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Topic: foo_removeplayed (Read 67530 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #25
Chronial any chance you are still out there?

I'm a long time Winamp user trying to fully convert to Foobar2000, however my favorite plugin for winamp is Playlist File Remover by DrO.

The major feature from that plugin which I use is removing the playlist item on Skip/Next, not just after Play completes 100% successfully.

I think you may have this functionality referenced in the feature requests section in the 1st post:
  • Options to define when you see a track as "played"

If you don't have time, maybe someone with the appropriate skills might volunteer to code some of the feature requests? (according to Chronial's website the source code is available upon request)


Reply #26
That's funny - DrO's plugin is just the plugin my fried was using in winamp (see first post).

Well - The functionality you requested is indeed quite important, and it doesn't need any preferences dialog (I hate win32 gui...). So here you go:

New Version: Version 1.4
Get here:

It does delete the track if you start playing any other track (by double clicking, the next button etc.) - even if you double click on the same track again (it's quite hard to prevent this).
So if "remove played" and "remove skipped" are activated, the only possibility to change tracks without removing is pressing stop then playing the new track.


Reply #27
thank you so much.  that's exactly what i was looking for.

you are awesome!


Reply #28
I love this plugin, but I store all my albums as playlists. So when I use it on my playlists, they are empty the nest time I go to play them.

I use another player that has this same feature built-in. It is called Pruning Mode on that player, and if you play a playlist, Pruning Mode will remove each track after it has been player or if you press next, but the next time you revisit that playlist, it will still have all the tracks intact.

So is there a way to set foobar2000 so it doesn't save my playlists after foo_removeplayed has removed each track?


Reply #29
I agree with luckycatfu.
If this plugin had enough features for it, I would use it instead of the playback queue. Most importantly you'd need the "only apply to playlist(s) x" feature. (I'd bind a hotkey for "Add to playist Queue".)

Well, to be fully usable as a queue, there would be a couple of other features....

*It would automatically add the first song of a certain playlist to the foobar's internal queue and make sure it stays there. So even if a song is played from another playlist, the first song would be re-added to the internal queue. Or when the first song of that playlist is changed, it would modify the internal queue accordingly.

*It would automatically change playback to go in order and automatically revert to the previous mode when the playlist runs out.

*It would automatically jump back to the previous song that wasn't played from the certain playlist and then would skip to the next song using whatever playback order was used before queue. Or maybe even stop playing if playback was stopped.

Alternatively, it could let foobar play the next song, but immediately when it does, it would remember that song, and jump to the first song of the certain playlist. And when the playlists is empty again, it would jump back to the song that was going to play, but didn't. I don't know how possible it is to notice if the song was selected manually (in which case it should be played before the queue playlist, or msybr better yet added to the playback queue) or if it was because the previous song ended (in which case it should jump to the first song of the queue playlist).

As far as I know, the current queue still isn't editable and I see this has been talked about before, so I feel that I have to explain myself a bit. The reason I want this is because I usually listen to songs randomly from a big playlist. But occasionally I want to queue couple of songs, so I do just that. Sometimes, however I might want to edit the queue. Like setting the "really fun song" to play next before the rest of the queue.

This is especially important in party situations. (I have a bad reputation of installing foobar on other peoples' computers. :/) In these situations I often have to guard the computer in case someone wants to play a song. (So I can stop him from destroying the queue.) Or if I used a normal playlist, I would still have to keep track of where it goes and after the playlist, I'd have to manually modify playback order and move to the random playlist. Not to mention the problems when I have to explain the fancy pants system to everyone who wants to play a song.

I was reminded by this once again when I uploaded my foobar installation to my server in case other people would want to use it. I mentioned this in IRC and the first question that was asked by a Winamp person: "Is the queue fixed yet?" :/


Reply #30
Just try this plugin in combination with foo_trackpos


Reply #31
I love this plugin.

But there is a small bug with it. On the last track, it doesn't remove it. Instead, it keeps repeating the track on my Vista 64 PC.

Also. Is there a way to stop it saving playlists after it removes tracks from saved playlists? I would like to be able to go back to my playlist later with all the tracks still intact.


Reply #32
I love this plugin.

But there is a small bug with it. On the last track, it doesn't remove it. Instead, it keeps repeating the track on my Vista 64 PC.

I just had a look at the code - it should work. This may be a bug in foobar (that has to notify my plugin that a new track is beeing played). But there's a simple solution: Just set the playback mode from repeat to default.

Also. Is there a way to stop it saving playlists after it removes tracks from saved playlists? I would like to be able to go back to my playlist later with all the tracks still intact.

No, sry - that's default behavior of foobar that no plugin can change. I could restore a backup of the playlist - but that would be veeeery complicated (how do I know which version you want to be restored?).
But why don't you do that yourself? Just safe the playlist to a file and load it again after the one in foobar has been played empty.


Reply #33
add a user option to remove files from the playlist only after the all songs of the album are played
it would be nice to keep the entire album's tracks in the playlist until it's done

yeah this is what i waiting for sooo much. could you please implement it in the next version?


Reply #34
great component! but it would be even greater, if the user could lock some playlists. for example, i've got a playlist, where i put all my tracks whick are not yet in the library, because they're not tagged or just temporary because of another reason. so it would be useful, if i could lock this playlist, because if the tracks will be removed from that list, i'm not able to find my tracks on the hard disk anymore:D


Reply #35
This is possible. Or at least there is workaround
Just do edit->read only on your playlist. My plugin can't overwrite this.


Reply #36
ha, cool.  a useful workaround indeed.  on the rare occasion i had wanted to disable the plugin for just one playlist, I had been creating an autoplaylist or of course just manually toggling the plugin off.  it wasn't happening enough to look for a better way, but this method is quicker and easier.


Reply #37
This is possible. Or at least there is workaround
Just do edit->read only on your playlist. My plugin can't overwrite this.

i can't find this menu entry anywhere. where is it:D is it a foobar menu item or did you mean if i save the playlist, to set the file as read only?


Reply #38
The menu entry is provided by foo_utils.


Reply #39
Main Menu > Edit >Read Only


Edit: nevermind....


Reply #40
okay thx, i'll try this one;)


Reply #41
Although the name of th plugin is foo_removeplayed I like to request an
option or a mod for this plugin which should act like foo_greyoutplayed.

So the played tracks shouldn't be removed but only greyed out.


Reply #42
What do you mean by greyed out?
Foobar2000 @ Onkyo SE-90PCI @ Sennheiser HD595 :)


Reply #43
I think he's looking for the text / color of the track entry in a playlist to change visual state after played.



Reply #44
thx for this component, just what I was looking for to sift through albums of various netlabels. cheers!


Reply #45
Any chance of making it delete tracks on a delay, ie delete queue item #1 when playback is on queue item #4? this way you always have a couple of tracks in case you skip on accidentally. If you're still about - I realise this is an old thread. Or release the source so we can do it? Thanks!