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Although this seems to only add noise at appropriate level but doesn't zero the lower bits in the last two cases. And I don't know why "output_sample_bits" works only with "osf=s32".
With the demise of this player, I now regret owning a few RR HDCDs that I knowingly purchased. I now see HDCD as one of those "just because you can doesn't mean you should" sort of things. All that's left is to deal with its sorry legacy (hdcd.exe anyone?).
Are you saying that there are some alternative versions that don't use HDCD or that the music on those discs is not worth the hassle? :-)
Last post by Air KEN -
By combining Flowin (foo_flowin) and JSplitter (foo_uie_jsplitter) and overlaying JScript Panel 3 (foo_jscript_panel3) Sample Script "Text Display" and "Thumbs", a Track Info + Artist Image Panel can be created. Turn off Thumbs and display only one image. Now you have an external display Panel where Artist images change one after another. Register this in "Keyboard Shortcuts".
Minor bug... The radio button in the Decay menu is rarely displayed.
Intentional. Will only have the radio dot next to the named setting if the current setting is that value. If I recall correctly, it is 0.75 for Slow, 1.00 for Normal and 1.50 for Fast. Little details
Exactly, I suggest you to open this kind of poll for discussion. You experienced it with the lossy poll: once open and with first votes, it's hard to change anything
Last post by btc -
Thank you Guruboolez for taking time and explaining it.
one poll dedicated to FLAC: ~10 settings for REFERENCE encoder + other encoders (FFMPEG, CueTools, FLAKE…) Good point. Yes, flake is different encoder, as of FFMPEG and CueTools - will see, it's open for discussion.
These separate poll don't have to be renewed every year, just keep them open. Yes, it's better to set it to be open for 2-3 years.
It's funny, this doesn't work for me unless I put gain to +17. Is there something in my fb2k prefs that isn't set right? If I use Peak instead of RMS I can set it to +9.
The gain setting is content-dependent. Meaning for example, if you don't care about the exact accuracy, playing classical music means you might need to have higher gain to get the needle in the middle of the range vs. pop/rock music.
Minor bug... The radio button in the Decay menu is rarely displayed.
Intentional. Will only have the radio dot next to the named setting if the current setting is that value. If I recall correctly, it is 0.75 for Slow, 1.00 for Normal and 1.50 for Fast. Little details :)
I suggest to open a new 'Lossless poll 2025' with compression options.
There are many settings, probably too much. On my recent comparison I ended with 28 WavPack settings. I also add 6 FFMPEG presets (and the two slowest are not included). DSD is also an option for users. And with Hybrid (lossy + correction) you'll juste double the choices. So you have far more settings than voters... You can't be complete, it won't be readable.
But why don't you create separate polls for settings? - one 2025 poll, very basic and synthetic as usual - one poll dedicated to FLAC: ~10 settings for REFERENCE encoder + other encoders (FFMPEG, CueTools, FLAKE…) - one poll dedicated to WavPack: you can be exhaustive, it won't annoy anyone. You can even add DSD - one poll dedicated to TAK: same as WavPack, you can be exhaustive - one poll for Monkey's Audio
These separate poll don't have to be renewed every year, just keep them open.