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Topic: Randomization of Artists (Read 777 times) previous topic - next topic
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Randomization of Artists

I'm kinda honestly irritated with the way the Random Play works on foobar2000.

What I do, is I select a bunch of artists to play, then click the Random play button.  Then leave the Order on Random.  I've tried every other option in the Order menu, but it doesn't seem to do anything different.

What I want to accomplish, is to have my random plays not repeat the same artist until every other artist has been played.  I don't exactly want the artists played in the exact same order each time, because that's not very random.  Unfortunately as it is, it'll play just a random song based on my selection, and it seems to select the artists with the most songs just by random chance.

Here's an example of what I want to accomplish:

Artist 1
Artist 2
Artist 3

Artist 2
Artist 1
Artist 3

Artist 1
Artist 3
Artist 2