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Recent Posts
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_httpcontrol
Last post by papavlos -
Do you think it is possible to make the foo_httpcontrol plugin being able to change Output device on the host?
From the webbrowser or adroid front-end app?

My use case is having multiple renderers in my home network and I would like to select/change renderer without touching computer desktop with fb2k and foo_out_upnp, but rather with the help of a mobile device with fb2k controller connected to the desktop.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_uie_webview
Last post by Jacob91 -
Reply #384 – 2024-09-04:,126042.msg1050191.html#msg1050191

Template from Yeyo with Track Infos and Run Services (Toggle On/Off).
Thanks to Yeyo, Julero and mjm716.

-- Star ratings are displayed if you have rated your track
-- Playback time remaining
-- Composer (Metadata)
-- No question mark display


foo_uie_webview v0.2.0.0 (and v0.2.0.0-alpha5)
It doesn't work. The CD won't spin.
v0.2.0.0-alpha4 works.

foobar2000 v2.24 : 32-bit | 64-bit
foobar2000 v1.6.8
Windowsa 11 24H2


Now, it works with foo_uie_webview v0.2.0.0
Thanks to pqyt.
FLAC / Re: FLAC-git Releases (Code Base v1.4.x)
Last post by ktf -
Would it be possible to add the Code Base Number to the ID of newer builds?
Yes, but I specifically chose to not do that. These builds are not stable FLAC 1.4.3, they are builds of a work-in-progress. I think adding 1.4.3 to the version string would be confusing in that regard.

May I ask why you feel this would be a welcome addition?
Lossless / Other Codecs / Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)
Last post by Porcus -
Can't the crazy Rice encoder and decoder that you used in HALAC also be used in FLAC?
That is kinda what I suggested above. A credit for speeding up FLAC by xx percent, would make more waves than a proof-of-concept codec.
Those who pay attention know that FLAC is fast already and has been honed well over > two decades.

But ... developer's choice.
General - (fb2k) / Re: Possibility of releasing the source code of FB2K
Last post by jarsonic -
One small remark though - inheritance.
We have the case of `foo_upnp` plugin with lost author where lots of people (me included) still are forced to run 32-bit fb2k just because of lack of possibility to compile the plugin to 64-bits. With NO alternative available.

Who knows? Maybe there will be a first-party UPnP solution for foobar2000 at some point in the future.
General - (fb2k) / Re: Title formatting/syntax for proper bitdepth
Last post by Porcus -
Curious 80's tech. The Motorola chips used in there were actually based on 24 bit words. Wikipedia tells the Motorola has two special registers allowing them to operate together as one 48 bit register.
Others used that too. B&K did. Meridian's DSP series active loudspeakers (those taking digital input) used Motorola 56k over thirty years ago (I think they migrated to Freescale).
Polls / Re: 2023 Lossless format poll
Last post by Porcus -
For those who want a poll over options, then "default / lighter than default / heavier than default" is likely the big question. Sure refalac has a so-called "fast" mode, but that isn't even lightweight, just encoding fast.

All these encoders use old vintage technology.

What newer methods have brought improvements to the table really?
HALAC attempted ANS residual compression, but reverted to Rice.
Lossless / Other Codecs / Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)
Last post by genuine -
I've heard about the success of the HALIC image compression codec. But then it feels a little strange to see such a success in the audio codec as well. Because these are quite different areas.
According to the current results, the critical level has been exceeded. I think the results are excellent. So I don't know how much more compression can be done by processing so quickly. Not to mention multithread encode and decode. Theoretically, more is always possible, but practically it is not.
Can't the crazy Rice encoder and decoder that you used in HALAC also be used in FLAC? Is there such a compatibility?