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Topic: Playlist sorting view (Read 1234 times) previous topic - next topic
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Playlist sorting view

I am working on creating my playlist (I am very new with foobar) and I would like to know how I could format the playlist like this:

           Song title 1
           Song Title 2
           Song Title 1 ....etc

I am using the default playlist view and 32bit foobar.  If there is anything else I should be using please feel free to let me know here

Re: Playlist sorting view

Reply #1
Very simple and not handling any edge cases:

Edit/Sort/Sort by:
Code: [Select]

Re: Playlist sorting view

Reply #2
Sorry it took me so long to respond.  That is kind of what I was after.  Your script produces the playlist like this:
     Artist|Album Name|Track Number|Track Title

What I would like it to look like is
   Album Name
      Track Number  -  Track Title
      (repeat if more than one track)
   Other Album Name
Next Artist
   same as above

Also my now playing is not following the track is this due to the sorting?

Re: Playlist sorting view

Reply #3
Are you talking about the visual grouping of tracks, rather than sorting? (Sorting and grouping are different things - sorting is the order of tracks from top to bottom of playlist, while grouping is placing tracks with same tags under headings)

Unfortunately the DUI playlist viewer only supports one line of grouping. So having tracks indented in different grouping levels is not possible there. (To enable grouping you can right-click the playlist column headers > Groups menu > Artist, etc - only one line as you can see)

If you care about having foobar in "dark mode", the only other playlist viewer is Columns UI playlist viewer (which is a separate user interface and more advanced, you have to make a new layout). This one can have multiple grouping levels, and I suppose you can indent them by adding spaces, but downside is currently they must be the same font/size, amongst other issues.

Otherwise if you are fine with "light mode" foobar, any of the old playlist viewer components still work on 32-bit foobar. SimPlaylist for example does grouping the best, with multiple sub-groups and inline art. (The documentation link explains the grouping options)

Also my now playing is not following the track is this due to the sorting?
Enable in Playback menu > 'Cursor follows playback'.

Re: Playlist sorting view

Reply #4
Yes I am talking about grouping - sorry about that just learning the lingo.  I will give these other components a try and let you know, it may be a while as I am very busy at work right now.  Thank you for your assistance.


Re: Playlist sorting view

Reply #5
Finally got a chance to try out some of the other tools.  I got it to work with Columns UI and SimPlaylist.  I appreciate all the assistance