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General Audio / Re: A single FLAC file that contains tracks of an album
Last post by Markuza97 -
Any audio editor can do it.   And since FLAC is lossless you won't get any quality loss if you export/render to FLAC or WAV.  Audacity is FREE.

DVDdoug already knows this, but he forgot to mention it.

Most audio editors will convert everything to 32-bit float internally and they will apply dithering for export (16/24-bit).
So technically it is not lossless. You can disable dithering in Audacity. I don't use other programs so I can't talk about them.
General Audio / Re: A single FLAC file that contains tracks of an album
Last post by DVDdoug -
Is there a way to convert a single flac file into the separate audio tracks?
Any audio editor can do it.   And since FLAC is lossless you won't get any quality loss if you export/render to FLAC or WAV.  Audacity is FREE.

You can make your own cue sheet with Windows Notepad or other text editor but you probably don't need one.

You can use Mp3Tag to edit or add metadata.   (It works with all of the popular formats, not just MP3.)    If there is embedded artwork Audacity won't copy it over to the new files but Mp3Tag can do it.
General - (fb2k) / Re: couldn't handle 192khz flac
Last post by TF3RDL -
If you still want to use Exclusive, then you can let a resampler handle 192.
good advice for those who still using WASAPI exclusive mode on an audio file that your DAC doesn't support (e.g. 384kHz PCM and 5.1 surround sound file on a DAC that can only supports stereo and sample rates up to 192kHz), with "Downmix channels to stereo" DSP on stereo-only DACs and resampling to 48kHz (with any resampling DSPs) on DACs that can only handle 48kHz sampling rate

btw, using a resampler after "Set Sample Rate" effect (which changes both playback speed and pitch of currently-playing audio, and it is a part of foo_dsp_utility) is helpful on exclusive mode, but it is not needed for WASAPI shared mode as it automatically resamples it into a specified and compatible sample rate anyway
Scientific Discussion / Re: AudioWorklet-based multichannel peakmeter visualization
Last post by TF3RDL -
but it isn't complete without -70dB absolute gating
To complete my implementation of EBU R128 loudness (LUFS) metering standards into my own peakmeter visualization project, I've added an option to use absolute gating for both integrated loudness and LRA, enabled by default (alongside with relative gating) and I also made relative gating for loudness range (LRA) measurement optional