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Topic: Re: foo_uie_lyrics3 (Read 3607 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from foo_uie_lyrics3
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Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Is this based on the old foo_uie_lyrics2 ? If so, Good to see this going on - It's the best lyrics component i know of.

If not, Thanks for stepping up with a new one! Hopefully we see more regular improvements

I'll repot any bug i find.

Hi, I love lyrics epecially the timed ones and I wish to add to the playlist a new column showing the words LRC, TXTor N/A if there is a Lrc file with the same name of the mp3 file in the same directory or a txt file etc. I searched a lot for  a funtion like "isFile" to do that but any scripted file operatión is in foobar2000 my last try was:


Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #1
Is this based on the old foo_uie_lyrics2 ? If so, Good to see this going on - It's the best lyrics component i know of.

If not, Thanks for stepping up with a new one! Hopefully we see more regular improvements

I'll repot any bug i find.

Hi, I love lyrics epecially the timed ones and I wish to add to the playlist a new column showing the words LRC, TXTor N/A if there is a Lrc file with the same name of the mp3 file in the same directory or a txt file etc. I searched a lot for  a funtion like "isFile" to do that but any scripted file operatión is in foobar2000 my last try was:

Is there a way to do that or are you thinking add the scripted file operation funtions to the title formatin rules?


Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2
This has been answered here and in the posts thereafter.