I don't grok, or something.

Does that make any sense? How can I understand what happened? My use case is such a mass of bespoke tables and custom metadata tags that I'm hoping this description will suffice.

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #212
Hmm I looked at the docs and it doesn't seem like XSP queries as described there are nearly as powerful as SQL queries. I'm mainly using SQL queries for contextual queries, i.e. using the "OVER" operator to get statistical max(), min(), sum() etc. values from previously defined sets of tracks (especially artists and albums). Apart from the ability of XSP to use playlists as pools (which would require me to generate absurd numbers of playlists) it doesn't sound like smart playlists can do that sort of stuff. Is there another way to dynamically generate pools independently of playlists, analogously to partitions in SQL? Is there a more extensive documentation of XSP queries somewhere that I can refer to?
XSP playlists were never meant to be as powerful as SQL nor Autoplaylists. They are a format used by Kodi, which I support to:
1. Provide direct translation between simple AutoPlaylists and Kodi systems.
2. Have an "AutoPlaylist" which can use other playlists as sources (#PLAYLIST# IS blabla).

That's all. And they were just a example of how a playlist in UI can be bound to arbitrary code and be updated with some callbacks or conditions (your request). You have full documentation on the readme PDF, which also links to kodi wikis.

Anyway, as I said, what you want has nothing to do with any kind of -existing- playlist. My replies were primarily mean for the developer. You want SQL and you want auto-updating of playlists by some triggers, and this is the component you need. Another thing is if your request is ever implemented. For sure, I would appreciate it too.. since query syntax is pretty limited in some cases and there have been no updates on years.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #213
Hi All and Hi @fbuser ,
I need some help on repairing the config.sqlite file/dbase.
I am new to sqlite, so I tried first using "DB Browser for SQLite": exporting to SQL and then trying to rebuild a .sqlite file by importing the previously exported SQL. But I all the times faced blocking errors.

Is it possible to use the Foobar embedded SQLite console?
Or, can anyone give me a step by step process to follow?

Many thanks, Andrea

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #215
The "Current version: 3.0.4, released on 2023-05-01" cannot be installed on x64 machines, there are no x64 DLLs.

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #216
The "Current version: 3.0.4, released on 2023-05-01" cannot be installed on x64 machines, there are no x64 DLLs.
Don't know what you did, but they are most definitely there...
Might be you need to move them from the x64 folder, dunno since I don't use the 64bit version
(screenshot is from a regular unpacked component archive.)

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #217
I've been using my own tables to hold values used in many queries and have done so since before SQLite tags and Lookup tables were added to SQLite Utilities. I haven't quite wrapped my head around those new features and my own way worked well enough, but I've since found one area where my way doesn't work. I wonder if tying it into or swapping it out for the new features would.

One of my tables is called works, and it has several fields helping to parse title tags into three custom tags for classical music.

  • work (multivalue)—Catalog number, like "Op. 12", "Hob. III/19", etc.
  • worktitle—Title of work, like "Sonata in A Major" shorn of individual movements.
  • worksortorder (multivalue, associated with work)—Likely overbuilt sort string modelled on the form of ISO 8601 datetimes.

(OK, there are a couple more tags drawn from those that have been added to the MediaLibrary and Playlist tables that help the multivalue tags play nicely with SQL Tree: work_tree and worksortorder_tree.)

The parsing works fine if not yet bulletproof, and a subsequent SQL Tree query displays nice, sorted list(s) of works for each composer. The first and last nodes of that query are drawn from the composer and the concatenated work and worktitle respectively. The node in the middle is drawn from my helper table after looking up the first 4 characters of the worksortorder which gives the name of the catalog. These are values like "Opus, number", "Hoboken Catalogue", and the like.

The last nodes send the corresponding tracks to the playlist just fine. The composer and catalog name nodes, however, don't do anything, presumably since there isn't a tag there for the SQL Tree to grab onto.

Is this something that the SQLite tags and Lookup tables features can help with? What would that look like? I don't know that I want to migrate my whole table to those structures, but is there a way that I could UPDATE those settings from my table with a script?

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #218
how can I use the DISTINCT with tracks?

something like

SELECT DISTINCT (TRIM(title)) as name
FROM playlist
WHERE LOWER(TRIM([%album artist%]))="parni valjak" AND [%title%] NOT LIKE "%(Live)"

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #219
how can I use the DISTINCT with tracks?

something like

SELECT DISTINCT (TRIM(title)) as name
FROM playlist
WHERE LOWER(TRIM([%album artist%]))="parni valjak" AND [%title%] NOT LIKE "%(Live)"

You could subquery the name field and LIMIT it to one. You need a way to sort the duplicates to send your preference to the top of the list. For instance, this could work to pick the most recent.

Code: [Select]
SELECT (  SELECT trim(a.title)
            FROM Playlist a
           LIMIT 1)
    AS name,

[Edit] Oh shoot, you probably need more filtering in the subquery to restrict it by artist. Maybe

Code: [Select]
SELECT   (  SELECT trim(a.title)
              FROM Playlist a
             WHERE lower(trim(a.[album artist]))='parni valjak'
               AND a.title NOT LIKE '%(Live)'
          ORDER BY DESC
             LIMIT 1)
      AS name,
    FROM Playlist

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #220
sorry I don't know how your code is work.
it give to me strange the result

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #221
Wow, yeah, that's no good. I guess I answered too quickly. :-[ I think the answer's somewhere along those lines though. I'll see if I can work something out.

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #222
OK, this seems to work. I used the aggregate function, MAX() on the date to pick the newest, grouping by the title and artist. One could go with MIN() to pick the earliest date.

I also generalized the album artist, but you can restrict that as you like. I added a condition to look at just the active playlist for my own benefit in testing.

Code: [Select]
WITH    t AS (
       SELECT lower(trim(title))
           AS name,
              [%album artist%],
           AS date,
         FROM Playlist
        WHERE title NOT LIKE '%(Live)'
     GROUP BY name,
              [%album artist%]
SELECT    lower(trim(title))
       AS name,
          a.[%album artist%]
      FROM t
INNER JOIN Playlist a
        ON a.path = t.path
     WHERE a.playlist_index = active_playlist()
  ORDER BY title

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #223
thanks for your help

I is work and it is not work.

maybe SQLtree does not support a DISTINCT?

this code simpler

Code: [Select]
SELECT t1.[%title%] AS title
FROM MediaLibrary t1
WHERE t1.[%album artist%] = "Parni Valjak"
AND t1.[%title%] NOT LIKE "%(Live)"
GROUP BY t1.[%title%]
,t1.[%title%] ASC

Re: [fb2k v2] SQLite Utilities (foo_sqlite)

Reply #224
might you know how can I exclude the mp3 file from result if the FLAC file is exist ?

I want have all distinct songs with FLAC format, but if a song exists only with MP3 format to save it too

Code: [Select]
SELECT t1.[%title%]
FROM MediaLibrary t1
WHERE t1.[%album artist%] = "Parni Valjak"
AND t1.[%title%] NOT LIKE "%(Live)"
GROUP BY t1.[%title%] , [%codec%]
HAVING ([%codec%] == 'FLAC' OR [%codec%] == 'MP3' AND MAX(t1.DATE))
ORDER BY t1.[%title%] ASC