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Recent Posts
General - (fb2k) / Re: Friendly formatting of frequency
Last post by Porcus -
This is kind of a different question, but it fits with the topic. Is there an easy way to add commas to a sample rate value, turning 44100 into 44,100, 176400 into 176,400,
$div(number,1000) and $num($mod(number,1000),3) ?

5564800 into 5,564,800, etc?
That is a bit worse than another such routine on the $div(number,1000), because you don't want "0,044,100". An $ifgreater first. Or just stick to the final separator and let 2822 be 2822?
CUETools / Re: How To Rip SACDs to DSD files?
Last post by Porcus -
Perhaps you can buy the tracks somewhere, maybe in hi-res PCM?
I guess the point about the SACD version would be the multi-channel remix. Luckily: apparently that is the same mix as the DVD edition that was released the same time (10th anniversary edition - does not match the OP's "2008" date, but looking it up it must have been that one.)

According to , the DVD has DVD-A content and DVD-V content.

Edit: Oh, and the SACD had a bonus disc. But ... rip the CD layer.
Off-Topic / nec training
Last post by cheonikang -
If you intend to have a career in the construction industry, one thing that is crucial you need to know is about NEC Contracts. These contracts are usually used for effective project management and allow projects to complete on time. By enrolling nec training at The College of Contract Management, they can offer you a Professional Diploma in NEC Contracts. The training can provide a solid foundation for your career growth.
General - (fb2k) / Re: Friendly formatting of frequency
Last post by Cannonaire -
This is kind of a different question, but it fits with the topic. Is there an easy way to add commas to a sample rate value, turning 44100 into 44,100, 176400 into 176,400, 5564800 into 5,564,800, etc? It would make it easier to visually parse a value in the status bar, for instance. I need it to work for both %samplerate% and %output_samplerate% (Case's output info component).
Scientific Discussion / Re: One updated and one new audio processing DSP library
Last post by bryant -
I have taken my audio-stretch code and refactored it to work with 32-bit float audio and then integrated that into the ART resampler command-line tool. I added three long form options to invoke it:

  • --pitch=<cents>  modifies pitch as specified with range +/- 2400 (2 octaves)
  • --tempo=<ratio> modifies tempo (speed) with range 0.25x to 4.0x
  • --duration=<time>  set target time, either absolute or relative to source duration

Of course, the simple TDHS that I use can and does have very audible or annoying artifacts, especially when used with large stretch ratios or with highly polyphonic source material. However, it can also sound pretty good with more subtle changes. Note that it only works with stereo or mono files, and may not work at extreme sample rates or combination of settings.

I also fixed a bug where I put the clipping inside the noise-shaping feedback loop which caused some instability with the new strong ATH shaping curves.

Here's the 0.4 release with a Windows executable on GitHub.
Scientific Discussion / Re: One updated and one new audio processing DSP library
Last post by bryant -
I think this is just multiplication with kaiser-bessel window (which can be finely adjusted..), note that sinc one in matlab script is not multiplied with any window, like von hann or blackman so thus huge difference.
That really doesn't sound like a fair comparison, does it?  :)

And they do mention the "slow decrease rate of the sinc tails" without any mention of well-established windowing techniques.
Validated News / Re: WavPack 5.8.x is released
Last post by bryant -
@guruboolez @shadowking Thanks to both of you for your testing!

In my own testing I have seen the compression in hybrid lossless (using the new DNS) drop by about 1% (based on the original size) with 5.8 compared to 5.7. The reason for this is the new DNS tends to react faster and sometimes generates very small frames, which hurts compression (and specifically the lossy bitrate). Also, the more aggressive noise-shaping causes the noise values displayed with the -n option to get a little worse (usually less than a dB).

I don’t like this, obviously, but my assumption is that there is overall improved subjective quality. I have specific samples that sound better, including Guru’s original samples that resulted in the very obvious noise at low bitrates.

At some point I may try different limits for how short frames can get with the new DNS, but for now I’m happy that quality and safety has improved.