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Recent Posts
Opus / Re: Opus v1.5.2
Last post by john33 -
@Case sure. Do you know what or from where @NetRanger is getting those builds from?
From here:

Download and run the scripts. It contains all you need and updates the compiler and the libraries from time to time. You need no great knowledge, just a reasonably modern, fast system and the time to allow it run to completion. Will build a lot more than you are probably looking for, but it's a great tool.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel
Last post by redorb -
Thank you for wanting and trying to help me with WilB's JScript Biography, I mean it!
And... sometimes you are/were quite (totally unnecessary) rude to users and forum members, just my 2 cents...
Will not update foobar or any other components.
I want a pure music player, only for music flac, wav, sacd, dsd, etc.
I don't care at all about bells and whistles, colorful rainbow lyric texts, spinning disks or other flashy circus tricks in any of my media players.
foobar 2.1.6 (x86) DarkOne 4 (build20140207) theme works perfectly. (Thanks regor for WilB Biography mod.)
Nowadays I download images manually for new music, artists and bands, update existing images, and put them into WilB's Biography folders.
I'm a happy camper.
General - (fb2k) / Re: Title formatting/syntax for proper bitdepth
Last post by Case -
@Porcus : I started updating the HDCD detector, download new test version:
I didn't put the new gathered data on the result dialog as I didn't want to waste time thinking how to best format things without first asking for your thoughts. Full HDCD signal off periods are also logged, just not printed anywhere.
Best to scan a single track at a time or the console will be a mess.
In addition to things you recommended I also added frame counters that tell how many frames are affected by the effects. A frame here means a single pair of stereo samples, though apart from LLE, the effect could only affect one channel.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel
Last post by zcccz -

// @name "CoverFlow View"
// @version "1.0 built 03.12.2024"
// @author "zc"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%helpers.txt"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%samples\smooth\common.js"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%samples\smooth\scrollbar.js"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%samples\smooth\inputbox.js"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%samples\smooth\coverflow.js"


Hi! No work with JSP 3.8.4

i'm so sorry, i don't know what happend, It runs fine on my foobar, I'm using JSP 3.8.6, I ‘m not an experienced developer, it's all cobbled together with original coverflow and jssb and jssp code.   :'(
Support - (fb2k) / Meta Data missing
Last post by Udo -
Update foobar from v1.6 32 Bit to v2.1.6 64 Bit. Everything works, everything looks identical. Except one thing.
With the old version I added text as „Lyrics“ to Ogg Vorbis audio files. The new version now shows on most files only a „.“ (dot) instead of the full text, on some files no „Lyrics“ at all. All other data looks correct, like ReplayGain, Genre and Names.
Whats that? What to do? Where to look?
Backup well done, so the old version shows the missed thing.
General - (fb2k) / Re: Converter - How to set enconder file path RELATIVE - is it possible?
Last post by Air KEN -
This is how I do it.
I know this (manual) way (btw some PC's have different disk numbering) but what I would like to achieve is having all my encoders inside one folder of foobar2000 and be able to run fb2k-Converter without changing encoder path every time I move between PCs. Just to run portable foobar2k easy and smooth on all PCs.
How can I set relative path of the encoder in the converter settings?

I would rather spend time and effort on something like this and go for an easier and more reliable method, I don't believe that every portable installation has an encoder in the pofile folder.

foobar2000 Free Encoder Pack: Place it as "foobar2000\encoders\flac.exe".
encoders folder copy.
Also valid for portable installation.
General - (fb2k) / Re: Converter - How to set enconder file path RELATIVE - is it possible?
Last post by Cosh -
This is how I do it.
I know this (manual) way (btw some PC's have different disk numbering) but what I would like to achieve is having all my encoders inside one folder of foobar2000 and be able to run fb2k-Converter without changing encoder path every time I move between PCs. Just to run portable foobar2k easy and smooth on all PCs.
How can I set relative path of the encoder in the converter settings?