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Topic: foo_removeplayed (Read 67530 times) previous topic - next topic
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As requested by a friend, I made this quite simple component. It removes tracks from the playlist once they've been played (or skipped). So every time playback advances, the previously played track will disappear from the playlist.

This is a very basic component at the moment (with just an option to switch it on and off), but if people are interested in something like that, I might extend it.

If you have any feature requests, here's the right place to make them public and to allow me to know about them

Current Version: v 1.4 (2007-09-02)


Feature Requests
  • Apply only to playlists matching a pattern
  • Apply only to tracks matching a pattern
  • Options to define when you see a track as "played"
  • Send deleted tracks to a special playlist
  • - Keyboard shortcut to do this manualy
  • Option for delete on stop
  • Option for deleting playlist after it hast been played empty
- Added "remove when skipped" functionality (has toggle in the menu)

- Added a toggle to the menu (Playback->Remove played tracks)

- Using another way to find out if a song has been played

Fixed some bugs:
- Tracks are removed instantly instead of with 1 sec. delay
- Tracks are also removed if they are the last item of the playlist

- Initial Release


Reply #1
Thank you, I've got a playlist or two, this would be perfect for.


Reply #2
This is a great idea- i would use it if it could be applied to certain playlists only, or better yet as a check/uncheck like Stop After Current.

This could effectively replace the playback queue i think, and yet still allow it to be re-ordered, add/remove songs etc as the queue should have been originally.


Reply #3
If you have any feature requests, here's the right place to make them public and to allow me to know about them


1 - ability to set it to remove only if played track matches a criteria. For instance, a certain value in a certain tag. I have this "To tag" playlist where I load currently untagged tracks. I'm usually tagging them (rating, tempo and situations) with a remote control while they are playing. Sometimes, I fail to do it because I'm involved in something else. It would be useful (for me, at least) if the untagged ones would stay in the playlist even if they have already been played. The tagged ones should disappear, instead.

2 - ability to set when a track must be removed. If I'm previewing some tracks, manually or with the preview plugin, I could consider "played" a track even if it has not been played to the end.

3 - ability to send the removed tracks to another (existing or not) playlist as a sort of "bin playlist"

4 - make averything above avalaible in the keyboard shortcut configurator



Reply #4
Could you explain this further?
2 - ability to set when a track must be removed. If I'm previewing some tracks, manually or with the preview plugin, I could consider "played" a track even if it has not been played to the end.

If a certain percentage of the track has been played?


Reply #6
Could you explain this further?
2 - ability to set when a track must be removed. If I'm previewing some tracks, manually or with the preview plugin, I could consider "played" a track even if it has not been played to the end.

If a certain percentage of the track has been played?


Another way could be something like this:

IF (elapsed time seconds > x) OR (end of track) OR (percentage > y) THEN remove.

The seconds could be more precise than the % when you're using the Preview mode.
Another thing would be a "remove" command on the shortcuts list working only on the now playing track.
I'm not sure but I think the existent "remove from playlist" works on the selected one.


Edit:  sorry, I read the first post after sending my reply. Of course, ignore the things you have already done.


Reply #7
great plugin (thanks).

It doesn't seem to work with playlsts generated by "autoplaylist" though.

Other than that it is working beautifully.


Reply #8
It doesn't seem to work with playlsts generated by "autoplaylist" though.

Not a bug. Autoplaylists are supposed to behave this way.

If you were able to remove tracks from an autoplaylist, it wouldn't contain the tracks specified by its query anymore.


Reply #9
Wasn't inferring that it was a bug, sorry if that's the way the post came off.


Reply #10
Very useful component. Thanks 


Reply #11
Nice plugin!

I took a look in Dro's file removal plugin for Winamp to see which good ideas he already implemented. So here are some ideas:

1. Option for "Remove on next" and "Remove on stop"

2. Option for "Load played playlist after last file was removed"

What i would like to have is a variable to display in trackinfo if file removal is activated or not.
Another idea: Make the option for removal in main menu independent for each playlist so that you can switch from playlist to playlist and check this option fot just that playlist you like to have the removal (to avoid confusion the option could be greyed out for read only or autoplaylists)

Thanks for this sweet little plugin! 


Reply #12
I think you forgot to change the version number; it reads 1.2.0


Reply #13
foo_playlist_eat would be a far more creative name for this


Reply #15
I think it would also be useful to have in main menu an additional toggle option to remove skipped tracks (on next or stop). So that you at whole have three modes: remove played, remove skipped or remove both. Sometimes you like just to remove that tracks that are not worth being heard in full length. That wouldn't touch a possible option to consider tracks as played wich was played f.e. 80%


Reply #16
Thanks for the very nice plugin Chronial.

I'm wondering how feasible it would be to...

add a user option to remove files from the playlist only after the all songs of the album (i.e., all songs matching %album% in the playlist) are played?  I mainly listen to music in "album mode," it would be nice to keep the entire album's tracks in the playlist until it's done.  Thanx for considering this feature!


Reply #17
add a user option to remove files from the playlist only after the all songs of the album (i.e., all songs matching %album% in the playlist) are played?  I mainly listen to music in "album mode," it would be nice to keep the entire album's tracks in the playlist until it's done.  Thanx for considering this feature!

Why do you want that?


Reply #18
I'd just be interested in having the option to remove albums after they're played (rather than tracks after they're played).  If it's too strange/bizarre of a request then fughettaboutit.


Reply #19
I understood that - I just wanted to ask, what would be the use of such a feature?
Only for visual pleasure? (having full albums in the playlist just looks better ^^)


Reply #20
I understood that - I just wanted to ask, what would be the use of such a feature?
Only for visual pleasure? (having full albums in the playlist just looks better ^^)

Hmm, I suppose it is just a visual thing.  I just like being able to see all the tracks of the album I'm currently listening to.  Thanks for listening, but don't bother if I'm the only person interested in this feature.


Reply #21
I have use for this.  Now I should just remember to disable it when I don't want to remove played tracks 

BTW. When I first started up with this dll, the remove function was enabled. I don't think that's a good idea. The other users on this computer will wonder where their tracks went 
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.


Reply #22
BTW. When I first started up with this dll, the remove function was enabled. I don't think that's a good idea. The other users on this computer will wonder where their tracks went 

Well, wouldn't you enable it anyway after installation?
I just wanted to prevent those "can't find the component after installing it" questions I've seen alot around here


Reply #23
Chronial, how are you? 

Still developing this? 



Reply #24
bump because I'd really like to see some kind of playlist-specific options added