Just a hint, probably off the mark since the original question was about tags, not filenames, but I seem to recall some example batch files that allowed working around some of the CLI issues with unicode using stdin-aware encoders that might choke on unicode filenames...
Ah, here they are. Don't remember who the original author(s) were...greynol? synthetic soul?
@echo off
set encoder="C:\Program Files\flac-1.1.2-win\bin\flac.exe"
set tempfile=%random%%random%%random%%random%
type "%1" | %encoder% -8 - -o "%~d1%~p1%tempfile%"
ren "%~d1%~p1%tempfile%" "%~n1.flac"
@echo off
set encoder="C:\Program Files\flac-1.1.2-win\bin\flac.exe"
REM "remove --no-seektable if you need faster seeking"
type "%1" | %encoder% -8 --no-seektable - > "%~d1%~p1%~n1.flac"
Just posting them so that when you do work on the unicode support, should you come across charset issues in filenaming and/or encoders being able to locate the file using a unicode path, you'll have seen some potential solutions in front of you recently.
At least not to the main interface... I've never understood what the hell an "Album Artist" (vs a normal artist) actually is. I might add the ability to add custom fields though somewhat later on.
* the tag-fieldname used for declaring and describing albums/split-EPs or split-singles which contain various artists is "ALBUM ARTIST" (separated with space, not underscore)
* tag should only exist if an album contains various artists. It should NOT be created when an album does not contain various artists.
* the tag can contain the overall artist of an album (like e.g. "the foo-bar collective",) multiple artists (e.g. with split-EPs) or if an album does not have a clear overall artist (for example with compilations) just "Various Artists". Simply said: you're free to enter whatever you like as long as it describes the overall album-wide artist(s).
* every track in a V.A.-album has to contain this tag with the same value
* the track-specific artist should be entered into the ARTIST-tag
* the TITLE-tag should only contain the track-title
Reasons for this standard:
* it solves all issues regarding albums which contain multiple artists with just one tag
* it is already in widespread use
* sortable and searchable with low effort
* keeping the ARTIST-tag trackspecific allows to find tracks in V.A.-albums as well when searching for a certain artist (DB-friendly)
* keeping the TITLE-tag title-specific allows sorting and searching of V.A.-albums by title (DB-friendly)
* allows meaningful determination and display of V.A.-Albums with a minimum amount of code
* avoids resource-hungry and unsafe "guessing" of V.A.-albums via the filepath
* easy to remember and type in manually
* does not disrupt existing systems when the ARTIST- and TITLE-tag are already track specific (easy transition)
* can coexist with additional directory-based sorting and marking
* can be used for split-EPs and split-singles as well
* supported by Field Remappings in foobar2000 0.9
Code snippets:
// check if an album is V.A.
$if($meta_test(album artist),$puts(album_is_va,1))
// For sorting by artist in an album-context replace %artist% - %album% with:
%album artist% - %album%
// singlemode display without %album artist%-support
[%artist% - ][%album% - ][%title%]
// singlemode display with %album artist%-support
// note: if your display supports both, albummode and singlemode, then you
// may want to use the above version instead in singlemode - depends on taste
[%album artist% - ][%album% - ][%track artist% - ][%title%]
// How to easily integrate %album artist% into an albummode-display:
// in the albummode-column, replace %artist% with:
[%album artist%]
// in the title-column, replace %title% with:
[%track artist% - ][%title%]