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Topic: WSH Panel Mod (Read 858700 times) previous topic - next topic
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WSH Panel Mod

Reply #25
@NEMO: thanks for the templates, they are working pretty good

actually there are not  every time I close/start foobar I've to re-apply them, because they don't show up on start
but I use the panel width with window.Width

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #26
Ver 1.1.0 Released, with some major changes.
Now implementing a "follow cursor" file info is now possible.

If you are using any of fb.GetNowPlaying(), fb.GetFocusItem(), on_playback_new_track() and on_items_selection_change(), please pay more attention to the ChangeLog.txt, Interfaces.txt and Callbacks.txt, because some features are not back backwards compatible.

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #27
Thanks for the new version.
However, it seems that a callback would be needed: on_stopaftercurrent_changed (state) {} so that we can use the property properly.

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #28
Is it possible to run a service using foo_run with this? I tried it but couldn't get it to work. Could it be possible in the future?

The only other thing missing for me is a fixed width font in the editor!  and maybe on_stopaftercurrent_changed (state) {}.

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #29
Thanks for your advice, I'll add them in the next version.

The editor window use "Courier New" font (which is monospaced font), It should be installed with XP by default...

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #30
1.1.1 released

fb.RunContextCommand() is fixed, so you can run them now...

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #31
Fantastic!! This version is great! I still can't get the run services things to run, is there a particular syntax? I'm using e.g. fb.RunContextCommand('Run services//') , although I don't really know if that's right. For some reason they're not working as a regular CUI toolbar button either, maybe the problem with with foo_run?

And I definitely have Courier New installed, I can't think why it's not showing up. It's not too much of a problem.

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #32
I tried it and it works, however, it will not be executed if there are no now playing content.
for exmaple:
fb.RunContextCommand("Run service/Google Artist");

And please contact me, I'll send you a debug version to find out why your font not work.
EDIT: I find out the problem, I'll fix that later.

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #33
fb.RunContextCommand() only works with the nowplaying track. Is there a possibility to have it applied on the getfocusitem ?

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #34
1.1.2 Released 

You now can change font is foobar2000 Preferences, WSH Panel Mod

You can use fb.RunContextCommandWithMetadb(metadb) from now on.

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #35
For setting in Preferences->Display->WSH Panel Mod, Please read the following description.
This message is quoted from SciTE Doc
The value of each setting is a set of ',' separated fields, some of which have a subvalue after a ':'.
The fields are font, size, fore, back, italics, notitalics, bold, notbold, eolfilled, noteolfilled, underlined, notunderlined, and case. The font field has a subvalue which is the name of the font, the fore and back have colour subvalues, the size field has a numeric size subvalue, the case field has a subvalue of 'm', 'u', or 'l' for mixed, upper or lower case, and the bold, italics and eolfilled fields have no subvalue. The value "fore:#FF0000,font:Courier,size:14" represents 14 point, red Courier text.

Note that all fields is case sensitive.

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #36
I've never programmed this panel before so please excuse my ignorance.

I've seen several examples of how this panel can be programmed to be many things but could I use it to contain other panels. My thinking is a few buttons used to select which panel to display. I know I could PSS for this but that is a big step from 'normal' CUI.

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #37
Thanks for the new version, fonts work well now. Could you explain what RunContextCommandWithMetadb does exactly, and how to use it, and how it's different from RunContextCommand? Thanks.

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #38
Sorry, you cannot embed any other panels in WSH Panel.

For example,
Code: [Select]
// Get current focus item handle
metadb = fb.GetFocusItem();
// Applying RunContextCommand to this handle

and something more:
fb.RunContextCommandWithMetadb(fb.GetNowPlaying()) is equivalent to fb.RunContextCommand(), since fb.RunContextCommand() apply on now playing item handle.

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #39
Thank you TP Wang for the new version.

For those who are interested, I made a little toolbar to handle the rating :
Code: [Select]
function RGB(r,g,b){ return (0xff000000|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|(b)); }

var g_drag = 0;
var bool;
var g_metadb;
var imgname;
var rating;
var nrating;
var lrating;
var img;
var hofset=20;
var imgw=20;
var g_tfo = fb.TitleFormat("%rating%");


function on_paint(gr){
// var info = g_metadb.GetFileInfo();
if (g_metadb) {
for (i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
img = gdi.image(fb.FoobarPath + "Images\\"
+ ((i > (g_drag ? lrating : rating)) ? "NoStar" : "Star" +  (g_drag ?  "-hover" : "")) + ".png");
// + ((i > (g_drag ? lrating : rating)) ? "No" : "") +"Star"  + (g_drag ? ((rating != lrating) ? "-hover" : "") : "") + ".png");
// + ((i > (g_drag ? lrating : rating)) ? "No" : (g_drag ? ((rating != lrating) ? "Red" : "") : "")) +"Star.png");
// + (g_drag ? ((rating != lrating) ? "Blue" : "") : "") +  ((i > (g_drag ? lrating : rating)) ? "No" :  "") +"Star.png");
gr.DrawImage(img, hofset+imgw*(i-1), 4, 20, 16, 0, 0, 20, 16);

function on_mouse_wheel(delta){}

function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x,y){
// fb.trace("button up");
if (lrating !=rating) {if (g_metadb) {
bool = fb.RunContextCommandWithMetadb("Rating/"+((lrating==0) ? "<not set>" : lrating),g_metadb);

function on_mouse_move(x, y) {
if (g_metadb) {
g_drag = 1;
nrating = Math.ceil((x-hofset)/imgw);
if (nrating > 5) nrating = 5;
if (nrating != lrating) {
lrating = nrating;
function on_mouse_leave() {

function on_item_focus_change() {
// fb.trace("itm focus changed");
if (g_metadb) {window.UnwatchMetadb();}
g_metadb = fb.GetFocusItem();
if (g_metadb) {

function on_metadb_changed() {
g_drag = 0;
// fb.trace("changed");
rating = g_tfo.EvalWithMetadb(g_metadb);
if (rating == "?") {rating = 0;}
lrating = rating;

function on_playback_new_track(metadb) {on_item_focus_change();}

For it to work:
  • you need the playback statistics standard component, with "Rating"as an entry in your context menu
  • you need to place "Star.png", "NoStar.png" and "Star-hover.png" in your foobar/Images directory. Sample:
@T.P. Wang: Since we have a metadb handle, it would be nice (if possible) to have a callback when metadb data is changed. Thanks.

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #40
Thanks for this sample!
I'm on replacing most settings of PSS in my config with WSH Panel mod, but i'm unfortunately too dumb to do it right...
Now i finally have a sample i can work with.

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #41
@NEMO: could you please change your seekbar/volume config so that it use the window.Width/Height of the wsh panel *please*

and thanks for the rating buttons

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #42
This is another one for "Stop after current"
Code: [Select]
function RGB(r,g,b){ return (0xff000000|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|(b)); }
var g_drag = 0;
var imgname;
var img;
function on_init(bool) {
imgname =bool  ?  "sac.png" : "playing.png";
img = gdi.image(fb.FoobarPath + "Images\\" + imgname);


function on_paint(gr){

gr.DrawImage(img, 0, 4, 20, 16, 0, 0, 20, 16);

function on_mouse_move(x, y) {

if (g_drag==0) {

g_drag = 1;

function on_mouse_leave() {
if (g_drag==1) {

g_drag = 0;
function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x,y){

fb.StopAfterCurrent = !fb.StopAfterCurrent;

// g_drag = 0;

function on_playlist_stop_after_current_changed(state) {on_init(fb.StopAfterCurrent);}

Where you need to use those two images: (In Foobar/Images directory)

.. and yet another one for the playback order :
Code: [Select]
function RGB(r,g,b){ return (0xff000000|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|(b)); }
var PlaybackOrder = {
Default: 0,
RepeatPlaylist: 1,
RepeatTrack: 2,
Random: 3,
ShuffleTracks: 4,
ShuffleAlbums: 5,
ShuffleFolders: 6

var PlaybackOrderText = new Array(
"Default", // = 0
"Repeat (Playlist)",
"Repeat (Track)",
"Shuffle (tracks)",
"Shuffle (albums)",
"Shuffle (folders)") ;

var g_font = gdi.Font("Arial", 11, 1);
var g_drag = 0;
var txt = "";
var bool;
function on_init() {

function on_paint(gr){
// gr.FillGradRect(  3, 3,    0, window.Height-3, 90, RGB(240,240,240), RGB(100,230,100));
gr.DrawRect(15, 1, window.Width-36, 20, 1, RGB(64,64,64));
gr.FillGradRect(16, 2, window.Width-38, 18, 70, RGB(240,240,240), RGB(190,190,190));
gr.DrawString(txt, g_font, RGB(124,128,164), 5, 0, window.Width-15, 22, 0x11005000);


function on_mouse_wheel(delta){
if(delta>0) {if (fb.PlaybackOrder==6) fb.PlaybackOrder=0;
else fb.PlaybackOrder= fb.PlaybackOrder+1;}

{if (fb.PlaybackOrder==0) fb.PlaybackOrder=6;
else fb.PlaybackOrder= fb.PlaybackOrder-1;}
function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x,y){

if (fb.PlaybackOrder==0) fb.PlaybackOrder=4;
else fb.PlaybackOrder= 0;

// fb.trace("order="+fb.PlaybackOrder)

g_drag = 0;
function on_playback_order_changed(new_order_index) {
txt = PlaybackOrderText[fb.PlaybackOrder];

Without images ... just click or use the mouse wheel.

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #43
Thanks for your advice, I now considering to include that feature in the next version.
However, I think l should restrict it to watch only one metadb handle at a time.

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #44
@NEMO: could you please change your seekbar/volume config so that it use the window.Width/Height of the wsh panel
Here it is :
Volume bar:
Code: [Select]
function RGB(r,g,b){ return (0xff000000|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|(b)); }
var g_font = gdi.Font("Tahoma", 12, 0);
var g_drag = 0;
var ww;
var hofset = 10;
var wh = 12;
var vofset;
var grad;

function on_paint(gr){
vofset = (window.Height-wh)/2;
grad = Math.pow((100+fb.Volume)/100,2);
ww = 5*Math.floor((window.Width - 2*hofset)/5);
var i = 0;
while (i < ww) {
var col = (grad<=0)  ? RGB(168,168,168) : (i<=grad*ww) ? RGB(32+128*i/ww,164*(1-i/ww),32*(1-i/ww)) :  RGB(168,168,168);
gr.FillSolidRect(hofset+1+i,vofset,4,wh, col);
i = i +5;
gr.DrawRect(hofset,vofset, i, wh, 1.0, RGB(192,192,192));
function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x,y){
g_drag = 1;
function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x,y){
g_drag = 0;
function on_mouse_move(x,y){
var v = (x-hofset)/ww;
v = (v<0) ? 0 : (v<1) ? v : 1;
v = 100 * (Math.pow(v,1/2) - 1);
fb.Volume = v;
function on_mouse_wheel(delta){
function on_volume_change(val){
function on_playback_time(time){
Code: [Select]
function RGB(r,g,b){ return (0xff000000|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|(b)); }
var g_font = gdi.Font("Tahoma", 12, 0);
var g_drag = 0;
var hofset = 10;
var wh = 13;
var vofset;
var length;
var grad;

function on_paint(gr){
vofset = (window.Height-wh)/2;
ww = 5*Math.floor((window.Width - 2*hofset)/5);
// fb.trace("ww="+ww);
length = fb.PlaybackLength;
grad = 0;
if (length > 0) {
grad = fb.PlaybackTime/fb.PlaybackLength;}

var i = 0;
while (i < ww) {

var col = (grad<=0)  ? RGB(168,168,168) : (i<=grad*ww) ? RGB(0,32+48*(1-i/ww),96+64*(1-i/ww)) :  RGB(128+48*(1-i/ww),128+48*(1-i/ww),128+48*(1-i/ww));
gr.FillSolidRect(hofset+1+i,vofset,4,wh, col);
i = i +5;
gr.DrawRect(hofset,vofset, i, wh, 1.0, RGB(192,192,192));
function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x,y){
g_drag = 1;
function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x,y){
g_drag = 0;
function on_mouse_move(x,y){
var v = (x-hofset)/ww;
v = (v<0) ? 0 : (v<1) ? v : 1;
fb.PlaybackTime = fb.PlaybackLength * v;


function on_mouse_wheel(delta){
fb.PlaybackTime = fb.PlaybackTime + delta;
fb.PlaybackTime = fb.PlaybackTime + delta;
function on_playback_new_track(info){
function on_playback_stop(){
function on_playback_seek(time){
function on_playback_time(time){
You need to adjust wh manually, however;

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #45
yeah I know  but especially for the seekbar it would be nice if it use the window.width (for resizing etc...)

but thanks for the answer ^^

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #46
I now considering to include that feature in the next version.
However, I think l should restrict it to watch only one metadb handle at a time.
Yes, I understand it may cause performance issues. My request was for the rating panel to be refreshed when rating is set by another mean (the real context menu item, for instance).

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #47
v1.1.3 Released.

  • Previous editor properties will not transfer to this version, so make a backup of your editor properties, and edit them again in the Preferences->Display->WSH Panel Mod.
  • Some important notes is added, please check Callbacks.txt for details.

WSH Panel now can get notified when metadb is changed

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #48
Thanks ... it works well now. I have updated the rating toolbar coded above. There is still a little annoyance with the fact that we don't get notified when the playlist has changed, so the stars does not exactly match the track which is selected in the new playlist ... but thanks anyway.

I have posted the toolbars and images here just in case someone wants to get all of them.
Please note that images are to be placed in Foobar/Images directory.

WSH Panel Mod

Reply #49
yeah I know  but especially for the seekbar it would be nice if it use the window.width (for resizing etc...)

but thanks for the answer ^^
I didn't test it for this specific Seekbar, but it works for my Seekbar which had the same problem. You need to add the following code to make it dependent of the window.width:
Code: [Select]
on_size=function() {