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Topic: Using Foobar for customer file conversion (Read 1825 times) previous topic - next topic
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Using Foobar for customer file conversion

Hello, I'll get right to it. I am doing a project for my company and I know foobar2000 will do the job, but I'm not sure if it's ok or who to contact to ask permission. I want to be able to basically take a portable install of foobar and use it to convert files with specific parameters. The specific scope of this is to make it easy for our customers to put in a m4a, mp3 or basically any audio file into foobar and it will spit out a .wav with some processing. We will not be selling the package but we will want to provide this modified (more customized actually, just settings) version of foobar to our customers in a zip file on our website with specific instructions on how to use it. This is definitely a grey area and I would like to know if this is OK. We will in no way be guaranteeing anything and the customer can use it at their own risk with the provided instructions. Thank you.

Using Foobar for customer file conversion

Reply #1
Hello, I'll get right to it. I am doing a project for my company and I know foobar2000 will do the job, but I'm not sure if it's ok or who to contact to ask permission. I want to be able to basically take a portable install of foobar and use it to convert files with specific parameters. The specific scope of this is to make it easy for our customers to put in a m4a, mp3 or basically any audio file into foobar and it will spit out a .wav with some processing. We will not be selling the package but we will want to provide this modified (more customized actually, just settings) version of foobar to our customers in a zip file on our website with specific instructions on how to use it. This is definitely a grey area and I would like to know if this is OK. We will in no way be guaranteeing anything and the customer can use it at their own risk with the provided instructions. Thank you.

This is the developer:

Hint: phrase your subject line so that it doesn't look like you are asking for user support ("How-can-I-get-fb2k-to-perform-this-task"). 

Using Foobar for customer file conversion

Reply #2
Help menu>About>License & Credits

Redistribution and use in binary form, without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
•Only unmodified installers can be redistributed; redistribution of foobar2000 binaries in any other form is not permitted.
•Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

what you are seeking to do is clearly not allowed. but i really don't see any problems distributing your configuration folder. this means all settings/presets from your own setup can easily be shared with others. this folder is found inside %appdata%\foobar2000 if you have a normal install or directly inside the foobar program folder if running portable mode. you can also share the file named theme.fth if you want to share your default UI layout.


Using Foobar for customer file conversion

Reply #3
I agree with marc2003 that a re-distribution of a portable installation in a zip file is not covered by the foobar2000 license. You can try to ask Peter to get a special permission. The following things are permitted by the license as far as I know:
  • You can host the (unmodified) foobar2000 installer on your server to provide your customers with a version matching your instructions.
  • You can offer the configuration for download. You should take some care to keep machine-specific features out of it. Although this should not be a problem if I understand your use case correctly.
  • You may be able to automate some part of the process. I think the installer supports a silent mode. If you cannot find information on this you should ask Case. You could therefore create your own installer which installs foobar2000 in portable mode and applies your configuration. Your installer could download or contain the foobar2000 installer in order to do this.