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Vinyl / Re: Which is the best suggested tool to rip Vinyl in LOSSLESS quality
Last post by Marin30 -
In all likelihood, your A-T turntable is fixed to 16/44 output
16 it is, but with a choice between 48 and 44.1. At least that is the case for one of their current models (and not the most expensive) - I didn't check more.

so Audacity with default settings should work fine. Just keep your recording levels below 0 dB.

Yeah, digital clipping would be a disaster.
But A-T aren't amateurs, they must have set volume reasonably? They claim a S/N ratio of "> 50 dB", so there could be plenty of headroom when the output is 16 bits.
(If it were too loud, I guess there is nothing you could do about it without changing hardware - like, pick-up?)

Edit: Note, some of them offer Bluetooth. That will transcode to a lossy of varying quality (possibly SBC). I don't know if that will even be audible, but just don't. Plug it in for USB.

Thanks for the suggestions, yes I will use USB indeed. Do you suggest me to go 24/44 or 16/44? I read somewhere that 24/44 would be better to reduce noise and then convert it to 16/44.
Vinyl / Re: Which is the best suggested tool to rip Vinyl in LOSSLESS quality
Last post by Marin30 -
What equipment do you have available for doing this?
Hello, thank you for your answer. I am using a Vinyl Player Audio Technica with USB for transfer.
Any good suggestion for MAC and the best configurations for best audio rip?
In all likelihood, your A-T turntable is fixed to 16/44 output so Audacity with default settings should work fine. Just keep your recording levels below 0 dB. Save your work as AIFF and when finished use iTunes or XLD to convert to Apple Lossless.

Thank you for the feedback, so you're suggesting to stay with 16/44 instead of 24/44? I read somewhere that 24/44 was suggested in order to reduce noise. What do you think? Also, after I record should I apply any noise removal or other effect or export it straightforward?

Vinyl / Re: Which is the best suggested tool to rip Vinyl in LOSSLESS quality
Last post by Marin30 -
I need to export in lossless so no more sound deteriorations are made.
Personally I would export as .wav and then convert that to the desired format afterwards.  If file size is not an issue, then sure, lossless if you want.  Just understand that any loss of quality due to using a lossy format will be totally insignificant compared with the loss of quality due to recording from vinyl.

Do you have any suggestions for the settings I should set in Audacity for the best rip?
There are no settings.  You'll see a microphone input level, all you need to do is make sure there is no clipping (the waveform display is always below max).  Hopefully your USB turntable has RIAA built in, if not you can apply it to the captured sample afterwards.

Once you have captured the sample, top and tail it and then save to .wav.  Then you can look at removing clicks and hiss and save it again (different filename).  By saving at each stage you can always go back to a previous point in the process.  Once you have your final version, save it as final.wav (or whatever) and convert that to final.flac (or whatever).

Most of what you want is on the Effects menu, and you have to select all (Ctrl+A) to define what section the effect is applied to.  If you don't know Audacity it's a learning curve, but there is plenty of reference material and it's useful to know if you do any audio manipulation at all.

Thanks for your answer. Yes, I am planning to export in WAV format.

When I say settings, I was referring to Sample Rate & Bit Depth. Should I go 24/44 instead of default 16/44? I read somewhere that 24/44 would be better since it would reduce noise, but I am not 100% sure.

Also, are there any suggested settings under Preferences => Recording section? Furthermore, on Audacity => Preferences => Quality section there are 2 parts: Real-Time Conversion & High-Quality Conversion. Should I set any of those to Dither or should I set Dither as None?

Thank you for the feedback :)
Vinyl / Re: Which is the best suggested tool to rip Vinyl in LOSSLESS quality
Last post by Marin30 -
Thanks for your answer. Do you have any suggestions for the settings I should set in Audacity for the best rip?

With Audacity as it's multi-track digital audio editing software, you can export a Wav file out of the box but you need the FFMPEG add-on to export to other formats:

FFMPEG is multi-platform and is it's own tool for encoding and decoding various digital formats both lossless and lossy and common and obscure formats and it has a MAC version as well:

FLAC is multi-platform for compressing exported WAVs and AIFFs and is the most well known of lossless formats and has a MAC version:

WavPack is multi-platform and has a MAC version and is similar to FLAC:

Of course there's Apple Lossless (ALAC) as well.

I'm not a MAC user by any means but I know a lot of stuff in this area tends to be multi-platform.

I want to be clear about this and please keep in mind that the digitization of any analog source is not a lossless process.  Vinyl is not lossless by it's very analog nature.  No analog format is lossless at all.  Lossless is strictly a digital domain only thing. that means the digital audio itself is unchanged either for transmission or storage  The editing and changing of audio itself is not lossless either.  Compression of digital audio can be either lossless or lossy.  Lossless doesn't have a quality, it strictly means that the digital audio itself remains unchanged or can be reconstructed back to it's original state before any change was made.  Your vinyl recording will always sound like vinyl and nothing else.

Thanks for your answer. Yes, I am clear that Vinyl rips won't sound the same as digital rips. I was thinking of ripping it from Vinyl and later on trying to remaster the recording to have a better sounding experience.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by Air KEN -

> The version posted by @yeyo in the web view thread is the best ever.

> I hope to post future updates, in particular the internal image management currently manages the images in the folder they belong to.

Yes I know, I tested it.
> I also saw other interesting things here:


Thank you for the information.
You have a lot of information.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by ApacheReal -
There was a script in ilovefb2k"s Script ({deployed} album_art [cd-vinyl].txt) script to rotate the CD, so...,110516.msg1048177.html#msg1048177

Additional Images Folder:

The version posted by @yeyo in the web view thread is the best ever.

I hope to post future updates, in particular the internal image management currently manages the images in the folder they belong to.

While for the button bar in text display it would be interesting to manage the bar at the top, bottom right and left. I saw @ilovefb2k did something like this in his skin.

I also saw other interesting things here: